
Sorrow and Destruction (part-3)

After father found out about Catherine situation I was locked inside my own chamber but I could visit Catherine's chamber anytime I wanted, but when I see Catherine my heart breaks in to piece because it feels like history is repeating itself when our dearly departed mother died I see the same thing everyday what my mother gone through. The doctors from various land's can't cure her. Catherine is getting weaker day by day and I can only watch her suffer.

It's been 8 days she hasn't been eating I'm worried about her situation. 9th day afternoon Catherine send maid to get me because she wants to talk to me about something so I hurriedly went to her chamber she said she was cursed by the devil like her mother so Catherine tells me to find the head priests of the churches and she also said that if it is doing of the devil she has to save ther lives because only they know how to get rid of it. Angela promises Catherine that she will do her best Angela gose out of the castle with horse carriage to find the head priests.

After Angela leaves Catherine gaze at the melancholy sky and she orders everyone to leave her alone for sometime.

Mean wild Angela was going to City to find the priest's when she sees big pillars of smoke and ashes she knows what is happening so she abundances her carriage only takes the horse to get faster to the city but instead she finds herself inside the dark forest surrounded by the long trees.