
Chapter 2

It's just another ordinary, lonely, day. I finished up my report and went back to my apartment. As I entered, I took off my shoes and headed straight to my room. When I entered my room, I jumped onto my bed, feeling tired. I look up at the ceiling. It's been two years since I had my last happy memory with Momoko. She hasn't been in the apartment for awhile, I wonder if she's doing okay...

I head to the living room and turn on the TV. Sooner or later, I get a text message from... Momoko?

"Hey! It's been awhile! I was wondering if you would want to come to the local karaoke place! There will be hot men there from what I heard from my other friend, so yes? It's tonight at 9:00pm. Hope you can come!"

I actually smiled for once. I reply with a yes. Then, I went to my bedroom and changed into casual clothing: A sweater with Rilakkuma on it, Jean shorts, black stockings, and flats. I decided to head out early so I don't be late. I exit my apartment and left.

• • •

I enter the karaoke place and ask the employee for the Momoko party and she gladly leaded me to the room. I open the door and see that there was Momoko, Kyoya, and three other people."Kaoru! Kaoru! Welcome!" Momoko said. Even though she smokes, she still has her bright personality."This is Kyoya!" She points at the blonde man with piercings on his ear,"Amai!" She points at a girl sitting in corner. She has long, light brown, hair with a bunny ears headband." And Hideki!" She points at a male with black messy hair with Jestrum piercings. They both bow and I bow as well."Well, one of them is late, but we can start now!" Momoko says,"Kaoru, I remember you used to sing, why don't you go first?" I nod in agreement,"Okay!"

Maybe I won't be alone anymore...

-Chapter 2 END-