
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 | Old Friend

Carson's POV

The bell rang which woke me up from a beautiful sleep with a teacher in front of me. My teacher smacked my head saying not to fall asleep again next time. The whole class then were laughing though they didn't want to show it.

I wasn't really embarrassed by it though. What I just want to know is why, my new friend Vaughn, didn't wake me up.

"I've been shaking your shoulder for 5 mins but you weren't responding." He replied to me while laughing while I was on my serious mode.

"Didn't you get enough sleep last night? Did I make you... excited?" He seductively asked.

"Why are you making it sound so lewd?" I replied while slapping his shoulder.

"The cats were fighting on my roof, they kept meowing for hours. They didn't even felt exhausted! I still hear them just this morning before going to school." I irritatedly said.

"You should have thrown a rock at them." He jokingly said.

"That's not helping," I replied.

The air conditioning on the room was also pretty cold which made me bring my dark blue jacket. One of the reasons why I was able to fall asleep easily. Our place was near the AC so we get most of the cold.

I looked around to see what was going on since I just woke up, the number of students immediately caught my attention, they were going out one by one. "Are they not gonna take the next class?" I thought.

"Mind you, it's already lunch time." He said while pointing at the clock. "You slept through English time, like the WHOLE time." He continued.

Is it me or I'm becoming a bad student day by day? I've been causing trouble with my teachers which I don't regret because I don't really know what they're talking about. I've been noisy in many subjects and this is the only time I was quiet but the teacher still got mad. Shouldn't she be glad that I was quiet for once? If she liked me causing trouble then she should have said so!

I'm supposed to buy my lunch now since my mom said I needed to learn how to be independent. I then asked Vaughn if he could join me this lunch time, unexpectedly, he declined. I didn't expect this since he's been joining me during recess and we even go home together at times.

"Sorry, I eat with my girlfriend every lunch time." He proudly said.

I then searched for my wallet before answering him.

"Ooh, I see... wait—what did you just say?!" I surprisingly asked. I even dropped my wallet on the ground because of how shocked I am. A nerd guy with like, zero popularity, no offense, HAS A GIRLFRIEND??? Now that, that is the most unexpected thing that happened in my new school life.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone." He then said while leaning more closer on my left ear.

"Someone's waiting for you outside..." he then continued.

He left my side then dashed out happily while I, was still in shock. I shrugged my head and slapped my face and remembered that he said something about someone waiting for me. I then went outside with the crowd of students blocking my way. A boy then stood out in front of that crowd because of how tall he is. His hair was brown and was not messy unlike Vaughn. His nose was pointed and his eyes were very chocolate like. His skin was a little dark though it fits his body. He has a very strong figure, he looks like he is always ready for a fight.

He looked like he was searching for someone on the crowd, or waiting for someone. The boy then finally looked at my side and noticed me, his facial expressions immediately changed as he screamed my name, "So he's the one Vaughn was talking about..." I thought.

He then ran towards me. I was very surprised since I never expected him to be that childish when he's so tall and manlike. He then hugged me very tightly which made me suffocate, I kept moving trying to get out from his arms since I just really couldn't breathe. When he noticed this he immediately let go of me. I, was seriously catching my breath, he was so strong, he just hugged me out of nowhere and I don't even know him! Someone from my past? Maybe.

"W-who are you?" I asked while still catching my breath.

"Caloy! Don't you remember me? I'm your childhood friend! Your best friend!!" He excitedly said offering his arms once more.

I ignored his offer for another hug 'cause my oxygen supply literally just dropped to 20%. But by seeing his face, I think I'm starting to remember something... though it is very, very blurry. I then chose not to remember it since it is seriously making my head hurt.

"It's ok, you don't have to remember. Let's go?" He asked with a very gentle voice. I then accepted his approach.


Lunch time ended in a flash. Caloy and I talked lots regarding how I was when we were young, like how much of a trouble maker I was since grade 7. I would always cause a ruckus inside the room and always make my teachers pissed that would always make me end up outside the room. Though the good thing was they never called on my parents. I can't believe I was this much of a trouble maker, I've always thought why my mouth keeps spouting words during discussion, even unnecessary things. Now I know why, I... was born like this.

I returned to my room afterwards as to prepare for my next subject, MAPEH. Even though I am a troublemaker at birth of course I would never cut class, isn't it better to keep going to class and cause trouble to the teachers? Course I'm just kidding.

When our teacher came we greeted her good afternoon and we were about to sit down when she suddenly tells us to fall in line outside. Everyone then got excited because there won't be a discussion. Everyone then went out while I tailed with Vaughn who was turning off the fans and locking the doors. When we finally got out everyone was gone, "they must be pretty excited" I thought.

While walking, I suddenly thought what are we even suppose to do at the gym at this day of the month. I don't remember our teacher mention it when she asked us to fall in line. I then decided to ask Vaughn, Vaughn then replied saying we will be watching the varsity players play. They do it atleast once a month, thought they don't know why.

When we reached the gym, the sound of the ball hitting against the court floor reached my ears. Our classmates were already sitting at the bleachers, their excitement is written all over their faces, especially the girls. "What's so exciting about basketball?" I thought while finding some empty seats.

Vaughn and I sat next to each other, we were at the top-most bleachers while our classmates were close to the court. When the game started, a player rosed from the chairs near the court which caused the girls on our class to scream their eyes out. I was the only girl who didn't react accordingly, while all of them were standing and screaming trying to grab the boy's attention. The player then caught their attention, he smiled and waved back at them. His smile was very bright and very contagious that it also made me smile, it was so pure and true which made them scream more loudly. I then turned my head to Vaughn to ask who this mysterious player is.

"Mauvais Amour De Acosta, a grade 12 student. He isn't a varsity player yet though he joins the training of the varsity players since he has the potential. And with that looks of his, he is very very famous." Vaughn explained.

The players then were divided into teams of 5. I can't really get the grasp of what's happening since I don't really get what they're doing. They're just passing, dribbling, and shooting the ball through each other's courts. Though just as Vaughn said, the player Mauvais really is good, he's been making 3 pointers one after the other. His passing is really good, his team mates were able to cooperate with him flawlessly without making any mistakes. Now I know why the girls are getting crazy over him. He got the looks and the skills!

The game ended so is our MAPEH subject. The girls from our class quickly went down to greet the player. The player seems surprised since a crowd of girls suddenly surrounded him, while me and Vaughn were just watching the player get suffocated by his fan girls.

"If you were that person would you run away?" I whispered to Vaughn.

"Every boy dreams of having his own harem." He whispered back jokingly.

"Idiot." I replied while nudging his side.


Class ended and for the second time, I was awoken by the bell, and just like during the other subject, I slept through math time. This very cold air conditioning really's getting through me.

Vaughn then on the other side was grinning at me.

"You know, your lucky this time. We didn't do anything for the whole hour." Vaughn said while looking at me.

"So that's why she didn't slap my head..." I thought.

I stretched my arms and yawned before fixing my things. I returned my notebooks and papers on my bag before wearing it at my back. I was about to go home then when Vaughn suddenly grabbed my bag.

"You're not going anywhere, since you've been grouped with me..." he then showed me a broom. "Today is our cleaning day." He then offered me the broom and I have no choice but to grab it. He then patted me on my shoulder and said that I I should start sweeping soon if I want to go home early.

I don't do any chores at home since our maids do everything. I tried my best to sweep the floor though I was always scolded by Vaughn and said that a broom and a mop are two different things. Well, the broom began to split into two maybe that's why he got mad.

He retrieved the broom from me, he said it would take us 'till night if I did my method. I laughed at him because of how serious he is when he said it. We've been cleaning for 10 mins and my other group mates are also starting to get bored because of my stupidness.

I had nothing to do now since Vaughn took what I was supposed to do. I looked around to see if there's still something I could do. My eyes then caught my classmate who was mopping the platform of our classroom. When he was done I volunteered to throw the water he used.

I went out with the pail of water that I'm holding near my chest. It didn't have a handle so I needed to be extra careful. I was about to go to the bathroom when I saw the trees outside, I then decided to water the trees instead. I was about to take a turn on my left, when I accidentally bumped into someone who was taking a right. I didn't immediately saw who it was because I was looking down.

The water I was holding, it splashed all over her... from the papers she was holding down to her white uniform.

I looked up nervously to see who it was, and guess what, looks like I won't be able to go home early today.

The student council president's face was in rage. I can't really see through her face because of her long bangs, but I could feel her blood boiling from the inside.

I then was petrified all of a sudden, I couldn't move my feet nor my body. I haven't said anything yet though my words are stuttering on my head. Why... of all people that I could encounter that day and this day, why you... It's like destiny's trying to tell me to transfer to another school.

After some seconds the water was absorbed by her uniform, her undergarments were starting to show, which made me panic even more. My body then acted accordingly, I grabbed my handkerchief to wipe the water splashed on her, but she slapped my hand. I didn't mind this gesture, there were still people on campus and I certainly don't want anyone to see her like this since it's her privacy.

I quickly removed the jacket I was wearing the whole day and was about to put it on her when she refused it. I then stopped what I was doing, her face is slightly showing as she lifts her head up. My panic state then was replaced by being petrified once again.

I honestly don't know what to say to her, a sorry might not even be on her vocabulary book right now. Though deep down, even if I hate and loathe her so much, I am very very sorry and I know it was really my mistake. I gotta take the risk, I need to get through this somehow, I don't really wanna end up at the POD at this time of the day.

"I-I'm really really sorry, I wasn't looking at where I'm going. I'm taking all the blame but please, just wear this jacke—"

"I don't care about my clothes getting wet, these... these papers I'm holding right now are more important than your whole existence! I've been completing these for weeks and today was supposed to be the deadline! If only I knew you were gonna ruin them I shouldn't have bothered making them for weeks in the first place!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She must be really disappointed right now. I accept everything she said to me since it was my fault.

Her words are starting to eat me alive when Vaughn suddenly shows up at the hallway. He was calling for me since I took some time outside. When he saw the situation I was into he immediately went over to us. He immediately understood what was going on.

"Sorry prez, but Carson right here just woke up after months of being on a coma, her frivolity state is still taking a toll on her, even a person who had a very long sleep would feel the same after he wakes up right?" He asked the president convincingly.

The president looked more scarier than ever, maybe because someone was taking on my side. Now this is getting me more nervous. There's nothing but silence right now and it is making the situation more tense.

"Alright then..." She said while fixing the wet papers.

Did I hear it right? Alright she said? Am I dreaming?

Just that he was able to convince her? It was pretty convincing but, I never expected that she'll let me pass on what I just did.

"Thanks to you, I'll be doing them all over again." She said while looking at me with sharp eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I promise this would be the last time. I won't be a bother ever again." I said while my words are still stuttering.

She slightly lowered her arm that was supporting the papers, her whole uniform then was exposed, it was wet all over and her insides were really showing.

I offered her my jacket again, but she still refused and slapped my hand. Whenever our hands touch I feel really insecure, her skin color was really dominating mine because of how fair her skin is, while mine is... nevermind.

"You might want to take that offer, you don't want boys to be hitting on you." Vaughn seductively said which put me on a shock.

I just can't believe he said that straight to her face, what a very frank and courageous person this man is.

The president then rolled her eyes and asked me to hand it over. I gave the jacket and she wore it.

The jacket was a little loose on her because of how thin she is and I'm not even that fat, that's how slim she is.

"You can have my jacket as an apology. I'm sorry." I sincerely said.

"Whatever." She said and walked out.

Me and Vaughn then were left hanging on the hallway. Finally, I was able to breathe freely. I let out a big sigh which then caught Vaughn's attention.

"You're very lucky that I'm your friend." He then said.

"Well, thanks I guess." I jokingly said.

"I helped her the other day so, I don't think I can cover you up the next time something happens again." He replied while grinning at me.

So she was only paying him back for what he did, I can't believe this girl even has conscience.

"You're very unlucky to be meeting her all the time with very worst impressions." He said while looking at the way she went to.

"Yep, and I dearly hope this would be the last time." I replied while looking at the same direction.