
a whiskey a day keeps the trucks away

It was a warm summer night. A soft breeze blew through the streets bringing smells of the city night life all around, and in the midst of it all was our protagonist. Stumbling out of the bar felix made his way down the street with a bottle of whiskey in hand. Having went to the bar after a long day at work he was ready to go home and sleep like a log.

Fortunately the subway station was nearby so no need to drive. Arriving at the subway felix stood at the platform tilting back and forth heavily drunk " oh, I can see the train light in the distance, hic".

taking another swig of the bottle his eyelids started to droop and become heavy with sleepiness "whoops, seems like I might not make it home tonight hehe", and indeed he did not although just not how he thought, as he tilted one last time into the oncoming train. WHAM!, and there he goes. In the distance a lone truck revved its engine in anger at its target being stolen.

Blackness. Just inky blackness everywhere. Opening his eyes felix was shocked and even more so when he raised his arm to take a swig and found the precious bottle gone "WHAT IN THE FVCK IS GOING ON?!!, AND WHERE DID MY WHISKEY GO!!!", suddenly his body began to fall in the darkness towards a dot of light below. Within moments wind began to whip his hair and clothes around until suddenly he popped into a white room.

Sitting in a chair across the room was an elderly gentleman in a white tuxedo sipping on what appeared to be tea [hello young man, come take a seat and we'll discuss your situation] felix looked dazed at the abrupt sequence of events, and subconsciously sat on a chair sitting opposite of the old man.

[Now then, I must say your demise was quite grisly, but the reason why you're here is because your death was not scheduled until a week later where a truck was to run you over like raccoon roadkill. So in light of this mistake I'll be giving you a second chance with 3 wishes].

Felix collected his thoughts as he proccesed the information he just heard "3 wishes and a new life, huh", [you seem to take this quite well. Most people start freaking out or bombard me with questions] felix replied " panicking is useless so I'd rather get straight to the point, and not waste people's time". The old man was surprised, but happy that he found such a straightforward person to talk with.

[ indeed you are right, so what are your wishes?]. After thinking carefully felix replied " for my first wish I want to be sent the Harry Potter universe, for my second wish I want a system just like those isekai mc's, and for my third wish is to have a magical cat as a familiar". [ interesting choice indeed, your first wish can be granted, for your second wish I'll give you a Liquor system in order to help jumpstart your life as for its functions you'll have to figure it out for yourself, third wish is granted. Now good luck, Ciao].

With that said a swirling black portal appeared below felix and sucked him in. Back in the white room the old man finished his tea [what an interesting lad, let's see if he can entertain me for the next couple decades], after that he picked up his phone and sent a payment. In another world a train was going through its menu and saw a payment received notification. Its nonexistent face smiled.

a short chapter to start off

Polar_bluecreators' thoughts
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