

When Victoria Grimborn imagined her mate it was never her alpha apparent. Having been abused and mistreated her whole life, Victoria never saw herself as strong or outspoken as many other she wolves in her pack. A born omega, she was an easy target for bullying and abuse at the hands of others. This caught the unwanted attention of her alpha. His still unmated son has set his sights on her and he fully intends to get what he wants at the gathering of the packs. But when Victoria meets a dark mysterious man from another pack, will she find the strength to fight for herself? Titan North took over his pack at a very young age. This has made him hard and given him a terrifying reputation. Having run the pack on his own for almost two decades, Titan does not need or want a mate. In a place where the strong go to find themselves and the weak do not survive, Titan does not want the burden of a Luna. But when he meets a young beautiful and soft spoken omega from Oklahoma all that seems to fade away. How can he resist the draw of the bond between them? How far is he willing to go to save her? Can they learn to survive in this harsh unforgiving world? Will they be consumed by the past? Or will they find solace in the North Wind?

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

the challenge

Victoria stood in front of the large mirror wall in the bathroom. Her hair curled and pinned and wearing a blood red dress that fell just below her knees. She took a shakey breath and looked to the two women helping her. The oldest of which was advising her to stand just left of the area that the two males would be fighting in and something about the wind. Though she could barely hear her over the pounding of her heart in her ears.

She was shaking again and could not stop. She did not want to be any where near Erle Storm. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to breath but couldn't as she thought of what he was going to do to her tonight. She began to sob and felt her knees go limp.

Victoria expected the black and white tiles of the floor to rush up and greet her like an old familiar friend as she broke again. The familiar cold of the bathroom floor was not there. Instead she felt two sets of arms wrapped around her holding her tightly as she sobbed in fear.

"I don't want to do this. Please don't make me do this." She sobbed so quietly that she almost didn't think she had said anything at all.

"It's okay, Luna. He won't hurt you. Not with everyone there." The older woman soothed as she smoothed Victoria's hair.

"And if he does he will be answering to the whole pack! And the Vampiric emperor!" Hannah half snarled. It was strange but comforting to know that these amazingly strong women were here to protect her. Soon she calmed down enough to stop her tears, and one cool cloth later, they were descending into the yard.

It was a bright late autumn day the storm had lifted and the sun was setting in the west, staining the fresh snow pink. It was very cold but Victoria barely felt it as she walked to the middle of the circle where Erle, his parents and an elder alpha stood waiting. Erle had a look of pure rage on his face as he watched her approach the small group.

Victoria began to tremble and she wished that she didn't know why. As it was she had to force her number limbs to carry her to the man she despised. The man that had made the last two years a living nightmare for her. One she could only escape in her dreams. Despite her hatred, or perhaps because of it, she was able to finish the last of the walk on her own. She senced when Hannah and Cam left her to stand close by just inside the small ring of on lookers.

"It's about time!" Alpha Storm snapped at her but she ignored him and looked at Luna Storm instead. She had silent tears running down her cheeks as she watched the events unfold. She didn't want Victoria to be stuck in the same life she was. If only she was aware of the events that were about to unfold, she would not look at Victoria with so much sympathy.

Erle gripped her hand in a vice like hold, as if he was making sure she went no where. There was a flash in his eyes that told her that Celdrin was in control. Did he know that his death was fast approaching?

'We will not leave this circle alive, Victoria. You will finally be free.' Victoria didn't know weither to cry or cheer. 'Tell mother that I want it this way.' The fatigue and sorrow in Celdrin was palpable through the rapidly weakening link he had with her. 'Let it happen sweet one. I am tired. In my soul I am tired. I just want to rest. I don't want to feel alone in this pain anymore. Do not morn me. Let me go.' Victoria closed her eyes and took a shakey breath as she realized what was about to happen.

Erle let go and she turned to walk to Hannah and Cam. "Luna what is it?" Cam asked when she saw the sorrow in Victoria's eye.

"Celdrin is going to throw the fight. He will let Pitch kill them." This statement was met with shocked silence.

"Wait I'm confused? Won't he try to fight for you?" Hannah asked.

"If Erle was in control yes. But Celdrin, the wolf, is in control now. And he will not resist their death."

"Why? Doesn't he want to live?"

"Because he blames Erle for their mate rejecting them, as he should." Victoria turned in time to be sprayed with blood as Pitch ripped out Erle throat with little effort. Victoria felt the last link she had to her old pack sever as Erle fell dead in the snow. "He said he was tired." Victoria's voice shook as she tried to control her turbulent emotions. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and turned to see the former beta standing there with a sad look on his face.

"It's okay Victoria. It is natural to feel conflicted in this situation. I think it is best if you were to go to your room though. You don't want to see what is going to happen next."