
Norman's Obsession

The most dangerous people are those who have nothing to lose...... Norman Blackford, the 22-year-old self-made billionaire playboy, lived by this saying. The world feared him and their fear made them worship the ground he walked upon. People said he was heartless, a scion of the devil. They say that even if you accidentally cross his way, he won't hesitate to kill you. With the personality of a devil, he sure has the appearance of an angel. His devilishly handsome looks were enough for the ladies to ignore his cruel personality. But it took only a single girl, a cup of black coffee, a plate of cookies, and loads of drama to change his perspective. This is the story of how Melissa, our protagonist, became the obsession of our young possessive billionaire. Join them in their journey, as they struggle to find the good in each other. This is not a cliche story, there will heartbreaks, humor, and sad moments. So set back and tie up your seatbelt, because you're in for one hell of a ride.

_lukehemmigs36_ · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 27.

"Where is your mind at Melissa?" My mom snapped as I almost burned the chicken – the third time in a row.

"Sorry mom," I said while switching off the stove.

"Is something the matter honey? You seem awfully lost since last night. You want to talk about it?" My mom asked me – a soft look in her eyes.

One look at my mother and I was ready to speak my heart out but then again I decided not to.

My life is already a mess.

I had been unintentionally involved myself with some dangerous people and I don't want to drag her with me into this mess.

"Melissa, get ready. Mr. Blackford would be arriving soon," my mom said while approaching me.


I made my way upstairs to make myself look presentable – all the while my mind was filled with the thoughts of Norman Blackford.

I need to tell him everything as soon as possible.


The sound of the doorbell ringing made me realize that it's now time for me to go down and meet our supposedly special guest

I went down – only to come across my dad and Norman doing that strange man hug thing and then Norman constantly throwing sweet compliments towards my mom – making her blush furiously – all of them quite oblivious to my presence.

Norman easily towered over my mom and dad with an intimidating aura. He may come across as quite rude and cruel at first but once you get to know him – you will realize that how much of a sweetheart he is.

He is exactly like a coconut – hard on the outside but soft on the inside.

I cleared my throat loudly to get their attention and it seemed to have worked as instantly all eyes were on me, my mom was immediately on my side – asking me to help her set the table.

Norman was instantly by our side when he heard my mom asking for help.

His voice was soft and lowered in respect, "if you don't mind, I would love to help you," as he slowly slid off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his navy blue shirt.

My eyes were glued to the veins on his arms. How can someone's arms be this sexy? This is just not fair.

My mom was internally fan-girling over him from the looks in her eyes over this chivalrous gesture of his. She politely refused his helping hand – stating that he's the guest and all and be shouldn't be doing this but he continued to insist and finally my mom caved in.

No one can win against Norman Blackford. The tabloids said this all the time but stupid me refused to believe it – thinking that is only in the business area but seeing my stubborn mom giving him into his wishes – he proved me wrong once again.

I felt a pair of eyes constantly following my each and every movement intensely – and I know exactly who it was?

"Here, just put this on the table," I said as I handed him the plates – I patiently waited for him to take them from me but he just continued to stand there – staring deeply into my eyes – his stare pinning me to my place.

Thank my parents are not here to witness him giving me 'the looks.'

I shivered at the sheer intensity of his stare.

"You can't keep ignoring me," he said – his face devoid of any emotion.

At this simple statement of his – I felt as if someone splashed cold water at me as I struggled to form a proper reply.

"I'm not ignoring you," I said slowly – I can't believe that the voice belonged to me.

I don't know how my reply was so calm and composed when I was tumbling in nervousness on the inside.

"Really?" came his sarcastic reply.

I was unable to say anything – suddenly overcome with guilt and shame.

I know it was not fair to blame him for everything that happened to me – even though none of it was his fault. Well, he may be a little fault because of him being the mafia and all but still.

"I'm sorry," I said – slowly turning to face him. I was confused to see the startled expression on his face but he quickly masked it with a poker face.

"Then tell me what's bothering you? Why have you been avoiding me for these past few days? Is it something that I unknowingly did? Do you not love me anymore? How am I supposed to know if you won't tell me?" He snarled at me – making me drop the plates that I was holding.

The loud crashing sound of the plates broke him out of whatever trance he was in, only then did we realized the gravity of the situation.

All of this shouting and crashing must have alerted my parents as I heard rapid footsteps coming towards us and pretty soon I saw them standing in front of us with a surprised look plastered on their faces.

"Melissa, what happened?" My mom asked as she approached us.

"Uhh... the plates slipped from my hands and broke," I replied in a daze.

"Are you two okay?" My mom asked us worriedly and we both nodded our heads saying yes.

"Come here – I will set the table. You two be careful while stepping out."

We both walked away from the mess of broken plates that I had created. My eyes have glued to the floor – ashamed to face him.

After a few moments I finally mustered up my courage to face him – I saw him engrossed in his phones.

"Norman -," I started but was cut off by my parents coming towards us.

Why do they keep interrupting me every time?

"The lunch will be ready in a few minutes. Why don't we all go and wait in the living room till then?" My mom asked.

"Actually, Mrs. Davis, something came up and I have to start for New York immediately. I'm sorry for all the troubles that you had to go through for me was in vain but I had to leave immediately," he said apologetically.

Is he leaving because of me?

Why is he running away?

"That's quite sad to know Mr. Blackford, but anyways we wish you a safe journey," my dad said in a grim tone.

He exchanged farewells with my parents and simply nodded his head at me before disappearing behind the front door.

That one small gesture of his broke my heart.

How could he leave so abruptly – that too without even saying goodbye?

I suppressed a sob that was threatening to break through me.

I dashed up the stairs towards my room and locked my bedroom door.

As soon as I closed the door my dam of tears broke down – tears lining down my cheeks as I collapsed on the ground – right next to the door.

I cursed at my fate, cursed at Norman for leaving but more than that I cursed at myself for being such a coward

I need to tell him the truth before it's too late. I will leave for New York – the first thing in the morning.

It's the only way to correct all my wrongdoings.

Hiccupping every once in a while I packed my clothes and booked a train ticket for New York.

And that night – I did something that I never thought I would in my whole 18 years of existence.

I cried myself to sleep over a boy.