
Norman's Obsession

The most dangerous people are those who have nothing to lose...... Norman Blackford, the 22-year-old self-made billionaire playboy, lived by this saying. The world feared him and their fear made them worship the ground he walked upon. People said he was heartless, a scion of the devil. They say that even if you accidentally cross his way, he won't hesitate to kill you. With the personality of a devil, he sure has the appearance of an angel. His devilishly handsome looks were enough for the ladies to ignore his cruel personality. But it took only a single girl, a cup of black coffee, a plate of cookies, and loads of drama to change his perspective. This is the story of how Melissa, our protagonist, became the obsession of our young possessive billionaire. Join them in their journey, as they struggle to find the good in each other. This is not a cliche story, there will heartbreaks, humor, and sad moments. So set back and tie up your seatbelt, because you're in for one hell of a ride.

_lukehemmigs36_ · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 11.

"I want a proper report of the book- describing the plot, character development, and character sketch and don't even think about copying and pasting from the Internet. I will reject your assignment if I came to know about it. The assignment should be emailed to my email account by the end of the week, if it does not reach by the deadline then say goodbye to your good grades." The professor declared with a firm voice. The whole class groaned out in frustration at the professor's statement.

I just let out a loud huff and packed my belongings.

How does he think that we will be able to do all that in one week, but we had to do it anyway?

"Hey Melissa, do you think that you will be able to complete the assignment on time?" A girl named Beth asked me as we exited the literature class.

"I have no idea if I'll be able to complete the assignment but we don't have any other option," I said truthfully.

I honestly have no idea how we are going to do this in 5 days- with work and other assignments but I have to do it anyway if I don't want to fail.

"Do you want to go out tonight for a movie, I've heard that they are showing a good romantic comedy one?" she said with excitement laced in her voice as she casually walked beside me.

"I'm sorry I can't. I have work today and I have to start working on the assignment, some other time." I explained to her.

"M'kay, don't worry about it," she said and we both parted our ways.


It was a peaceful evening. The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon. Only a few people were sitting around us at the tables of the little coffee shop. After all who wanted to drink coffee this late in the day? A gentle breeze was blowing and outside there was no constant hoking of the cars. So, all in all, the environment was quite careful.

"Damn! I can't do this anymore." Alicia, my co-worker exasperated. I looked up from my book and gave her a questioning look. She just gestured towards the newspaper and told me that she was trying to solve the crossword. I just rolled my eyes at her dramatic behavior and got back to my book.

You must be thinking that what I'm doing here? Well, let me clarify it for you. I got a call from Mrs. Julia, the day after I submitted the form. She told me to stop by the coffee shop so we can discuss my salary and work hours. The offer was good so I decided to accept it. So fast forward, here I am working at Mrs. Julia's coffee shop.

"So... I saw your application....and it said that tomorrow's you're birthday...So any special plans since it's the weekend?" Alicia asked me finally giving up on solving the crossword.

"You see Alicia, I don't like going out much. My friends/roommates were pestering me all month to throw a birthday party but I don't like doing anything big for my birthday. I would rather stay home, watching movies with popcorns and ice cream in my pajamas is my perfect way of celebrating my birthday.

I just... miss my mom and dad. This will be my first birthday away from them," my voice lowered at the end. She shook her head and gave me a sympathetic smile and was about to respond when the little bell at the door rang signaling a customer had entered.

She left to attend to the customer and I got back to my book, which was prescribed by the college for the assignment.

Until now I have covered only half of the book. I don't know if I'll be able to complete the assignment.


Finally! I have finally finished reading the whole book. Now all I need to do- is take notes and then I will start working on the assignment.

I closed my book and noticed that the cafe was almost empty and it was quite late. I quickly gathered my things and walked out of the coffee shop after I bade goodbye to Mrs. Julia and Alicia.

Walking out of the cafe, I was surprised to see that it was pitch dark outside, the street lights illuminated the street to some extent but it was still pretty dark.

I started to speed walk as soon as I exited the cafe. The apartment was only 8 blocks away. The apartment was located in a safe locality but the cafe wasn't and since it was nighttime, I decided not to take any chances. I quickly took out my phone and pepper spray from my bag and secured it tightly in my hand.

As I was walking down the streets with the moon shining brightly overhead, a black matte-colored car zoomed past me but the car came to an abrupt stop from a few feet away from me. The door of the driver's side opened and someone stepped out. His back was faced towards me shielding away his face. Even though his face was faced away from me, his body features were strangely familiar. The first thing that came to my mind after I finally realized the situation was- turn around and run to the cafe but then I realized that the man has a car and he looked strong and tall, so he can easily catch me and break me in two. So, the last option was- to stay here and face him bravely, I held the pepper spray tightly in my hand, ready to attack my attacker. I patiently waited for my attacker to turn around and when he did I swear that I forgot how to breathe.

My attacker was..... Mr. Blackford?

He can't possibly be my attacker. Wait, why am I calling him my attacker? He has not done anything to me yet. So that doesn't make him an attacker, right?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Mr. Blackford was no longer standing next to his car, instead, he is standing right in front of me with only inches of gab between us.

"Melissa.... what are you doing here...at this time?" He asked me, his voice smooth and deep just like velvet.

His voice was so alluring and husky that it took me a few seconds to compose a proper statement.

"I work in a cafe which is just around the corner. I had to do overtime today because one of the co-workers called in sick." I explained myself. He simply nodded his head to my big explanation.

"Let me drop you home, it's not safe for you to walk home at this hour." He said or more like commanded me but I agreed anyway because what he said was true and I don't want to take any risk and end up getting murdered. I nodded my head and he gestured me to follow him. As I neared the car I realized the model. It's the Ferrari California T. It's my dream car. I was so busy gawking at the car that I failed to notice that Mr. Blackford opening the passenger's side door and patiently waited for me to get in. I apologized for making him wait and got in quickly. I quickly put on the seat belt and waited for Mr. Blackford to start driving.

The door of the driver's side opened and Mr. Blackford got in so elegantly and gracefully. His moves didn't seem to be human at all. Is he a vampire or something?

Shut up Mel, you and your stupid thoughts. My subconscious yelled at me.

Stop poking your head in the middle of everything. I snapped at my subconscious.

"Melissa... Melissa?" Mr. Blackford was calling out. I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at Mr. Blackford.

"Did you had dinner?" He asked me, but before I can answer his question my stomach gave out a loud rumble and my cheeks immediately flushed with embarrassment.

"I will take that as a yes then," he said and turned the car in another direction.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked me.

"McDonald's would be fine" I replied, my cheeks still flushed.

And within a few minutes, we were already in front of the McDonald's - written in big bright letters. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and before I can open the door, someone already beat me to it. Mr. Blackford swiftly opened my door and held out his hand. I slowly put my hand on his and got out of the car.

Chivalry is still alive. I thought to myself.

His hand was so warm but rough and calloused. He closed the door of the car and started to walk inside, and all this while he still held my hand.

The cashier boy gave us a bored look and proceeded to give our orders.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what would you guys like to have?" He asked us in a monotone voice.

"Melissa, place your order love," he said and stepped back so I can place my order. I looked up at the menu board and quickly decided what I want.

"Okay then, I will have a Big Mac, a large fry, 10 piece chicken nugget, and a coke" I ordered.

"And for you Sir?" The young boy asked glancing towards Mr. Blackford.

"Nothing," Mr. Blackford dismissed his question.

"That will be $11.50," the boy said. I nodded my head at the boy and quickly took out my purse to pay but Mr. Blackford stopped me and placed a $20 bill on the counter. I was about to protest but his heated graze made me froze on my spot, I tried to protest but no sound escaped my throat.

"Sir, your change" the voice of the cashier broke us from our intense staring contest and I quickly averted my eyes.

"Keep the change," Mr. Blackford replied to him, even though he was speaking to him I can still feel his heated graze that was directed towards me.

"Your order will be there in 5 minutes," the young cashier boy said.

"Melissa, why don't you go and find a seat, I will bring your order," he said. His statement had no place for argument and I complied with his wishes because my feet were hurting so bad. I found a seat at one of the tables which were right next to the glass window overlooking the empty street. Within a few minutes, Mr. Blackford returned with a big tray in his hands- full of all the delicious goods that I ordered. My mouth watered at the sight of the food but I composed myself so I do not appear like a creep to Mr. Blackford. His style of walking reminds me of all those male runway models on a fashion show.

How can he look so perfect even at this hour of the day? Looking perfect seems so effortless for him.

"Here is your dinner he said as he placed the tray filled with tasty junk in front of me and settled himself on the opposite chair. He opened the button of his coat in a very elegant way, the few top buttons of his white dress shirt were opened- exposing a little bit of his clean and smooth-looking chest.

Focus Mel, focus on your food if you don't want to come out as a creep to Mr. Blackford. My subconscious reminded me.

My subconscious is popping out in my life a lot lately.

I unwrapped my burger and took a bite of it, I practically moaned out at the taste of the burger.

I was so busy enjoying my beautiful moment with my burger that I failed to notice Mr. Blackford was staring at me the whole time.

I'm such a bitch. Here I am- eating the food that he bought for me- without any care in the world -without offering anything. I was instantly filled with guilt as the reality dawned upon me. Although my burger is finished, I can still offer him my chicken nuggets and fries, right?

"Mr. Blackford please have some," I said as I gently pushed the tray forward, so now it sits exactly at the center of the table, making it within our hand's length for both of us.

"No love, it's your meal, I already had my dinner with my business partners, you must be hungry," he said.

"Please Mr. Blackford you are making me feel guilty and moreover...I won't be able to finish all this food by myself" I explained while gesturing towards all the chicken nuggets and fries and to make him succumb to my wishes I used my best puppy dog eyes which always seemed to work on my friends and family and guess what it did the work and he slowly but hesitantly took a single fry from the tray and put it in between his teeth and chewed on it before swallowing it and a small smile appeared on his face.

"It's good," he said as he proceeded towards the chicken nuggets and I too did the same.

And within a few minutes, all the chicken nuggets and fries have vanished. I patted my stomach lightly as I downed the last of the content of the coke.

"I'm so full!" I exclaimed and to my this expression a hearty chuckled ripped through his lips.

"C'mon let's go, love, need to get you home," he said and got up from his seat. I wiped my mouth with my napkin before crumpling and tossing it on the tray.

Together we walked up to the entrance and he opened the door for me, I walked out first and he followed my suit. As I stepped out, the gush of cold wind slapped me, making me shiver and I wrapped my arms around me trying to preserve my body heat but suddenly I felt something warm and a slight weight on my shoulders. I looked up and saw that Mr. Blackford's coat on me and he was standing beside me in his thin white dress shirt which I don't think did any work in keeping him warm but that didn't seem to affect Mr. Blackford as he stood rigid without any movement, his face was blank- void of any emotion as he barked orders to someone on the other side of the line in his stern monotone voice.

After a few seconds, Mr. Blackford cut off the call and sighed in irritation. He took a long breath trying to calm his nerves. I slowly slid off the coat and tried to hand it off to Mr. Blackford. Please notice the keyword tried.

"Keep it, love, you need it more," he said with a slight authority in his voice, I would have argued back but today I didn't hand energy left inside me to argue. Maybe I would do that some other time.

We walked towards the car which was parked at the far end of the parking lot. On reaching Mr. Blackford opened my side of the door like a true gentleman and waited for me to settle down before closing the door and walked up to his side and got in and started driving.

Throughout the ride- none of us said anything. Silence prevailed over the atmosphere but it was not one of the awkward kind but of a peaceful kind and pretty soon the rise came to an end and we both got down and like before Mr. Blackford opened the door for me to get out even though I didn't need his help in getting out.

We walked into the lobby and I noticed that the previous flirty receptionist was not there and in her place- a middle-aged woman. Maybe she works the daytime shift here. Mr. Blackford lead us towards the elevator and we got inside in one of the four elevators and pressed the button to our floor.

The elevator dinged signaling us that we have arrived and we got out from the elevator. We silently walked towards our apartments. We came to a halt in front of my apartment and I took a deep breath and got ready to say. "Thanks for tonight Mr. Blackford," I said truthfully.

"Your welcome Melissa," he said with a small smile.

"Mr. Blackford...I also want to apologize for being a burden tonight."

"Don't say that Melissa, don't ever think of yourself as a burden, you're so much more precious thank that" he said all of this while looking straight into my eyes. I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't notice that now we were standing extremely close and his right hand was now cupping my jaw and his other hand was wrapped around my waist keeping me close to him. Our faces were so close that if one of us even moved an inch our lips would touch. As soon as I realized that our position would invoke so many scandalous to the onlookers, I wiggled out of his arms and pressed my back against my front door- my cheeks flushed in embarrassment. My actions seemed to snap him out of some trance and his facial expression slowly morphed from void to anger. He looked really really angry. But somehow I felt that his anger was not directed towards me but to....his own self.

"Good night Melissa, sleep well," he said in a strained voice, his fists were clenched tightly and his eyes were shut. After saying that he turned and walked away without turning back. After he was out of my sight I unlocked my door and walked inside and closed the door. All the lights were off and it was pitch dark. Maybe Ryan and Mia are already asleep. I slowly felt for the switches on the wall and when I found it, I flicked it on. The living room was illuminated and it took me some time to adjust my eyesight.

But what I saw next completely surprised me...