

He got scammed! He was expecting to go somewhere where he would have to fight, an easy way to satisfy his battlenut self. Afterall, the excileration of a battle was so satisfying, exciting and fulfilling at the same time. But this... Place... was just not for him. That damned god must be laughing his ass off right now. ___ The summary sucks but I will try to make the story good... Hopefully. I don't own pokemon, btw.

Zeckan · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven

I quickly rolled on the ground, avoiding the attack that was heading right towards me as a wave of warmth hit my back. I continued my roll before coming to a stop. Looking up, I narrowed my eyes at the sight.

It was using Fairy wind to hold off Charcadet, thankfully, he learned his lesson and was using the same move to protect himself from the onslaught. My hand shot to my pocket, gripping my other Pokeball and taking it out. A burst of light later, Shinx was revealed to the world. He took a moment to take in the situation before electricity started running across his body as he began to use Charge.

The Jumpluff was ignoring me right now, focusing all of its attention on taking down Charcadet, which would be its last mistake.

After Shinx finished charging up, he rushed forward, glowing white. Contrary to popular belief, the Tackle attack, wasn't just pokemon running up to the opponent and ramming into them with their head to back their ribs.

The attack boosted the pokemon's strength, instead of speed, enough for one leap, which would be the jumpluff's undoing.

Shinx barreled into the Jumpluff, impacting its side and stopping the fairy wind that was holding Charcadet off. A second later, lighting boomed, reminding me of an angry storm exacting revenge on the earth, blinding me with its brightness and amazing me with its power.

This was so unnatural, I watched a "Professionally" trained Shinx that was helping with demonstrating the exercises and its demonstration paled in comparison to... This.

I couldn't even see the Jumpluff for a few seconds as my Shinx kept up the Shockwave. When it stopped though, I marveled at the result. No one that saw the result of the attack would call this... charred ball Jumpluff anymore.

When Shinx was training, he would let out his shockwave for about a minute and a half to deplete all the stored-up electricity, but this time all that power was released in two seconds and the result was devastating... For the enemies!

I held in an evil cackle as I looked at my Shinx and Charcadet, who were looking up at me expectantly and crouched down to pet their heads affectionately. Such good boys!

Thankfully, my hand that was patting Charcadet wasn't charred. I wasn't sure how it worked but I wouldn't complain, much. Taking out my Pokedex, I snapped two pictures, one of the empty forest and one of the... Dead Jumpluff, which I had to attach an arrow to that indicated that it was indeed a Jumpluff, and promptly claimed my money... I wasn't calling them poke-dollars, no one could make me.

Humming slightly, I looked at my pokemon, both of them were looking at me curiously, as I finally came to a decision and nodded my head, pointing at Shinx first and then to Charcadet.

"Storm and Knight."

There, it was decided. The two seemed confused before they gave their equivalent of shrugs as I recalled them to their Pokeballs. They would grow into their names eventually.

Humming, I took out the Pokedex again and looked at the map. My second task location was probably an hour away so there was no need to worry for now. Turning around, I started walking away, before stopping and turning around, checking if there was any chance of fire spreading and burning everything down, Charcadet did throw around a lot of fireballs.

After a few seconds of listening and looking around, I released a sigh of relief, I didn't need forest fires on my mind, mostly because people would know it was me.

Turning around, I start walking away with hands in my pockets, my only companions being silance...

"If I was born with my feet coming first, there was a moment I wore my mother as a hat."

... It was probably a good thing that silance was my only companion. The shaking of my two pokeballs reminded me that I wasn't as alone as I first thought.



I mumbled under my breath as I stared at the newly assembled tent... I have to admit, my tent assembly skills have come a long way in these few weeks.

Digging into my pockets, I released Knight and Storm before I started looking through my backpack and took out pokemon food.

The twos eyes brightened and Storms tail started wagging around excitedly, I could even see Knights flame bet just a tad bit brighter then before. Gluttons, the two of them.

By the pace they were going at, the food would run out tomorrow. As I looked at two of them eating happily, I noticed something weird about Storm. He had a small patch of black fur growing right above his nose.

Humming slightly I crouched down next to him and looked closer. In response, Storm looked at me with his wide eyes full of interest before his face brightened up.


... I started petting his little head, getting a pleased growl. But this was certainly unexpected. Soon, Shinx would be no more, in his place would be a proud luxio, and it's only been what? two to three weeks since the start of training?


That adaptive body was certainly a boon that no one could scoff at.

However, this would also increase the food requirement as well, but that was neglegable. If we worked at these tasks more, utilizing the wide arrange of pokemon it could provide, along with fighting experience, it would only be a matter of time until he evolved.

My other hand moved towards Knight who was giving his own equivalent of a pout and started rubbing the little helmet affectionately, they both did a great job afterall.