

He got scammed! He was expecting to go somewhere where he would have to fight, an easy way to satisfy his battlenut self. Afterall, the excileration of a battle was so satisfying, exciting and fulfilling at the same time. But this... Place... was just not for him. That damned god must be laughing his ass off right now. ___ The summary sucks but I will try to make the story good... Hopefully. I don't own pokemon, btw.

Zeckan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter One

A boy at the age of fourteen was staring at the sphere in his hand. It was split down the middle with a black line, separating the thing in two halves, one red and the other white. In the dead center was a small white button.

A second of silence passed, then another, a few more before...


The dual-colored ball was thrown in a fit of rage.

"The first thing that comes to mind my ass! How did adaptive body, enhanced precision, and a place where many battles happen connect to this damned world with all the shit you spewed?!"

The black-haired boy screamed out to the heavens, completely sure that the one that sent him there was laughing their ass off right about now.

"... Screw you!"

He threw a middle finger up for good measure after spewing prophanities that would make even the oldest and most experienced sailors blush as a cherry on top. Why would that asshole not let him specify where he wanted to go? Because that asshole wasn't feeling like it.

He was a battle nut, punching someone's face made him feel the equivalent of a normal person getting an A on a test they didn't study for. How could he miss the chance to experience more intense, yet understandable fights that were in the world of anime? Apparently, if someone sabotaged him enough, he could do it. He should have said combat. But he didn't think it through, he just wanted a good fight with no strings attached, and in a sense... This world was... more suited to his needs.

Closing his eyes in a vain attempt to restrain his frustration, he rose an eyebrow at the strange sound in front of him. When he peeked one eye open, all he could do was raise an eyebrow at the small... Dog... thing... in front of him.

It stared at him with its wide, yellow eyes. Its blue head with big ears tilted to the side and the neck part of its fur was black, resembling a collar, along with the back side of its body. The small tail that was swinging around had a four-point star attached to it.

It resembled a Shinx... it was most probably a Shinx, but the reality was different from all the games and drawn animals that were presented. It looked more like a weird dog but was still cute nonetheless.

The Pokemon was standing right next to the ball he threw.

Their eyes met and he watched as the small animal that had the potential to be a weapon of mass destruction brighten up and start heading toward him.

All the teen could do was watch in silence as the cute little thing got closer to him, wobbled up to his legs, and sat down. Its head tilted up to stare at him and he could see the excitement in the little bundle's eyes.


... God damn it, too cute.

Sighing and crouching down, he reached out and scratched the top of its head. The little electric type closed its eyes and tried to lean into the touch but since he was scratching the top of its head, the action proved to be difficult.

Smiling slightly, the boy moved his hand to scratch its chin, getting a satisfying growl in return.

Looking around the area he was in, he noticed that he was surrounded by the trees, weirdly in a circle, like he was summoned here, or this body was brought here to be the container for his soul...

Abandoning those morbid thoughts, he glanced down to his right and blinked at the bag that was sitting there, appearing as if it has always been present.

Narrowing his eyes at it, he reached over and brought it in front of him, plopping it down right next to Shinx. The little guy? Girl? opened its eyes and sated curiously at the new addition to the little circle.

Stopping the scratches for a bit, he reached his left hand to hold the bag in place as he opened it. Looking inside, he deadpanned... everything was so... small.

Sighing, at the poor attempt at the joke, he reached inside to take the stuff out, starting with the mini tent. As soon as the item passed the threshold that was the zipper, it enlargened, almost dropping out of his hand...

The fuck?

He stared at the folded tent a little bit before putting it back inside the backpack, watching as it shrunk and plopped down in the same place it previously was...

This was like a discount inventory. Neat!

Looking around inside some more, he reached in and took out what looked like a black combat knife inside a leg holster to suit the color scheme he was wearing.

Absently securing the holster in the correct position, he glanced over the other contents of its back.

Canned food that would probably last him a month unless he found a town, a bagged food that read "PokeFood" to cause a larger amount of cringe factor that he tried to ignore but failed, and the food would last about a month if he just fed on what was here... Unless...

"I wonder what Pokemon taste like."
