
Noob Player

Tribe Online, a VRMMORPG created by joint companies Sky Corporation, making it the only VRMMORPG in the world. Sky had a big ambition, they wanted to create a second world by creating Tribe Online. A world where people could build a new country, kingdom, or people could be an adventurer to explore the vast world within Tribe Online. People were excited by the new release Tribe Online, not just the professional players but the game enthusiast too. They joined the game with ambition and passion. Yang Shen too joined the game for his passion, to fulfill his mother's last wish. A desperate attempt as he could never fulfill his mother's last wish in the real world.

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189 Chs

The Tanky Noob

"There's no doubt that noob is a cheater! Even ZhangQ and Zhong Ye can't three shots me; how can a level 35 character kill me with three strikes!" Fey was clouded in rage as he was returned to his original arena. He refused to believe the outcome of the first match against Runner.

ZhangQ and Zhong Ye were the two top players, the two highest-level players. Of course, his suspicion was not groundless because he was geared up. He had the best armor that was available in the market, and it was unbelievable to get three shots killed by anyone.

Fey calmed himself down and watched the Personal Replay. The replay was not even ten seconds long. It was a seven-second long replay, and the more he watched the replay, the more he believed that Runner was using a cheat.