

I - First Step

You know the every single day you have encountered, you always have this feeling that you always forgot something or maybe there's this feeling of incompleteness inside you, that you really wanted to do something but you can't do it because you're too busy to do it or there's a lot of distractions near you that's why you procrastinate things. So basically everything you want to do is falling apart, and you forget this things and yet you realize you forgot that you have dreams in life, but you are too busy thinking about it but not doing it.

Hey reader! read me and think what am I able to say too you! i'm not a successful businessman or writer in this world I just want to achieve something in my life without thinking twice or thrice. I just do it right away, like this book your reading, this was my 1st product and achievement I know it will take months or years to finish this book but I don't care at all. I don't care if it's your idea or dream was simple or big, what I really want you to do is do it right away!

So i'm gonna teach you how I do it, so get ready and do the 1st simple idea you ever think and do it! Hey! Please don't be so dumb get a paper and write it! I'm giving you the time to think what you really wanted to do and start writing the 1st idea you want and do it now! Please I don't want to hear some lame excuses. JUST DO IT! FOR MOTHER EARTH!

Please do not proceed to the next page until you finish your idea you've written.