

A big explosion. Stuck. In. Time, Nuclear Winter

TheWonderingSoul · Realistic
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2 Chs

Day 1: Home Sweet Home

19/03/04 USA ???

"Where am I"

His legs feel numb

He can't anything

He screams "Mom" "Dad" as loud as he can but nothing.

He cried in fear but then he got the courage to find them so he pushed and pushed and slowly the shattered piece of concrete came off of him and it didn't seem like his legs were stuck either so crawled out.

After that he shuffled around to get a look of his surroundings and it was horrific so much so that he wish that he didn't see it.

The once beautiful city and county was rubble and ashes.

Dan starts to sob uncontrollably and realizes something and starts to search for his family "Mom" "Dad" "Anybody" but then he hears loud growling and hides in fear "grrrr" the green creature passes by him!

He questioned what he saw maybe it was the radiation but he still took precautions to avoid those things.

He crawled out of the hole again and started crawling in the direction of their home.

19/03/04 USA Colorado or what's left

Somewhere in the afternoon I think?

After several hours of crawling he snuck by several of those monsters and he comes by the housing area where his house and the other where

and some how his house was some how in tac?

So he crawls in and locks the door in a panic, and he wonders through the house in search of a weapon, or any wondering monsters nearby who just wondered right in and it seemed that nothing or no one broke in and a sigh of relief came out, so after he locked all the doors and windows in a hurry!

He grabs a bag and gets undressed and puts his clothes into the bag and throws it out the window and he wonders back to the shower and takes a shower and grabs a new pair of clothes and gets dressed and he then goes on a search for a weapon and grabs a hatchet and multi tool from his parents room enters his room and locks the door in a harry and lays in bed as he drifts asleep.

I recently searched my phone and I have been reading some novels and remembered writing something like this so it maybe a bit a different then my original idea so yea…

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