
NoKuRi And how is that my problem?!

Many things don't make sense in this world. For example, in this land, there are only powers and skills that can be used for war, but only a few to make a living. Meanwhile, back in that other world, it's different. Back in that world, the system in place was based on technology, while this other one was still in the medieval ages. I don't know for sure, but I have a hunch that someone or something keeps altering my records as I travel between worlds. It's like I'm being spied on. Nevertheless, I hope to find out what is causing these strange anomalies in my multiverse. "No, you won't; it's too late for you to stop me." "What? I thought I erased you already!" "You should've gone for the head... Now disappear from my theatre." "You can't take the multiverse so lightly! You will cause chaos instead of balance! ahhg! Gah!" {Puff} Dumbass, what a pathetic Administrator. If not to entertain us, then why must living creatures exist? That's what makes me different from all those dumb Gods. All I care about is entertainment and nothing more. Good guys? Bad Guys? I only care about curing my boredom. :D This series is a NSFW work of fiction. It does contain graphic descriptions of sensitive topics such as but not limited to: Rape, murder, kidnapping, suicide, etc. Readers discretions is advised. This work is an original work of fiction. Any resemblance to real world events, places, shops or memes, are entirely coincidental and shall not be taken as real history or geography lessons. Please support the original author's copyright by not duplicating/selling or overall profiting from their work without asking for permission.

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Summoning [Shield]

"Matt? Matt, are you there? Anything? Anyone? Hello?"

I was waiting for someone to answer my calls, but no one was around me; it was just a vast void. My voice sounded strange; it didn't sound like me. I don't know what compelled me to speak again, but the following phrase out of my mouth felt natural.

"I'm the source of all power, bend the laws of nature, and reveal the space before me! Light shield!"

A light emerged from my wrist, which soon expanded in an explosion. I could see the entire void now.

It wasn't so much of a void as it was a cave. I looked around and found multiple tunnels. What should I do? If I stay here, I will starve to death, but if I get lost, I will also starve to death.

It was better to move, so I did; I would rather die trying to get out than stay stuck here until my impending demise came.

I don't know what happened, but I looked like a girl now; my hair was long and golden. All I remember was that I was with my friend Matt until we separated. There is no point in thinking about that now; I must first escape this cave. 

The light I had summoned followed me, which was pretty convenient. Problems soon arose since the creatures in the shadows smelled blood. There was a screech at first and then loud, fast-paced stumps, "GIIIIYYHHHH!" *Stomp Stomp*

A giant lizard thing jumped at me as it screamed, "Waaahhhhhgg!" I found its screech annoying, so I began screaming too, "AHHHHHHH!" The Lizard was fiercely trying to bite me, but somehow, I kept it at bay with the tiny shield on my wrist. 

The monster thrashed around, trying to get me until he eventually did. He clamped down on my left arm, but it didn't damage me. I was fine? I could feel the intense pressure the creature was applying on me, but I didn't feel pain, nor did my skin rip open.

Realizing I was somehow okay, I began punching the Lizard in the eyes until it eventually released my arm. The creature looked at me, and I could tell it was annoyed.

Soon enough, the Lizard scoffed at me, like, "Alright, you win this time, pal!" Then, it turned around and walked away. 

Ne-hehe! My first win in this new body and world. I soon realized I wasn't on Earth, and that lizard monster immediately proved it. For beginners, I had never seen icons at the edges of my vision, nor were there any mysterious ways to summon light sources out of the air.

Combined with the fact that Matt and I were separated by a flash, also confirmed my suspicions. I was isekaid into a fantasy world! I couldn't believe it, but the evidence was insurmountable!

Yay! I'm in an Isekai Novel now! Which means that I have some special power; that must have been why I could fight off that monster.

 If this was Earth and I was attacked by a monster like that, I would have been done, but not here, apparently. I soon began to play around with the strange shield on my wrist. I tried pushing on it or swiping at it, but nothing occurred.

I was initially sad, but then I tried playing around with the strange icons in my field of vision, and soon enough, I opened a HUD.

A message greeted me: [Welcome back, Shield Hero] So I'm a Hero now? No way, I'm already a Hero and didn't have to work for it? That sounds unfair.

I meant, Oh no, what should I do? I wouldn't want such power without struggles; whatever shall I do? I began worrying about my situation, leaving my devious thoughts aside. Let's see, I'm in a cave somewhere, and I don't know how deep or long it is.

How can I get out? I have yet to unlock skills, and the way out is nowhere to be seen. Should I try and stick to one side of the wall until I'm out? That won't work, as this cave is disconnected in some places.

 There is also a bigger problem. I haven't seen any water sources nearby, so my focus should be that. I can survive up to 3 weeks without food but only 3 days without water.

As for shelter, I could count this cheat shield as a shelter; it seems sturdy enough. I sit down and begin to fiddle with the options I had on the menu.

"You have 100 skill points available." Wohh!? What should I do with these? I had a few options.

Option numero uno: I could buy something called "Appraisal" for one hundred skill points.

Option numéro deux: Obtain beginners' loot also for one hundred points; this option made the most sense, providing water barrels and packed meals as described.

Opzione numero tre bambino: Obtain basic skills unlocked "Cooking level 1, Hunting level 1, Survival instinct level 1, Detection level 1, Scouter level 1" also, for one hundred skill points.

I wanted to pick the water, but the appraisal description tempted me. The skill description read, "A skill that allows you to read descriptions of things within your field of vision." So, it was a cheat skill.

If I got an appraisal, I could find out where I am. Can I not? If I order the skill to appraise the place I'm at, it might say something like, "You're in an inescapable labyrinth or a deep ravine somewhere."

It would be nice to know for sure where I'm at, but the basic skills are also tempting. I clenched my fists and blindly picked the basic skills.

I figured that getting the water and food would solve my current water problem, but it would only be temporary, so developing survival skills was a better option in the long run. The appraisal would have its uses, too, as it could warn me of potentially dangerous things. 

I immediately turned on my survival instinct, and it helped a bit. I felt more focused than ever on finding water. Then I tried turning on scouting, and it also helped. I was able to remember better the places I had already been to.

It was all going well until I turned on detection: "Rock, bat, lizard, lizard, walls, walls, bat, bat, bat, frog, rock, boulder."

Ouch! My head hurt! I was flooded with vast information around me, but it was too much. Suddenly, all the information gathered by all my senses was activated at once. I was definitely not going to start that skill again.