
A Field of Flowers and Skeletons

As the goddess prepared me for my departure, she bestowed upon me a knife, its blade forged from the shadows of my past. Each glint of its sinister sheen whispered tales of my former deeds, a haunting echo of the lives I had taken in service to a higher purpose.

"This blade," the goddess murmured, her voice a solemn melody, "is a testament to your dedication, Yura. Carry it with reverence, for it holds the weight of your past and the promise of your future."

As I readied myself for the journey into a new world, the goddess of death cast a spell, enveloping me in a palpable aura of power and chill.

"Do not fear, Yura," the goddess reassured me, her voice a soothing balm against the rising tide of uncertainty. "This spell will protect you on your journey, guiding you through the currents of time and space." I nodded, a sense of calm settling over me as I felt the magic weave around me, binding me to my fate.

The pressure built around me, the very fabric of space contorting and shifting like a whirlpool of magic. "The journey will be treacherous," the goddess warned, her eyes burning with an ancient wisdom. "But you are strong, Yura. Trust in yourself, and you will find your way." With a final nod of determination, I steeled myself for the trials ahead, my heart ablaze with the fire of purpose.

With each heartbeat, I felt the pull of destiny drawing me closer to my new fate, where the echoes of my past would mingle with the promise of a future filled with purpose and possibility. As I crossed the threshold into the shimmering portal, I knew I carried within me the weight of both my own sins and the hope of redemption.

Hurtling through the vortex of reincarnation, the world around me dissolved into a chaotic blur of darkness and whispers. Amidst the tumult, I barely whispered, "Did it work?" Yet, my inquiry was met only with the ominous whisper of the goddess, a warning that chilled me: "Beware of the old gods."

As I emerged from the portal, a vast void stretched out before me, its depths unfathomable and its mysteries endless. Without warning, a rift opened in the fabric of reality, and my soul was drawn downward, hurtling through the darkness with an eerie sense of purpose.

Down, down I plummeted, until at last I came to rest before a weathered skeleton, nestled amidst a bed of flowers. Without hesitation, my soul descended into the skeletal remains, a silent echo of my former self seeking refuge in this new vessel.

With a whispered incantation, the void responded, weaving together the threads of existence to restore the skeleton to its former glory. Bones shifted and realigned, flesh regenerated and stretched over the skeletal frame, and features formed and coalesced into my familiar visage.

Yet, amidst the miraculous transformation, I was not spared from the agonizing pain of renewal. Every shift of bone, every stretch of flesh, sent waves of excruciating torment coursing through me. My screams echoed through the field of flowers, a haunting symphony of anguish that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of existence.

It was a baptism of fire, a trial by ordeal that tested the limits of my endurance. Yet, even in the throes of agony, I clung to the flickering ember of hope within me. For I knew that this pain was but a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of my existence, a necessary sacrifice for the rebirth that awaited me.

And so I endured, my will unbroken, my mind unwavering. With each passing moment, the pain began to subside, replaced by newfound strength and vitality. As the transformation reached its climax, I emerged from the agony of renewal, my body restored to its former glory.

With a sense of relief, I breathed deeply, my consciousness reeling from the pain I had just endured. The echoes of my screams faded, replaced by a profound stillness that enveloped me like a comforting embrace.

As I slowly stood up, my body still tingling from the pain of renewal, I couldn't help but let out a string of expletives. "Fuck, that was so painful. I would never do that again," I muttered to myself, my voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and relief. Yet, despite the pain, a sense of wonder filled me as I surveyed the world around me. "What a wonderful night to be reborn," I quipped, a wry smile playing at the corners of my lips.

The air was alive with the sounds of nature—the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the distant howls of wolves echoing through the forest. I felt a sense of awe wash over me as I realized that I was truly in a different world now, one filled with unfamiliar sights and sounds.

But amidst the beauty of my surroundings, a sense of seriousness crept into my thoughts. My eyes scanned the surrounding forest with the keenness of a hunter, my senses alert for any signs of danger. As I walked deeper into the woods, I couldn't help but marvel at the towering trees that surrounded me. "Damn, how big is this woods? Trees so tall, it's like the Hyperion trees in my old world," I mused, my voice tinged with a hint of awe.

Yet, as I continued on my journey, a more pressing concern weighed on my mind. "So, what will I do now? I'm naked as fuck," I grumbled, my brows furrowing in consternation.

"Well, for now, let's make some primitive pants just to cover my private area," I muttered to myself, my voice carrying a note of determination. With a sense of urgency, I scanned the surrounding foliage, searching for suitable materials to fashion into makeshift clothing.

Spotting a patch of sturdy leaves nearby, I set to work, tearing them from their stems with careful precision. With practiced hands, I folded and arranged the leaves into a crude garment, tying them together with lengths of vine to secure them in place.

The result was far from elegant, but it served its purpose, providing a modicum of modesty in the wilderness. With my makeshift pants in place, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, the discomfort of my nakedness abated, at least for the time being.

"Now that's better," I muttered, casting a satisfied glance at my improvised attire. With my dignity restored, I continued on my journey through the forest, my mind buzzing with thoughts of survival and exploration. Whatever challenges lay ahead, I was determined to face them head-on, armed with nothing but my wits and the strength of my spirit.

As a week passed by, I found myself becoming more accustomed to my new surroundings. I had scoured the woods for a good amount of time, setting up a temporary campsite amidst the towering trees. As I ventured deeper into the wilderness, I encountered creatures unlike any I had seen before.

"A rabbit with long ears and orange eyes, much larger than the average rabbit in my old world," I noted, my voice tinged with curiosity. I had managed to catch and kill one, marveling at its agility and the sharpness of its teeth. "Meaty and tastes like rabbit," I mused, finding satisfaction in my successful hunt.

Near my campsite, I discovered a river, its clear waters teeming with fishes. I fashioned some net traps and set them in the shallows, eager to take advantage of the abundance of fish. "The fishes are big and small, varying in rarity. Very nice," I remarked, pleased with my newfound source of sustenance.

Back at my camp, I constructed a simple wooden hut and fashioned a bed out of branches and leaves. "At least rain won't be a problem," I thought, relieved to have some shelter from the elements.

With each passing day, I honed my survival skills, crafting stone weapons and tools to aid me in my exploration of the wilderness. "Hmm, so primitive," I observed, a hint of amusement in my voice. "Good thing I read all those books about surviving in the wilderness," I added, grateful for the knowledge that had prepared me for this new chapter of my life.

Hunting again, I encountered a new kind of rabbit—this one was unlike any I had seen before. It was a black rabbit with brown eyes, but much larger, standing about three feet tall on two feet and wielding a club. "It's more like a species of rabbit beastman, like the ones I've seen in video games," I noted, my curiosity piqued.

Determined to hunt it, I engaged the creature in a fierce battle. I attempted to lure it into a spiked trap, but the rabbit proved to be intelligent, recognizing the danger and avoiding the trap with ease. "It knows it's being hunted," I realized, impressed by its cunning.

With no other options, I resolved to kill it directly. The rabbit displayed incredible agility. Minutes passed as I conserved my energy, waiting for the perfect moment. Finally, with a calculated strike, I managed to kill the creature.

"It's meatier than the smaller rabbits I've been hunting," I observed as I dissected and butchered it. While examining the carcass, I discovered a stone glimmering with a magical aura.

As I touched the stone, a status window appeared before me:


Class: Professional Killer

HP: Healthy

MP: 50

Strength: 35

Endurance: 50

Wisdom: 112

Agility: 102

Vitality: 98

Intelligence: 61

Luck: 51

Insight: 120


(Throwing - LVL 8)

(Presence Concealment - LVL 8)

(Psychological Manipulation - LVL 6)

(Counterintelligence - LVL 10)

(Close Quarter Combat - LVL 10)

(Shooting - LVL 10)

(Assassination - LVL 10)

(Stealth Combat - LVL 11)

(Weakness Detection - LVL 8)

(Tracking - LVL 8)

(Martial Arts - LVL 10)

(Acrobatics - LVL 9)

(Sabotage - LVL 10)

Passive Skills:

(Hunting - LVL 10)

(Tactics - LVL 10)

(Gathering - LVL 8)

(Butchering - LVL 2)

(Torture - LVL 10)

(Builder - LVL 6)

(Survival - LVL 9)

(Killing - LVL 15)

(Combat Perception - LVL 10)

(Manipulation - LVL 6)

(Drug Resistance - LVL 8)

(Poison Resistance - LVL 8)

(Social - LVL 7)

"Well, I guess my past skills have turned into these abilities and passives," I mused, a wry smile tugging at my lips. The status window confirmed what I had suspected: my previous life as a professional killer had endowed me with a unique set of skills, now formalized into a system that governed my new existence.

"I guess my status window only appears if I pour mana into it. Well, let's explore magic later," I decided, resuming my exploration.