


Leikoo_Luna · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I find myself trotting over to where the Nocens are, along with a few locals that they managed to rescue before I can even think of lying down. I'm so tired, but I know I have to help run things smooth before resting.

Shoving the exhaustion down, I square my shoulders and put on a show of swaggering my hips so I can face the terrified villagers. I have to be strong. I have to be strong for them to have someone to lean on.

Trying to emphasise my confidence, I make my blue eyes glow as if they are burning orbs of fire themselves, even if fatigue is burning me from the inside out.

Finally reaching them, I survey my surroundings. All Nocens are safe, as I expected. They aren't the best of the best for nothing.

The sun is setting, and its warm yellow glow is bleeding into the evening, blanketing the forest behind us in golden hues. Everyone is spread out in a grassy plain with evergreen trees granting foliage.

The villagers have mostly minor cuts or burns, and Orpheus and Yrene treat the ones with severe wounds. I can see Yrene muttering some healing spells and Orpheus wrapping bandages and comforting children that are scared.

Aether, my brother, stalks from where he was talking to Nyx(who I don't refrain from scowling at when he locks eyes with me) and looks me up and down.

"Gwyn. What the hell was that back there? How often do I have to tell you not to be so risky? You can't keep ordering us around and try play hero all the time." He says, frustrated. He also makes a show by throwing his hands up in an exasperated manner.

I suddenly have the urge to find out how far my eyes can roll back into their sockets purely to irk Aether even more.

"Funny, I didn't say I was a hero. Nor did I try to be risky. I tried to reduce risks by evacuating everyone before finishing those faeries off. " I say in a matter-of-fact tone. I continue.

"To be brutally honest, I don't want to continue this conversation either, which we have had multiple times before. Instead, I'm going to go to my favorite person ever- which isn't you- and thank her for being a great second in command. Also, because I feel like it." I pause and wink. Turning around, I pat him on the back and go to Valaeri. Thank Gods she's in her human form.

But to my utter disappointment, she's talking to Nyx. Muttering curses to all Three Goddesses under my breath, I saunter and interrupt their conversation. On purpose. Because I'm so lovely, I know. I turn to the beautiful woman and link my arms with hers.

"Hey, my favorite person in this world. What're you doing about without me?" I beam at Valaeri. She had just opened her mouth to reply to me, but Nyx didn't even skip a beat and interrupted,

"See? I'm the favorite. I knew you'd say it one day, Angel. I'm proud of you."

I feel my eyes flare. I settle my gaze on him and glare straight into his depthless black eyes. As deep and black as beautiful darkness.

"I'm not talking to you", I growled. I can't help but hate myself for admitting his eyes were always his most attractive features. I don't hide the bitter tone in my voice either, though. "And I'm not your 'Angel'. You're not my favorite either. I was referring to Valaeri. Not your arrogant ass." I add.

Surely enough, this remark finds its way under his skin, and his eyebrows raise in challenge. I simply blow him a kiss and half-drag Valaeri away from the self-centred bastard.

When we're a good few metres from him, and I'm sure I've gotten rid of his deep reverberating voice out of my head, Valaeri finally decides to say something. Look who's joined the party late. Internally rolling my eyes, I look at her.

Now, I have stated that is Valaeri is very pleasant to look at but I never can seem to do justice to her beauty. Her perfectly slim body with curves in all the right places, her almond-shaped dark green eyes and her hair as black as night itself is enough to turn heads from miles away. I'm not kidding. On the rare occasions she chooses to take her human form while travelling, I always spot men and women alike gawking at her. It's almost scary. Almost.

"Are you going to stop staring at me and listen, Gwyn?" I hear her snap and I'm immediately pulled out of my thoughts.

"Ah yes, sorry. I was admiring you." I wink. "Anyway, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that there aren't any major casualties, but the villagers are terrified. Maybe you should talk to them to calm them a bit. Also, news came from one of Nyx's informants. That's why I was talking to him. They say that another faery ambush happened at the same time two towns from here. We need to check that out too." She stated. I huff a bit of air.

"More work, you say, huh? Well, that's just great." I mutter more to myself than my friend beside me. My hands find their place on my hips, and I look up and joke, "It never ends does it?"

Valaeri looks down, and I swear I see a hint of another emotion on her face but it's gone before I can even register it.

"Yeah, it keeps on coming." I hear her whisper.

An few hours later, myself and the squad are seated at a large table, with elders and leaders of most towns in the area, to discuss the news the we had for them. These are the settlements that don't agree with the current king of Terroa and they refuse to communicate with the crown so we have come here separately to pass news most of the time. At the moment, the heads of the settlements are still filing into the room, so I take the opportunity to see who's sitting where.

To my right sits Valaeri Onyx, my second and my best friend. She wears a deep red gown that plunges beneath her breasts, and golden moon earrings dangle from her ears. She has adorned a few necklaces and bracelets, and her hair is pulled back into an elegant bun behind her head. Various silky black strands frame her small face that looks focused but, in reality, is hiding her rather bored self. I contain a smile that threatens to appear when I think of her removing the never-ending mask of seriousness and focus. What a day that would be if I ever see it.

To my left, I say this with utmost dissatisfaction, is Nyx Helion. My Third. One glance at him, and I can see he is currently smirking at a very shy female elf across the room. He is wearing a black suit with golden decorations on several places on his chest and arms and an intricately embroidered black cape with golden thread. It winds down to the edge, which reaches just below his calves. Midnight black hair is pulled to the side and one single strand falls upon his eyebrow, bringing out his inky black eyes. This adds to his demeanor, with a sharp jawline and an unreal handsome face; no one can go wrong with a guess. A guess that predicts he is royalty.

I mean, they wouldn't be wrong, would they? It's just....he's not royalty from this world. Like me, in that aspect. But the people here wouldn't care about the other worlds Nyx, and I are from- even if we are royalty. To them, whoever rules the area they live in, they are the royalty. No exceptions.

Just when I thought that I could maybe chuck a spoonful of a thick paste-like treat I was given at Nyx, he catches my eye and his smirking stops.

Uh oh. I've been caught.

Trying to play it off, I smirk. I clock my head to the side, letting my white hair gleam silver in the light. The simple white gown sparkles as the slit on the side reveals my leg and the beautiful dagger I always carry with me, strapped to my lower thigh. My silver jewelry clink as I tuck my hand casually under my chin and pivot to face him.

His dark eyes cautiously watches me, and when I am done, he lifts an eyebrow.

"Why in all heavens would the humble majesty Gwyneth Diana Raven, want to speak to me? I must be blessed by all Three Goddesses to be given such a miracle." He says as he leans back in his chair and crosses his legs.

"Why this humble Princess would very much like for you to not call her 'majesty' because otherwise, she would not hesitate to create the miracle of removing your head from your neck and throwing it into the nearest bin," I state, sweetly.

"What a shame. I expected a less violent response to my so-very-sincere question. I was hoping you ask me something important since you quite enjoyed staring at me when you thought I didn't notice." He replied nonchalantly.

To that, I find myself opening and shutting my mouth multiple times(like a stunned goldfish, might I add) because I am shocked that he sensed me looking at him. Because I definitely wasn't staring at him. No way. Totally not. I consider stabbing him or kicking him in the reproductive area, but I decide against it because we are in public. And also not to forget the countless times I got scolded by Yrene to be more aware of my social image. I was very careless and sloppy in maintaining my appearance.

It's called style, okay?

Anyway, I started to explain that I was only looking at the badges on his coat, but one man with curved horns on his head and a long thin moustache taps his glass three times with his spoon. He has an aura...I don't know. I don't like him.

I stop mid-sentence and shut my mouth. Nyx would have to wait. I have essential news I must deliver.

Turning back to the man standing, I sit up straight and concentrate on looking as regal as possible. I cross my legs and lift my chin.

It's time to deliver the message from The Council Of Elysium, The Kingdom of Light and Purity that regards the lives of all beings existing.