
Nobody But You

Sometimes life will be awesome. Sometimes, life will look blurry. Along the way in the journey of life, sometimes, life will be colder than warmer and sometimes warmer than colder but in all things we must remember that it is never over for a purposeful journey of life until the journey of life is over. Be it rough or smooth, good or bad, we must accomplish the task. It shall always not be good and it shall always not be bad; we only have to work hard. On Friday night while coming back from work Tang Xue saw a guy on Tower Bridge wall trying to jump off in the River. She pulled him back and when she saw the face of the guy it was a shock for her, the man was there to jump off the bridge and end his life. What made him do that and what was Tang Xue doing there in the middle of the night? What was the past they both didn't want to face? Why the two strangers from two different worlds suddenly met??? Was it their destiny or was it just a random co-incidence? Let's see how that night went on to unfold and become a story of a life time... P.S - the cover isn't mine, all credit to the owner.

candybar · Urban
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6 Chs

It's not easy

With every passing second Tang Xue's concerned for Li Yubing was increasing. She was curious to know why he was so distressed. She was a bit terrified as she just witnessed someone trying to jump off the bridge and end his life.

Li Yubing started walking in the opposite direction. Tang Xue can't let him go like that as he was extremely vulnerable. She shuffled and said, "Li Yubing, are you fine? I know I am a stranger to you, but if you need to talk, you can..."

Li Yubing stopped in his track and turned back to look at her. He had a confused expression and his eyes showed he was lost.

Tang Xue approached him, "I know we are strangers and 10 minutes back we were yelling at each other. Is everything alright, I mean you look famished and distressed." He kept staring at her with wide eyes as Tang Xue spoke again, "Look I know I shouldn't be personal with you, but it's almost 2:15 a.m. and you are here in such a condition... are you ok? I... I know you don't know me..."

She didn't get any reaction from him as he was just blankly kept staring at her face. She don't know from where she got the courage as she gazed in his eyes, "But in life I feel it's good to at times let out what you feel to someone. Right now it's just me and I promise you whatever you tell me will stay with me and I will not judge you... you can count on me" Tang Xue said with utmost honesty.

He looked away and dropped his shoulders. What happened next was something Tang Xue didn't expect as Li Yubing broke down and tears were meandering on his face. He was crying and began to vent his pain but still didn't utter a word.

Tang Xue stepped closer to him and held his hand to give him some support. She quickly picked his bag and held his forearm. They began to walk towards a bench that was nearby the Bridge and this time he didn't shut her away. They sat on the bench, "Li Yubing, what's the matter... you can tell me..." There was an envelope of silence around them but Tang Xue could feel that Li Yubing was traumatized. He placed his hands on his lap and then he spoke belatedly, "I have everything but there is not even an ounce of happiness. I have money but no reasons to cherish it."

She couldn't understand what he tried to say, but she was patiently listening to him. He hissed, "You know people think I am a star and I have this perfect life...bullshit."

Tang Xue gazed at his face and saw his eyes were moist and turned red. She don't know why in that moment she felt he needed someone and God has sent her there to help him. She was listening patiently, "Please calm down, I know life is unpredictable". He suddenly held her hand. Tang Xue was startled by his act as she didn't know him. She knew his name and who he was, but at the end he was a stranger.

Li Yubing tightened his grip on her fingers,that was hurting Tang Xue as she was wearing a ring. However, she didn't utter a word as somewhere she knew he wanted to vent out his pain. She began to feel that she could be his support and be with him. She felt that way maybe because she knew how it feels to be shattered and how it feels when there is no one around you to hold your hand.

Li Yubing gaze was fixed on the ground as he began to speak, "She cheated on me, my parents said to me so many times that she wasn't right for me, but I didn't pay any head to their words. I was in my own fantasy world and then in one moment everything shattered."

Tang Xue didn't say a word, she was listened patiently as he continued, "People think I am a Casanova, when I am not... is it my fault I believed in her. You know when I realized that I began to like her, I did everything for her. I decided to take it slow with her and build our relationship. I didn't love her instantly, but I respected her feelings and then thought let's give it a try maybe it would work out..."

Tang Xue heard him and thought in her mind, 'he has a girlfriend problem, but what's there in to commit suicide for... he could have sorted out things by communicating...' But, at the same time she could feel his anguish. She knew the pain of betrayal he felt, the pain when your trust is broken and your feelings are crushed under the feet of heartless people. He began to speak again but his voice reflected the emotional turmoil inside him, "My parents, my friends they all hate me now and Zhou Ran, she will never forgive me after what I said to her... I now realize what I have lost... I have nothing to live for...I have nothing to live for..."

His last line instigated something inside Tang Xue, she got irked by his words when he said that everyone hated him and he had no hopes left. How could he say such a thing about his parents? She composed herself and said to him, "Li Yubing, you know what I feel; you can never give up on your family. I know what you are feeling, but trust me, you are insane to think they don't need you..."

Li Yubing looked at her and then averted his eyes, but she continued, "You know what; such lines are only said by losers, people who don't have the strength to fight back..." He looked at her with a displeased expression and hissed, "What did you say? Looser, yes, I am a looser... happy."

His annoyance was clearly reflected in his words, Tang Xue never meant to call him a loser, "Look, I am sorry, I didn't meant to offend you. But, Li Yubing how can you give up in life? Especially when it concerns your parents... I am sure they will understand you and all you need to do is just pick up the phone and speak to them. I don't know what happened with you, why the girl you mentioned cheated on you...but, there is just one thing in life I know that won't change and those are your parents..."

He stared at her without blink his eyes, "Li Yubing, I know life can be very harsh, infact to be honest it has been harsh with me too... but you know, I just kept saying to myself live, live for your parents."

While speaking to him memories from the past flashed in front of Tang Xue eyes as they always petrified her, it didn't matter as how much strong she pretended to be.

Li Yubing had a frown on his forehead as he said, "It's easy to say Miss...?" Tang Xue replied in a meek voice, "Tang Xue". He continued, "Tang Xue, it's not that easy..."

Tang Xue don't know what was compelling her to speak to him about her life. she was lost in her own thoughts and felt a cold thud on her face as she remembered what she had gone through in her life. Her body got numb and tears began to meander on her cheeks. But, she composed herself and said, "I know it's not easy, but you have to let go off some things. Some old strings if break, they break because they were not for you..."

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