
Chapter One. Wishes?

Becoming aware in the darkness of the void. I look around myself, to see if anyone is around. seeing no one is around I think to myself why am I here.

I hear a voice in my head asking how I got here than nothing. Then I see a flash of light and a being is next to me looking at me oddly.

"You shouldn't be here" the being says to me. I just look at it oddly, "how would I know I just appeared here for no apparent reason?" I say to it

The being pulls out a device and scans me. "Whoops my bad, your universe exploded and you're the only soul that survived. So now we can either send you onward, or we can send you to a different earth like planet in a new universe, might be worth a shot." The being says and looks at me with a creepy smile.

"Yeah, I think the new universe with an earth like planet sounds good." I tell the being. As I was speaking the being glances back down to his device, and is looking at it intently while taping on it.

"Since you're the first survivor of a universe's destruction, you will get a few wishes. Congratulations and my condolences." The being says

"So what world am I going to so I can pick the wishes I should have." I tell the being.

"Alright so since this is the first time this has happened you get five wishes…." Beep sounds are heard coming from the being's device. He glances down at it and starts typing away really quickly. Once he is done, he looks back up at me and continues" looks like it's just three wishes... sorry about that, and the world is called..." the being taps his device and then looks at it and then back at me. "Oh, this should be a good one, it's an earth that has magic. You would know it as Harry Potter world like the books from your old earth." The being says to me

"Oh, that sounds fun having magic. Do a get magic by default or do I have to use one of my wishes for that?" I tell the being.

"Yes, you'll have to use a wish for magic since you aren't magical now" the being says

"Well, I guess I'll wish to start off as the most powerful wizard there is and will be." I tell the being

The being looks at me and smiles. "Guess I should of just gave you magic by default…" the being mutters to himself. "Ok next wishes then."

"For my second wish I want to be able to have a dragon and phoenix as my Animagus." And for my final wish I want to have all the magic knowledge of the world and have it updated and have the ability to use it all." I tell the being.

"So, you want to be the god of magic?" the being says.

"Wait could I wish for that instead?" I tell the being

"Well just this one time ill change your wishes to the one wish, so just to confirm you would like to have all your previous wishes void and your new wish is to be the god of magic of your new world?" the being says

"Wait is there a catch or something? I don't want to be cheated here." I tell the being.

"Well as a god you wouldn't be actually able to descend onto the world… but you would be super overpowered. You just wouldn't be able to use it." The being says with a laugh.

"I'll just stay with my first three wishes then, Thanks." I speak.

"Ok what to you want as your back story and name for yourself?" the being says.

"I would like be called Cyrek Droenix from the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Royal House. Born in the tenth month and seventh day of the year 1979. My family gets killed from a ritual when they sacrifice themselves with a Hungarian Horntail and Phoenix with all their knowledge and power to create the most powerful wizard ever me and that's when I'll get all my powers from my wishes." I tell the being

"Well, that helps with the Animagus then, and will explain why you're so powerful that's pretty well thought out. Although you'll need a public story for everyone to actually know of, since this one might be a bit dark for your fellow wizards." The being says

"Well let's just use Voldemort as the excuse then." I tell the being

"Well, I think you're ready for your new life then" the being says. As I start to drift off until it all goes dark.

I wake up in a crib and look around at the people around my crib, and assume it's my family as they all seem to be smiling at me, as I look up at them and see most have silver hair. A woman with brown hair picks me up and carries me with her, and then shows me off to the people that are in the house, must be my mother.

Then a very handsome man with silver hair walks up to us and kisses my head, must be my dad.

We live in a big castle with most of the main family, they show me around the castle and the ritual room, that most of the family seems to be working on.

As the year progresses more family members show up, and they all contribute to the ritual stone with their lives. Hundreds of family members have come and sacrificed themselves so that our family can once more rule the wizard world like before.

My parents tell me that what is happening is for me and that I will be more powerful than Merlin. I'll be the first real Droenix ever produced. I just smile at them knowing that they are fulfilling my wishes.

Half way though the ritual in the second year, they catch a Hungarian horntail and bring it to the ritual stone, and slit its throat with a goblin knife that's for cutting through dragon hide.

Its whole body gets absorbed into the ritual stone and the stone glows even brighter than before.

At the end of the year the rest of the family gets a phoenix egg, and also sacrifices it into the ritual stone, and once that happens the ritual stone is so bright its almost cracking, from the amount of power contained in the goblin made silver ritual stone. While this is happening all the family members gather together in the ritual room in the basement of the family castle.

And they put me in the middle of the room opposite of the ritual stone that is dangerously glowing.

They all start chanting something while my family members look at me lovingly knowing this is the only way forward. One by one they get absorbed into the stone, once the last one gets absorbed inside its starts to absorb me, slowly my feet are gone then my hands and legs then I don't see anything. Next thing I know I'm lying in a bed, and I see some pointy ears sticking up over the edge of the bed.

The house elf looks up at me and says "Master is awake! Neeby is so happy! Neeby was so worried for you Master it's been 9 years after the ritual."

"Get me a mirror Neeby please." I speak to the house elf. Once Neeby returns with a mirror within a few minutes, I look at myself in the mirror for the first time in this life. I have golden hair and golden eyes. Cute looking for a eleven year old. I feel much more powerful than before like I could easily destroy anyone who comes in my way.

Just my body from the Hungarian Horntail and the Phoenix powers flowing through me make me feel more then powerful, then I have all the knowledge of magic and feeling like I could use it at any time without incantations.

thought i'd try to make a harry potter fanfic for myself and share it with others.

Arjurcreators' thoughts