
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Naomi's First Time **


Noah and Naomi kissed like there was no tomorrow. Naomi was electrified as she didn't know intimacy with a man could feel so good. Although her movements were inexperienced, Noah enjoyed them while he hovered above her, covering her entire body with his.

"Mhmm~" The catgirl's muffled moans resounded in the room as the pair indulged in a wet kiss. Their tongues played with each other's as Noah kept caressing her body, stimulating her sensitive zones, like ears and tail.

His proud dragon poked around Naomi's cave sending shivers through her body.

"Nya~" Naomi purred and half-opened her eyes and looked at Noah from her hazy eyes. Panicking, she tried to push Noah away, when it didn't work, she immediately grabbed the blankets to cover her body.

Noah didn't give her much of an option and dived down, in between her legs.

"Aah~" She felt a jolt of current passing through her body when Noah started kissing her dripping cunt.

At the same time, Noah grabbed the tail that was wriggling in excitement and started rubbing it. Naomi's body curved upwards as her tail wrapped around Noah's hand while Noah's face got buried in her sacred cave. Not missing the opportunity, Noah pushed his tongue inside and feasted on her pink flesh.


"Aaah~ Oooh~ S-stop...N-N-Noahh~" Naomi held his purple hair and pushed him deeper inside her cave unconsciously. The combined stimulation was too much and soon she started playing with Noah's hair as she enjoyed this new sensation.

At the same time, a pair of lips met with Naomi's. At first, she responded and didn't care too much about it but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the lips were softer than earlier and the movements slightly inexperienced. She also realized that a tongue was tasting her honeypot, so where did this new pair of lips appear?

Confused, she opened her eyes slightly, and, saw a beautiful woman with auburn hair and golden eyes, sucking on her lips.

'What is happening?' She moved her gaze downwards and saw that Seraphina was naked. Her eyes looked for answers and went to the man who was still enjoying the kitten meal.

Her body froze!

Noah lifted his head when he felt, the sound of moans were no longer there.

"Leah didn't come?" He asked Seraphina who was now sucking on Naomi's nipple.


Seraphina looked towards Noah apologetically as she replied, "Nope, She was practicing her [Time] laws along with Ares."

"I see..." Noah nodded and,

"Aahhh~" He pinched Naomi's clit making her body shiver.

[Charm]! Naomi looked in Noah's eyes that seemed to call her deepest desires out of her, and now that she already was too sensitive, her body heated up and her sacred cave leaked more juices.

Unbothered, Noah went back to eating the kitten as Seraphina did the same, nuzzling on her neck and lips.

"Oooohh~" The catgirl was completely lost at this point, even when Noah stopped using [Charm] on her. She accepted this as if it was natural.


Soon waves of pleasure assaulted her abdomen as love juices gushed out of her sacred cave, while her body twitched in ecstasy. Her mind went blank as her body turned soft.

Noah happily drank the holy nectar, while moving towards the next meal.

Seraphina also felt Naomi reaching the peak, thus she stopped her assaults and her eyes moved towards Noah. She looked deeply in those purple eyes for a moment as she climbed on top of Naomi and stood on all fours.

"Noah I love you!" Saying so, Noah pushed his rod deeper inside her in one go.

"Aahh!!" Seraphina moaned above the catgirl, who slowly started regaining her consciousness.

*Pah!* *Pah!* *Pah!*

His balls hit her butt cheeks every time he thrust forward causing Seraphina to moan in delight.

Dazed by lust, she couldn't help but search for a pair of lips, and one was right in front of her. Naomi opened her eyes wide when she saw Seraphina diving down for her. She quickly changed to her cat form and escaped the debauchery by a hair's length. If she would have accepted it, she would have never been able to go back.

Seraphina and Noah, both wrinkled their brows slightly as they saw Naomi changing to human form, and sitting on the edge of the bed while covering herself with blankets. Naomi didn't fall for it! Too cunning!


Noah sent another mental message to Seraphina, telling her what to do.

"Aahhh~" grabbing the bedsheets below with her little fists, Seraphina moaned at the top of her lungs while her voice resounded in the entire mansion.

"Yess! Yess... Just like that...Aah~"


The catgirl watching this exotic, and passionate scene felt extremely curious. Even though she moaned a little, it was not this heavy and loud. She felt like it was the rod that makes the difference.

Noah wanted Naomi to ask him to fuck her.

Now that Naomi's face was completely flushed red watching Seraphina moan without any restraints, Noah couldn't help but want to give extra attention to Seraphina, thus he grabbed her breasts and moved his waist faster and faster like a bull, plowing the fields.

"Aahh~" Seraphina's body convulsed umpteenth time as she felt another orgasm building up in her lower regions. Noah was caressing her body and moving consistently at a rapid pace.

To Naomi, it looked like Noah and Seraphina were literally fucking like rabbits as her own sacred cave leaked love juices. The bed was drenched with the sex liquids of Seraphina and Naomi.

*Pah!* *Pah!* *Pah!*

"Ooohh~" With another orgasm, Seraphina, fell on the bed, unconscious, with a happy satisfied smile, as she has been continuously facing Noah's attacks for more than half an hour without stopping.

"Come!" Noah glanced at Naomi who at some point started rubbing herself in a similar fashion as Noah rubbed her.


She couldn't reach the peak. It was too frustrating as she witnessed Seraphina's body trembling after every few minutes, yet here she was, alone, and unsatisfied.

Naomi also wanted to experience something similar to what Seraphina experienced, thus she did what any other curious catgirl would do in her situation.

She laid on the bed while hiding her flower with her little hands shyly, like a meek lamb, as her ears drooped and tail wiggled in anticipation.

Noah again got on top of her and sealed her lips, Naomi responded back as they kissed ardently.

Slowly, Noah slid his dragon in the crack before holding her hands and pinning them above her head.

Soon they were completely lost as their bodies entangled with each other.

"What do you want Naomi?" Noah's voice was captivating as he asked Naomi.

"Con-continue..." Naomi muttered as she sealed Noah's lips with hers because his saliva was too sweet and she didn't want to miss a single drop.

Noah entertained Naomi a little longer as he stopped caressing her body and asked,

"What do you want?" Naomi's eyes glazed with lust as she replied meekly, "fuc me!"

"What do you want?" pinching her nipples, Noah caused Naomi to yelp "Fuck me!"

Noah nodded and pushed his waist forward. His objective was completed!

"uuh..nnhh..." Naomi whimpered slightly as she felt a huge dragon entering inside her. Her breathing turned erratic as her heart thumped faster. Even though she didn't know much, she knew it was very a important moment in her life. She looked deeply into Noah's purple eyes, and even though she didn't express her emotions, Noah could tell she was apprehensive and worried.

Noah caressed her soft body and licked her earlobes, making her shiver and forget about those thoughts.

"Arrghh!" Naomi's expression distorted to pained and she put her little hands on Noah's chest while trying to push him away as she didn't know that women would feel pain during their first time.

"It hurts!" She dug her nails into Noah's chest as she tried to resist.

"Don't worry, it will hurt a little, as it is your first time." Noah stopped and smiled at the naive Catasm.

"Really?" She felt like Noah was bullshitting. If that was the case then why didn't other girls scream? Only now did Naomi realize, she has never witnessed a woman losing her virginity. Although she has witnessed Noah's acts, but never the first time of a woman. Even when it was with Leah, Naomi holed herself up inside Noah's bedroom, when he was reshaping Leah's personality.

"Yes, but I will make sure to make it least painful." Noah gave a peck on her lips as he started moving his waist while caressing her body to stimulate it.

Naomi had a painful expression. Even though she didn't trust Noah much, she has witnessed many women screaming in pleasure and not pain. Thus she held herself back from pushing Noah as Noah kept moving forward while she waited for the pain to go away so that she could enjoy the blissful experience that she has witnessed in the past few months.

Soon he felt an obstruction and looked deeply into Naomi's black eyes.

"It will hurt a little..." He warned and pushed forward marking the primordial Catasm as his forever.

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