
This is unexpected.

(A/N 2257 words also this was edited by HeliosTheDepressed)

(A/N *not important for new viewers, this warning will continue until chap 8* MCS NAME IS NOW NOAH!!!)

Waking up for school is one of, if not the worst thing in the world. You're deep in sleep and suddenly. Out of nowhere. A loud noise goes off signifying the start of a new day. It's not even that my life is bad. Just rolling out of bed is hard to do. Unfortunately, everyone must do it, and so I put some pants on and go downstairs.

"Hey sis," I say as I go down the stairs. "What's for breakfast?"

"Nothing idiot, you spent all our money on Pokémon cards remember?"

"Right… I guess I'll head out then. Cya!"

"Bye dweeb."

'Man she totally hates me hehe'

I start my walk to school. Walking through the suburbs is stupid, everything is so far. My mom used to drive me and my sister but she died in a random shooting. Ever since then my sister hates me and overall life has a lower quality. Today I start 10th grade, I'm not expecting much. I mean I had friends but they all seem so childish now. I'm just gonna try my best and get back to my goofy self.

Arriving at school I see lots of buses, the smell of gas in the warm air makes me want to cough. 'This is pointless' I say to myself as I make my way into school. I go to the cafeteria for some free albeit trashy breakfast, meeting my friends sitting at one of the tables.

"Sup suckers, long time no see!"

""Noah!!!"" they all shout. I guess I never really talked to any of them over the summer. We got to talking and it honestly felt good talking like old times. Suddenly the starting bell rings and everyone starts to leave the cafeteria. I went with the flow until I had to split with the gang. I have different classes than all my friends. Even though I easily get the best grades in all my classes I'm always put with the idiots and potheads. I don't really mind though most of them make good conversation so I never went to my counselor about it.

The day goes by quickly, mostly just ice breakers and goofing off. Now it's 2:30 and I'm on my way to work. I decided to start working now to take some burden off my sister's shoulders. It's the least I could do in these tough times. A week before school I went to my local Walmart and applied for a job. Long story short I'm stocking the shelves looking at a kid taking a shit in aisle 9. I decided the best course of action for my own sanity would be to ignore it and go to the opposite end of the store.

It's now 8 pm and I'm off my shift. Apparently, there's a thing called labor laws that prevent me from working too long. I don't really care as long as I make some pocket change. Im now walking back home hoping my sis made some dinner, I'm starving. I open the door to my apartment and smell the delicious aroma of goldfish and a cold sandwich.

"It's more than I could ever ask for dear sister," I say in a playful voice.

"I know I know," she says sitting on the couch as she flips through the channels with her sandwich. I sat next to her and we watched tv for an hour or so. Small talk along with a few laughs, not a bad night.

"I'm gonna go to my room, I'm feeling a bit sleepy," I say, giving a fake yawn to show her I mean business.

"Ok dweeb rest up, tomorrow is probably gonna be harder than today."

"Jeez, you're always so pessimistic. Try to be happy, for mom." I stated with pleading eyes.

"..." She stayed quiet. I decided it was best to retreat so I went back to my room.

'I think I fucked that up'

[30 minutes later]

I'm sorry brethren, I'm feeling the horni. I must take action. As I'm stroking my log I start to climax and right as I do suddenly… Glistening light blue water, beautiful blue skies, 10-foot tall man carrying a giant log?

'Weird, I could've sworn I was just in my room.'

I look around trying to figure out why in god's name I was in this place.

'I don't think this is a dream, I mean I was just jerking off and now I'm randomly in a city with giant people carrying giant logs? Seems like I've migrated to an anime, now the only question is which anime… wait. It's so obviously one piece. huge people? Check, beautiful water? Check, well that's really it but that's basically one piece in a nutshell.'

Suddenly time freezes and I hear a voice. It says "hey kiddo I'm god and i sent you to your favorite anime world. I know you probably wouldn't be able to handle it if I just threw you in so I gave you the ability to stay calm under any circumstances and mastery over weapons you have compatibility with, namely swords, martial arts, and pistols. And don't worry about your sister, she'll be fine." seems sort of half-assed coming from a god but whatever, I'm just gonna trust in his words for now until I see a reason not to.

I made my way over to a tavern to check where in this huge world I am. I pushed open the western-style bar doors and made my way to the bartender, spotting a bounty board on the wall.

"Hey brother, I was wondering where we are."

"Are you ok kid?"

Looking down I realized my clothes were a bit shabby, to say the least. I had no shoes, peasant brown pants, and an open buttoned shirt with rolled-up sleeves.

"Ahaha, rough night ya know? Been chilling all over the place you feel me…? Anyways can you just answer my question?"

"As long as you don't give me any trouble… we are in the west blue right now on a large island called White Tiger Island in the kingdom of Ostrad"

"Don't tell me it's named because-"

"There's a big white tiger that lives in them mountains? Don't worry, it's just a fairy tale. The only threat right now are bandits"

"Fair enough. Also what year is it?"

"Which boulder you been living under? *sigh* it's 1506"

'WOW, it's early.'

"One last question. What's with that bounty wall?"

"Most if not all are the mountain bandits up in them mountains."

"Riiiight mind if I take one?"

"Don't care bro"

And with that, I go over to the poster and look through them. I pick up the one with the biggest bounty and set off towards the mountains!

[3 hours later]

*panting* Fucking hell that was a long walk. The directions on the poster say his base will be somewhere in this area. After walking for a good 30 minutes I found it! This has been part of my plan since I saw that bounty wall.

I walked up to the large group of bandits and called out for their leader

"Jared Moneybags!!!!!!!!! Get your booty out here!" I say waving his bounty paper

A big-looking guy stomped out of the shack these bandits are hanging out in.

"Who the hell are you?"

"The names Noah."

"A bounty hunter huh?"

"No, I actually wanted to join your little party!"


All the bandits seemed to stumble at this I guess they were all street rats found by ol moneybags here

"You must be crazy, but I like crazy. Fine, just stay with us from now on. Also, spar with one of the boys."

"Yes sir!"

I found the closest guy to me and asked him to fight. He said yea so here we are in a big circle. I guess the other guys don't get much entertainment around here.

"Not like some kid can beat me anyway heh!" Random bandit guy charges at me with brute strength and no skill. I watched this and realized something.

'I've been way too calm this entire time huh? I guess that's god's gift.'

And with that thought, the bandit came in range and I side-stepped his tackle and swept his leg so the guy face planted in the mud. "OOHHHHHH!" all the bandits cheered when finally something exciting happened to them. The bandit got up but this time with mud and fury in his eyes. He rushed at me again but this time faster and a little scarier. This time I needed to end it so as he was running towards me doing the exact same move I sidestepped again and punched him straight in the jaw. And he was out like a light.


The rest of the guys came up to me and told me to drink up so I guess I'm officially part of the boys. We went back to the camp and drank through the entire night. In the morning I decided it was finally time to check my appearance and layout a plan.

I looked in a random mirror I found and found myself to look quite good. Also, I think I'm a child? Maybe fourteen?

Well, anyway it's like 16 years before the start of the cannon so that gives me plenty of breathing room when it comes to building up strength in time for cannon. Well, I'm already a bandit so there's no going back to being a good boy. Unless I slaughter all the bandits now and become a marine. I don't think that's gonna work though because Jared is too strong for me, the guy I beat up was the weakest of the bunch or so I've heard. My original plan for getting the bounty was to join the bandits as a starting point to get my strength up. Then after I've outgrown these guys I'll kill them all so they aren't a problem in the future.

[One week later]

So it's been a week with these guys and we haven't done much. I go hunting a little bit just to practice but these guys have a lot of food stockpiled from a raid they pulled on one of the nearby villages. Suddenly Moneybaggs announced that it's time to gear up and go on a raid! Everyone cheered and we headed for a road to set up an ambush.

I talked to some of the guys and apparently, there are a few villages on this island and they all have very good defenses because of the sheer amount of bandits on this island. The two main threats on this island are the king's soldiers and other bandit groups all trying to get rich here. Bounty hunters are a close third but there aren't really that many because the king doesn't like to pay people for stuff he could get done for free.

'How frugal of him *sighs*' Anyways, I decided on a weapon! After a long and hard thought, I decided I would go for butterfly swords. They're good for offense and are easy to pair with martial arts. I also got some new threads because I didn't want to wear peasant clothes anymore. Now I'm wearing some good leather boots, strong cloth pants, a white button-up shirt, a leather tunic with lots of pockets and a hood, leather gloves, and of course my butterfly swords. Believe it or not all of this stuff was just lying around.

I guess I joined a rich bandit camp then. Now, back to the present. We are currently waiting in the forest around the main road leading from one of the main cities called 'Taucross' to the small village I found myself in when I appeared in this world. Suddenly a wagon that looks like it's bursting at the seams comes down the road going towards Taucross. The only problem is it's guarded by lots of men, lots of mounted archers, and men in leather armor with big swords walking with the wagon.

"Damn," Jared says as he thinks out loud. "I guess we hit this wagon a bit too many times."

"What should we do boss?" One of the higher-ranking bandits asks him.

"Agh fuck it, were gonna smack these bastards hard and fast ok? Aiden, take some men and flank their backs while the rest of us are gonna go to the front and distract them. You take out as many as you can discreetly. Brian, you stay here and look out for anything coming from Taucross they might have planned to meet in the middle just in case."

'Wow, this guy is actually really smart what the hell?' I decided to go with Aiden and flank from the back because I want to get some action. This week has been very boring for me after the high from getting transported to another world fell off. As soon as Jared said the word everyone split off. I went with my team little ways down sneaking through the forest while Jared went on to the road and waiting in plain sight for the caravan to arrive. Brian sneaked through the forest in the other direction as we surveyed for enemies coming from that direction.

Soon enough the wagon pulled up and stopped a little bit away from Jared. So he went up to them.


Sry if its a bit bad this is my first time writing things other than school essays. Like it ? Add to library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lanceboicreators' thoughts
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