
No Romance To Be Found

In the midst of a chilling night, Elena Wilson, a young and timid girl, finds herself in a harrowing chase, desperately trying to escape from an unknown pursuer. Lost in the alleys of a desolate street, she collides with a car, her heart racing as she braces for the impact. Miraculously, the driver of the vehicle manages to halt just in time, saving her from harm. As Elena regains her composure, she gazes up to meet the eyes of the car's owner, only to recognize the face that has adorned countless magazines—the enigmatic and successful billionaire, Elliot Wessex. Overwhelmed with both gratitude and trepidation, Elena implores him for help, hoping he could drive her to a safe place Little does Elena know that Elliot's desire to assist her is not purely driven by kindness. Beneath his handsome façade lies a some hidden motive. Drawn to Elena's beauty and vulnerability, he agrees to aid her in eluding her pursuer, embarking on a dangerous journey that illuminates dark secrets and tests the limits of trust.

Blue_Snowflake · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

It was 11 at night, Elliot Wessex, the most handsome young billionaire was driving his Lamborghini.

He was speeding down the empty highway, the engine roaring with power. As the wind whipped through his perfectly styled hair, Elliot Wessex felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The night sky was adorned with a blanket of twinkling stars, mirroring the glittering success he had achieved. With each passing mile, his mind wandered back to the sacrifices he had made and the risks he had taken to reach this pinnacle of achievement. The Lamborghini's sleek design and powerful engine were a testament to his unwavering determination and unwavering pursuit of excellence. As he continued to push the limits of speed, a sense of invincibility washed over him, fueling his desire for even greater accomplishments.

As the sleek black Lamborghini sliced through the darkness, Elliot Wessex couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led him to this moment.

From humble beginnings, he had worked tirelessly to build his empire, overcoming countless obstacles along the way. Now, as he raced down the deserted highway, the weight of his success mingled with the thrill of the speed, creating a heady mix of satisfaction and exhilaration. The city lights twinkled in the distance as he pushed the pedal to the metal. The cool night air rushed through the open windows, filling the car with a sense of freedom and exhilaration.

Elliot couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he navigated the twists and turns of the road with precision and skill. Each flicker seemed to mirror the excitement pulsating within him. The wind tousled his raven black hair, his piercing grey eyes focused intently on the road, reflecting his unwavering resolve to chase his dreams.

He was known for being cunning and cruel and a very famous playboy not committed to any girl but desired by many young girls. While he was driving by a quiet street he saw some young girl running in a white long gown as if some people were chasing her, however he didn't stop driving, he saw the girl was now in middle of the street while running, so he was afraid he might hit her with his car so he was honking but the girl seemed too frightened to notice the car coming and so he abruptly pulled his brake before his car could hit the girl but the girl got scared and lost her balance and fell on the ground, so Elliot quickly got out from his Lamborghini to check on the girl As Elliot rushed towards the fallen girl, he asked with a mix of anger or worry in his voice He asked with a mix of anger or worry in his voice, "Are you alright? Did anyone hurt you?"

His heart raced as he knelt down beside her, offering a hand to help her up. The girl, still trembling with fear, looked up at him with wide eyes as if she recognized Elliot as his picture were almost all over the magazines and news, but her voice barely a whisper as she replied, "I... I'm ok I guess, but they are after me, please take me to a safe place." Elliot's expression hardened, and he looked at the girl carefully, she had large brown doe like eyes, full plum lips but they were trembling, long black hair which were now all messy and her beauty was breath taking, Elliot's heart raced as he processed the girl's plea for help.

He couldn't ignore the fear in her eyes, the desperation in her voice and the beauty who was standing In front of him made him desire her, being a playboy, he knew how to take advantage of the situation. So he said " Come, sit in the car, I will drive you to the safest place." He knew he had to tread carefully, not wanting to exploit her vulnerability. As he opened the car door for her, he couldn't help but notice the trembling in her hands. It was clear that she had been through something traumatic. As they drove in silence, he kept stealing glances at her, trying to gauge her emotions. He knew that gaining her trust was crucial in this moment, he noticed she was fidgeting her hands, So to clear up the heavy and awkward silence in the car Elliot decided to ask her name " Tell me, what is your name?"

As Elliot asked her name, he could see a flicker of surprise in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment before softly replying, "My name is Elena." Her voice carried a hint of vulnerability, So Elliot offered a comforting smile as he said, "It's nice to meet you, Elena. So, where do you want me to take? Do you have any safe place in your mind." Elena pondered Elliot's question, she was thinking about going to her friend Sarah's home but her family may know she may have gone there so she said lowly while playing with her hands "Maybe to the police stati.." before she could finish her sentence she shook her head and said " No, not...not there, the police are also involved with them" Elliot was a bit confused and he realized he had not asked who was chasing her and what happened with her so he decided to ask right away " Could you tell me what happened with you and who were the people chasing you?"

He couldn't help but wonder what kind of danger she had encountered, he could sense the weight of her past experiences weighing heavily on her. Finally, she took a deep breath and began to recount the terrifying events that had unfolded. She said with a shaky voice " My father was forcing me to marry an old man to repay his debts.....so when I tried to runaway 3 days ago so my father and my stepmother locked me in and told that old man so he sent few of his men to guard me so that I couldn't escape but tonight I made a plan to escape" She paused for a while and continued " I pretended to be have stomach ache and I was screaming so my stepmother came rushing and seeing my state that got panicked and went to call the ambulance leaving the my door open and I took the opportunity to escape and when I got out from my home and saw the guards were busy conversing with each other and I slowly ran away from there but my stepmother noticed and alerted the guards and they started to chase me but I was already too far away from their reach." tears formed in her doe like eyes, Elliot listened to her carefully and a dirty idea popped in his head to take this situation to his advantage as he knew he cant have her for 1 night stand and he doubted he would be satisfied by taking her for once, so he asked with a grin " Hey, listen, how about we make a deal?"

Elena got surprised and wiped away her tears with the palm of her hand Elena looked at Elliot with a mix of curiosity.

She couldn't help but wonder what kind of deal he had in mind. Despite her desperate situation, she couldn't afford to make any hasty decisions. Taking a deep breath, she cautiously replied, "What kind of deal are you proposing?" Her voice trembled slightly, betraying her vulnerability.

Elliot looked at the street to focus on driving and he said with an amusing tone " Since you don't have any place to go, how about you marry me and you will benefit from living in my home as my wife and you being my wife will stop my family from nagging me to marry the person they like, don't worry you just have to be my wife for 2 years. Look think carefully, you wont be safe anywhere else other than my home and I swear I will protect you so if you don't like my proposal can drop you to the place you want."

Elliot knew Elena could not deny his proposal since she had no place to go and she needed someone to protect her, so Elliot waited for her response.