
Graduation Day

"I'm not perfect and I can't promise I'll ever be but what I can promise is that I'll never leave you, I will never let that beautiful smile on your face vanish.

I'll always be here, in pain ,in sorrow and in happiness. Even when you want to get rid of me I'll stick with you like glue you're my world,my everything. l love you my sunshine"he said with a soft tiny voice that can make you cry in pleasure.

"Hy Natty wake up will be late you fool do you really wanna to be late on your graduation day!!" lily shook me waking me up from my beautiful dream ughh this fool.

" damn Lily a cute guy was proposing to me why did you have to pull me away from such a romantic moment again !!??why you so mean ??"l shouted ,this is like the hundredth time she pulls me away from such a heated moment l wish she could just die." Stop your fantasies about boys and go get one ,for real girl get a life ,yeah right l bet that's easy. l looked outside the window the sun was already up shinning so bright oh its so beau...ugh damn what tym is it!!.

"Yeah girl its late l can't believe l am going to be late again because of you and your fantasy boys ,come on get ready already!!" lily threw a pillow at me still mumbling cursing at me.

"Damn lily why didn't you wake me up sooner huh??!" l shouted jumping into the shower damn l was late again!!

"Like l didn't try you were sleeping like a log ,next time l emptying a cold bucket of water on you for real"l heard lily yelling from the bedroom ,will surely see abt that dummy. After two mins in the shower l quickly put on my uniform, grabbed a sandwich on my way out then locked the door." Can you be a bit faster srly am not ready to remember my graduation day picking papers or washing the toilets because l was late "

"Yeah yeah l am coming oky" l replied munching on my sandwich.

Ohh sorry for not properly introducing myself my name is Natalie Bishanga and l am 18 years old ,the noisy one is my best friend Lily we also roommates and we go to the same school of course .Today is actually kind of special we graduating from high school, l can't wait to see my uncle and go to college. l never knew my parents and l don't know much about them too .My uncle never really talk about them like at all ,anyways l don't really care about them they probably abandoned me or something at least l got someone who loves me my uncle.

Lily and l rushed to the station thank god we were able to catch the second bus on time. We reached the school soon enough but everyone was already in ,we were definitely late .

"l am sure the mistress is waiting for late students on the corridor so we might have to take our secret passage to get to class" Lily said which l quickly nodded to.Since we were always late lily and l searched for a way to get to class without getting punishment and luckily we found one close to our class.Don't judge us yet we not bad students, yeah you can say a bit naughty but we definitely not the bad girls.

"Ready?" lily asked me looking straight into my eyes l nodded silently. We started moving towards the gate and we entered trying to be quite as possible .When we were near the corridors we took a turn and went behind a block swiftly moving through a narrow passage and keeping our heads down until we reached an open window.We threw our bags in first then lily started climbing up after she was in she helped me up as well. Luckily there was no students or teachers around, we dusted ourselves and fixed our uniform then head to class . Our history teacher was already in giving everyone papers must be the exam papers.We tried to sneak in to our chairs but then.."Miss Lily and Miss Natalie late again"our teacher's voice made us stop dead in our tracks damn we swiftly turned around to face him.

"We so sorry Mr Charles for being late" lily and l repeated as we made puppy eyes l hope he falls for it."l don't have time for this quickly go take your seats "he sounded defeated ,yes!!we quickly took our seats while the other students gave us looks idiots!! .l looked at my exam paper A+ yes l knew l got this besides l love history. It didn't take long when the bell rang telling us to go to the hall .

" Okay everybody take your stuff and head to the hall come on come on"Mr Charles told us ,we quickly lined up and like soldiers we marched to the hall not literally.

Lily and l took the chairs in the middle when everyone was seated the principal walked to the stage while everyone clapped.He gave us a speech about how proud he was and how happy he was and also wished us good luck on our new journey to college . A few teachers also gave us speechs and our President got a trophy since he was the highest of all of us .The top tens also got something l mean we did lily was number 5 and l was number 9 l think we did a great job the exams were tough as hell. After all was done we headed home. As soon as we arrived l started packing my bag was very excited about going back home.

"Hy Natty do you wanna like go to the party downtown?" lily asked typing something on her phone l was about to refuse "ohh and Steven will be there l know you have a thing for him but you refuse to tell me l mean what's the use of a best friend if you can't tell me about your crush?" lily asked still typing on her phone ."Its not like that liz l am sr..." l tried to explain but she cut me off "yeah that what you going to say anyways so you going or what?" lily sounded hurt l knew if l refuse she will get really hurt and she was not completely wrong l meam Steve well his kind of cute.

"Let's go kill that party sis!!"l agreed.