
No Matter How Long Time Passes, I Still Love You

A game of "Let's Switch" changed the fate of three youths. Tian Yuo (Age 6): "Nobody will notice, especially her! I don't want to play with her." Chen Mu frowned from his behavior, "But she is your future fiance. You're meeting her for the first time anyways." Tian Yuo: "Come on, let's switch for the day. Sometimes even our mothers can't figure us out because we swapped our clothes and accessories! Please...I'm going to tell my mom that I don't want to marry her anyways." Chen Mu: "I still don't think it's a good idea.." Tian Yuo: "Didn't you hate hanging out with Chu Yao? I'll help you avoid her for this whole school semester if you switch with me." Chen Mu sighed, "Fine. Only this time." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo: "I don't want to marry Yin Susu. I don't love her, and she will never be my bride." He shouted out loud in front of his parents, Yin Zin Leung (Susu's father), and Karen (Susu's step sister). Before leaving the room, he grabbed Karen's hand and looked back with a sharp glare towards Susu, "I will only have one wife and she's Karen." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Karen handed Susu a glass of wine, "Sis, please forgive me. Bro Yuo and I really love each other. I'll drink this glass of wine as an apology. It's my engagement night, so I hope you could give us your blessing." Susu felt tightness in her chest as she chugged the glass of wine in her hands down her throat. She didn't notice the smirk on Karen's face while she was swallowing the wine. Feeling ill, Susu went upstairs to escape the loudness that gave her a headache. She leaned against the wall and sloppily entered a guest room. Once entered, she stripped naked from feeling the heat in the room. The next morning, she woke up to find Tian Yuo sleeping naked next to her. Her face turned pale as she felt cramps on her lower abdomen when she moved. A noticeable blood stain was on the bed... 'Did..w..what happened..?' The guest room door swung open and Karen shockingly stood by the door. Her loud gasp and unsettled tone rung Susu and Tian Yuo's ears, "Sis! Bro Yuo!! How could you two do this to me?" Tian Yuo immediately sat up and caught a glimpse of what had happened. Quickly he refuted any accusations that were thrown at him, "It's not like that! I didn't! Karen, it was her! She drugged me! I drank the wine that was from her and then I woke up just now!!" He angrily looked to his left and growled, "Yin Susu! I never thought you'd go this far!!!" Susu cried, "It's not me!!! It's Karen!!!" Karen's tears were similar to a nonstop flood, "Sis, you're too much!!! How could you!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo coldly scowled at Susu on their wedding night, "We may be married, but I would never touch you. You'll live with an emptied title. You'll never get the love you wish to get from me. Understand?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chen Mu spotted Tian Yuo at a bar after paying Susu a visit. He ran towards the handsome man who was flirting with a group of girls, "You bastard! If you never loved her, why marry her in the first place?!" "To torture her." "If you don't know how to care for your own wife, then I won't hold back! I won't let anyone hurt her. Not even if you are my closest friend." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Chen Mu is the Male Lead in this story. The book cover image does not belong to me. Credits are given to whoever the author is for the image that I found on Google. I edited and added onto the image for the book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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201 Chs

Honeymoon! 3

*WARNING! This chapter contains mature content. If you don't feel comfortable reading the mature content, then skip this chapter! You've been warned!*

After taking an exciting tour around the honeymoon suite, the newlyweds decided to take their time exploring the area. Earlier, Susu had spotted a beach near the resort. Walking hand in hand while swinging their hands lightly, the couple took their time looking around and telling jokes to each other.

As they walked on the boardwalk, seagulls accompanied them in scattered groups. The blue-green water of the ocean diversified with the red and orange hues of the incoming sunset. Pointing towards the pretty pinks and the fluffy clouds above, Susu bit her lips in excitement.

"It's so pretty!"

Pinching the tip of her nose lightly, he chuckled at her reaction. "Would it be more beautiful if there were stars?"

Blinking, she nodded. "Yes! It'll be better if I could touch the stars haha. But it's impossible."

"It's possible. Look carefully." With his arms sitting on her shoulders, he leaned close to her ears and directed his fingers around the beach.

The wet sand at the shoreline glimmered like mini diamonds; a river of stars. Her eyes widened as the scenery looked better than any starry nights she's seen before. Holding her hands, he guided her to the sand. They stopped walking eventually.

"Hmm?" She wondered what was going on in his mind as he bent down and took a handful of sand. Bringing the sand to her, he said, "Take a careful squint at it."

At first, she thought it was one of his pranks where he would stuff the sand into her face and then run off. Then, she realized she was overthinking. Her eyes skimmed through the pile of sand in his hands. It took her a minute or two to understand his meaning. When she spotted the five pointy corners and shaped out each sand particle in his hands; she covered her mouth.

"It's so beautiful!!" The sand was star shaped just like how she had requested! She wanted to touch stars! Susu gazed at the sunset view and the star shaped sand in awe. Her lips could not close as her smile stretched in blasted happiness.

Laying down on the glittering sand, both of them relaxed as they viewed the dimming sky. Clouds were slowly blending with the darkness. Still, they managed to distinguish a few funny looking shaped ones. While pointing to the sky, Susu giggled, "Doesn't that one look like a dinosaur being chased by a bunny?"

"Haha, it also looks a dog chasing after a cat, though. Look. Those are their heads and then over there is their tails." He took her raised finger and traced over random corners of the clouds.

"Ah! You're right! Pffft, hehe. Then.. what about-" Her words halted as she felt a few droplets fall from the sky. The cold raindrops increased in size and soon, a rainstorm interrupted their peaceful evening.

"Ahh!! Let's go back to the resort." They got up from the sand and ran back to the resort. Actually, on their way to the beach, there weren't any places where they could take cover from this storm. Therefore, they could only run all the way back.

- Honeymoon Suite-

Though they were soaked from the rain, both of them couldn't help but laugh at the mess they've become. As they panted for breath, Susu noticed her white top was stuck to her skin, revealing her pink lace bra. Her hair was also dripping wet and disheveled from the raging wind fight just now.

Combing her hair backwards, she said, "We should take a hot shower before we catch a cold."

Seeing the smile on her face made an indescribable warmth spread in his body. Her outfit was oddly luring him to get closer and devour her body. "Are you cold?"

"A little." She didn't get the hint he was giving to her.

"Then..how about I warm you up.." Hugging her from behind, his arms crossed around her waist as he bent down and whispered hot breaths into her ears. Although it's been years since they've last done the deed, he remembered every single sensitive spot she had a soft spot for.

His deep, coarse voice echoed into her most sensitive right ear slowly, "in my own way." His finger tips ran up her shoulders to the back of her neck; teasing her relentlessly. Quivering from his touch, her legs began weakening under his naughty play.

Curving a coy smile on her face, she turned around and reciprocated the way his fingers danced naughtily against her bare skin. Pushing his back to the wall, she tiptoed to place a peck on his lips. Then, she left a small gap between them where she slipped her finger onto his lips; cutting off his kisses.

"Sounds like it's you who want some warm ups before dinner. Are you sure your stomach could handle dinner after having dessert first?" Her wet eyelashes fluttered seductively as if it was inviting him in for a suggestive act that he's been anticipating for the longest time.

His breathing quickened as his lips pressed against her finger and kissed it roughly. Bending her leg upwards to his hardening member, it started moving to and fro. As if she was circulating blood flow for that area, she whispered, "I take that as a yes..?"

"Susu, you.. you're playing with fire." His arms pulled her in for a tight embrace as he turned the tables around. Now, her wrists were caught in his hands, and their lips were connected. Their kisses were wet and sloppy as their tongue entangled through exploring the other's mouth. As he tasted the sweetness of her kisses, his hands slipped under her top and found its way upwards.

Taking a small break from kissing, his hoarse breathy tone sounded into her ears. His lips pursed as it had planted pecks to her ears before it parted and let the tip of his tongue escape. Slowly, it traced the shape of her ears; earning moans as a reward. "Don't you think the clothes are in the way?"

"Hmm..nn..aa.." She lifted her head subconsciously as his kisses trailed down to her neck. Sometimes he sucked on her porcelain skin; wiping away the raindrop stains. Other times, he teased her until her legs trembled.

By the time they made their way into the bathroom, pieces of their clothing had been scattered over the floor. He picked her up and placed her on the counter just like earlier. This time, their kisses were hotter; more enticing. Her hands cupped his cheeks as she refused to let him turn on the hot water for their bath.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as if she wanted to merge them into one body. Pinching his chin, her tongue ran over his lips; moistening it once again. He whispered, "Let me draw our bath."

"Bribe me." Her smile was evidently sabotaging his last form of self-control. From her smile, he could tell she was having fun avenging for before. Sliding his hands up her arms, neck to the back of her head, he closed the gap between their lips. This time, it was a deep, whirlpool sensation sucking her in with his desires and suspense.

She let out a small laugh as her tongue licked the corner of her lips. "Don't make me wait too long." Her legs released his torso, allowing him to make their bubble bath.

Once the bath was ready, he carried her in princess style and placed her in the tub. As soon as they got into the warm bath, he was caught between her arms at the edge of the tub. With her arms around his neck, she initiated an openmouthed kiss where she pried open his lips and intruded his mouth.

As he sat down in the tub, her legs were spread while she faced towards him. The sound of her sighs filled the room as he planted more kisses from her neck to her collarbone. His palms caressed her smooth skin in the water, sending tingles to her hips. She could feel her entrance below getting wet, and an unbearable heat drowned her in ecstasy.

His fingers brushed up and down her thighs; each time getting closer to her weak spot. Finally, his fingers reached between her legs; hunting for her entrance. Swirling around her wet vaginal lips, he purposely teased around before penetrating a finger inside.

"Haa..ahhh..mm.." She groaned pleasurably into his ears as her hands held onto his back.

"You're tight inside.." He whispered as his kisses began exploring her ears.

"Nnn..not here..let's clean ourselves first." She said as she bit her lips and raised her hips above water level. Taking the shower head from the side, she turned on the warm water and sprayed it on his body. For the rest of their shower session, the couple snuck sensual glances at each other.

With a towel around his waist and a towel covering her torso, they exited the bathroom. Instead of going towards the bed, Susu led him to the camel-style back sofa where he was then pushed down. Her knees pressed between his legs as she bent down to cover his lips over again. His arms rubbed her back during their make out section.

Gradually, his fingers traced up her thighs and found its way to her peach. Sensing the wetness between her knees, eagerness filled his eyes as he wished to thrust inside and feel every inch of his penis inside her tight walls. He missed the heat of her climaxes and wanted to penetrate her badly. Seeing the way, he started biting his lips, she smiled. "Do you want to be inside of me?"

Lifting his chin with a finger, she missed the tricky smirk on his face. "Do you think I need to ask?" Suddenly, she felt an intruder entering her. Without her noticing, he had removed his towel and located her pussy entrance close to his penis.

"Ahhh.." Both of them groaned as they felt the connection of becoming one again. Her walls clenched onto him tightly as he started thrusting using his hips. His hands guided her to move her body on her own. Melodious sounds of flesh pounding against flesh could be heard throughout the suite.

For every thrust he shoved, he made sure it reached the deepest of her womb where her high-pitched moans would become louder. As they grew closer to their climax, they switched positions where she sat on the shelter arms of the sofa. Her legs crossed around his hips as he plunged his penis back inside of her.

Each thrust kissed her womb, showering her insides with pecks and precum. As they reached their first climax, her arms tightened around his neck and lips met his. Their breaths quickened and his words shortened to raspy whispers. "Ahh.. You're squeezing me so tight..I'm.. cumming.."

"Cum... Cum deep inside of me..Mmm...fill me up with your semen. Ahhhh.." Her groan released as she felt hotness flowing inside of her; warming up her insides. His thrusts slowed, but he continued pushing his swimmers inside to trap them from leaking down her legs.

After they had caught their breaths, they placed their foreheads against each other and met the other's gaze. Smiling, they whispered a sweet confession.

"I love you, hubby."

"I love you, wife."

They cleaned themselves up after their intensive exercise and realized they were late for their dinner reservation. Slipping the tip of her tongue between her lips, she said, "Whoops. Oh wells. We're newlyweds after all."

"Hahaha, that's right. Now, let's go eat our dinner and come back for more dessert."

"Ehh? You sure you could still have more dessert?" She teased.

Holding her hand to his lips, he gave it a small peck. "I can last a whole night if you want to challenge me."

Sorry for this long...wait...



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