
1.3 In A Dead Body

He felt something pulling him and he sank deeper and deeper. The life he lived in that body started to play out like a movie before his eyes.

They were… happy memories. Memories full of love. Starting with from the moment he awoke in that body at the age of five.

Three little boys who grew up together, closer than real family. But as the years passed, they grew more and more distant. Misunderstandings arose, arguments occurred, pulling and pushing their friendships until the time came for them to cut off their pasts.

And he, Wei Xin, chose to stand by the one he fell in love with while looking on sadly as the other boy walked away.

Yes. I am Wei Xin.

It was like a button had been pressed and the world spun faster and faster.

When Ju Long came to, he had already remembered everything of the life he had lived with this body.

In this world, he was called Wei Xin. He had been a famous singer. He was in love with his best friend, Wang Lintong. At the age of 24, he had died. The cause of death: he became infected with the X virus and then proceeded to sacrifice his life to save Wang Lintong.

His role in the plot of this world was something akin to a white moonlight-like supporting male lead. His death would lead to the protagonist to abhor abandoning his companions and go on a rampage against the zombies. Like this, he would lead humanity to overcome this crisis and bring about a new era of superhumans.

Wits, strength, and charisma; the protagonist had it all. Not to mention his own little golden finger other than sufficient plot armor.

An Ting, a girl who transmigrated over and had read the book containing the world plot. She is the chosen female lead, the one who would walk side-by-side the male protagonist.

Remembering all that he had done in this world to chase the protagonist made Ju Long want to punch himself.

He only had one word: Braindead.

When chasing that person, he let them use him. Use him like he was some kind of cheap store-bought salt.

He cooked them their favorite meals, not letting them see his bandaged fingers. Drank with them even when he knew he should take better care of his throat. Comforted them when they felt the world was unfair.

Worked himself to the bone to be better so that the other would only see his shining self. Deep inside, he was slowly falling apart.

Because the other party never looked back at him.

He paved a path through the rose bushes, ridding them of their thorns, fearful that the other would prick themselves in their carelessness.

He let them take him for granted. Lowering himself again and again whilst putting the other on a pedestal.

And worst of all, he had even helped push forward their current relationship!

Just what kind of sick thing had bewitched him to make him help his love rival?

Not once, not twice, but every single time he would inevitably help the protagonist and their "true" love become closer.

It's strange to suddenly realize just how passive he was in every world so much so that he was never able to snatch the protagonist.

It was like there was something preventing the main leads from breaking. Every single time it looked like the couple would break up, an event would occur and their bonds would become even stronger. Like it was destiny or fate holding them together.

Ju Long clicked his tongue. What did it matter, with his new role, it had nothing to do with him. He did not want to think about this kind of revolting thing.

"Jiu, give me a rundown of the past plot and the current plot, and the situation as well. I need to know the exact place where the plot has progressed to."

[Yes Host! The previous plot titled: "Backstory" contained a modern world theme and has slowly morphed into a zombie apocalypse theme which is now what the current plot is based on. Host's previous role was to be the little white moonlight in the protagonist's past that made him feel full of regret and the main reason why he wanted to save humanity. However, that purpose has already been achieved. It is unknown as to why this body is still existing. In the original plot pathway, this body should have turned into a mindless 2nd rank zombie that would eventually be killed by a group of superhumans… Host, it has been two years since your death and the protagonist has been living at D district's main base. At this time there have been numerous reports of a zombie king emerging.]

Ju Long licked his dry lips. "Zombie king?"

[Affirmative. A zombie king is a special type of zombie that is able to control other undead. Whatever its orders, they will follow unconditionally. This zombie king escaped from a hidden base where it was imprisoned and experimented on. It infected everyone in that base and gathered hundreds of zombies before disappearing. In just 5 years, it took down 243 bases and only 172 were left. A few months later and the protagonist would hunt for the zombie king with his team. With the cooperation of about a hundred fifty superhumans, the zombie king was slain. But they sacrificed almost the whole group and only 8 people survived. Later with the zombie king's core, they developed a vaccine. This vaccine only protected them from being infected but it would not cure those infected. So the superhumans could only continue as is and rid the world of zombies. Once all zombies were eradicated, a new era was ushered in and the protagonist lived happily ever after...! #$@&%*!? Host! This, this, this protagonist dares to name his firstborn son after you!] Ahhhhh-- scumbag! Rotten turnip! How dare he!

Eyes flickering with a cold gaze, Ju Long-- no, Wei Xin let out a cold laugh. "Oh."

There must be something wrong with that protagonist's head. Naming your child after a treasured friend is fine, but if it's a friend you abandoned…

Wei Xin only wanted to say: You, have, guts!

What did he even see in a man like this?

The orb beside him gave a soft bell-like sound before it's mechanical voice lowered to that of a whisper. [Host, host, the door is about to be opened! Jiu will go hi- go return to Host's soul. Should… should Jiu still make a copy of Host's memory?]

The orb watched its host lower their gaze in silence. Those green eyes darkened with a hint of red. The orb's body vibrated for a moment as its glow dimmed.

Finally, Wei Xin answered, "Go ahead."

[Alright. Then, Host, Jiu will go now. If you need Jiu, Jiu will always be with you!]

"Mm. I know." Before he could even finish his sentence, with a flash, the orb lightly touched Wei Xin's head and disappeared. No longer did it make a sound.

Wei Xin's lips twitched.

What is this? It's like a child running away after doing something naughty.

A light click sounded in the quiet room as the doorknob turned. His gaze moved towards the door.

He really wanted to know who was it that had this kind of idea to strap him to a reclined bed.

Are they sick or are they sick?

Ah, ah... I have received some motivation! Your comments make me shy and happy (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ En, so here, have another chapter. For those looking for the ml, look no further! He, he is coming soon! (*ノωノ) This this one is running away now! 。。゛(ノ><)ノ

Junkokucreators' thoughts