

Irrelevantname_27 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Am I lost?

As I get up from bed and have my not so sophisticated breakfast made up by a single toast covered by butter and a cup of coffee,I go back to bed.

It simply came to me like an epiphany: What if I just...never got up anymore? What if I simply gave up on ever moving out of this spot I am now on...would anyone care?would anything change in the way the world works? I look out the window, I don't see any eyes directed towards my apartment, so no one is waiting for me to leave so that they can go on with their lives.

Weather I do something or not,it simply does not make a difference,for no one. I send my boss a text firing myself,it may be a hasty act,but I don't care,I have simply had enough,of what?I don't know, but I don't want to leave my house ever again.

An hour passes,my boss doesn't send an answer, and honestly even if he does send one complaining about something,I don't care,it won't change my decision, why would I want to keep going to a useless place do a useless thing the whole day every single day? So that I can have "intervals" of happiness?so that I can survive? what is the purpose of anything?

Thoughts run through non stop,my mind is always like this,but today I feel exceptionally overwhelmed by this, and I don't know exactly why that is. Am I regretting my decision already? Am I worried about the future? Am I lost?

That I am,aren't I? As a lost as a penguin running up a volcano, with no vision of my own place in this world. Ever since I became like this, I don't who I am anymore,and don't know why I even exist in the first place.