
Lover Boy

A light flashed before Sam's eyes, and she found herself sitting in an office. Dark walls, wooden floors, and a plain white desk with only a small laptop on it. No one was in the room. She was alone and confused. A cold breeze was blowing from the west wall, but no window was there. Actually there were no windows nor doors. Just the desk and chairs. Quickly she sat up and slapped herself across the face. "ow" she said. " So this isn't a dream. Crap..." Sam walked around the room looking for any signs of an exit. When nothing was found she walked over to behind the desk and turned on the computer. The laptop lit up and made a small chirping noise. Pressing the enter button a message popped up. "When you make a wish it will come true. No matter how big or how small. Wish for a cake? A cake you will get. Wish for a war? A war will break out. Do not take this power lightly. You can end the world with only a thought. But you only get five so use them wisely. - ladybug" Sam read the message over and over. Trying to make sense of it. "Who is ladybug? Where am I? What do they mean wishes?" Question after question starting popping up in her brain. "Prince its time to wake up!" A faint voice said. "Wake up? But I'm already awake, and why are they calling me a prince?" She closed her eyes and opened them again. A woman was standing over her with a huge wooden spoon. " Prince Alec! If you don't wake your lazy butt up I've been given permission to hit you with Mrs. manners." She smirked pointing at the spoon. Sam felt a shiver run down her spine. She might not know where she is, but whoever this is, they are serious. " I'm up." She said sitting up right. Sam almost jumped at the sound of her voice. It was one of a boy.

Sam found herself sitting awkwardly at a table eating breakfast with Prince Alec's parents. She looked down at her hands. They were skinny. From what she had gathered from Jill (spoon lady) Prince Alec had been suffering from an infection and fever for the past couple of weeks and had been in bed resting. Apparently he had gotten better the last couple of days, but was still weak. He was unable to keep down his food, and everyone including the king and queen thought he was going to die. "Alec are you listening?" Sam looked up. It was still weird having to respond to a different name. "Alec me and your mother are very concerned for your health and think it is best if you try and focus on your studies." Alec's mother nodded. " We are still very worried about how frail you are right now. Just yesterday you fell down the steps and hit your head." Alec's father said. "If you need to tell us anything we are here." his mother added. Suddenly an idea popped into Sam's head. " There is something." They looked at their son in concern. " The truth is I don't remember anything." Sam said praying they would believe her. " Oh dear Alec that is horrible what do you not remember?!" His mother said nervously. "The truth is everything. I don't remember where I am, who I am, and how I got sick."

Hey so I didn't read this over! Its really late and I'm exhausted. I'm just trying to get this published. The rest of the chapters will be read over and edited carefully don't worry.

cleanneighborhoodcreators' thoughts