
No Hero Exists

Hosuh ran away from home as a young boy and soon met the prince of the kingdom, Beaumont. Beaumont was ready to be king until his father suddenly passed away; he took the throne and became selfish with greed. Hosuh took an oath as Beaumont's head guard to protect his life at all costs, even if it meant risking his own. Hosuh took this at ease until he watched the sweet boy he loved turn into a tyrant King. He wanted him to change - but he knew his friend and knew that the town needed a better ruler. What he didn't realize was that this choice would come with consequences. *Warning- story contains gore, fantasy/violence, discussions of war and weapons, political talk, child abuse, lgbtq+, etc. If any of these topics offend you- in any way, please stray away from my book.* Extra information: I did not create the front cover of my book- my best friend dani_tales4u on Instagram and on Webnovel created the graphic! She has great books and is amazing! Check her out:)

Somethin_Sue · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter [08]


Ellis and I relocated our luggage to the tower, and we appeared just in time for the morning rush. "You believe we'll get huge jobs?" I consulted as Ellis shrugged, "I feel I will- but what about you?" Ellis grinned, "This commander is competent, and I'm confident I'll-" We discovered all the guards gathering against the job board. I shoved past to analyze every name, recognizing neither mine nor Ellis's existed on the board. I was irritated, but Ellis slightly panicked, "D-Do you think they've found me out?!" Ellis whispered to me. "Unsure, but I shall not stand for this. COMMANDER HOSUH!" I yelled- "Yes?" I turned to see Hosuh next to me- I was petrified but managed to keep my anger.

  "W-Why don't we have assignments?" I exclaimed as Hosuh smiled- "You see, the king develops the job listing a day before, and we weren't fully anticipating to know who would finish the exam; hence you aren't on the board- yet." I flushed, embarrassed. "Ah, yes. I apologize." "But this is a wonderful opportunity- the king hoped to take a good look at the two of you," Hosuh told as I felt pessimistic. I have a history with men or authorities, and it frequently appears to go wrong. Ellis noticed my bitterness, piping up in delight- "Of course! We both would be honored to provide an appearance for King Cunningham." Ellis confidently pronounced, but I merely rolled my eyes. "We can-"

  "HOSUH! I GOT FOOD FROM-" The small brown-skinned girl from yesterday stopped and hid behind Hosuh's leg, "Hi." "You've met Ellis and Bell." Josephine nodded, eyeing me as I gave a wave. "She's cute..." Her expression didn't shift towards me, but she wholeheartedly brightened up to Ellis. "Time to leave." Hosuh proceeded with Ellis, Josephine and I following. During our stroll in the village yesterday- it was deserted, and a part of me assumed it was because the sun was falling, but it looks to be the way of this place.

  "How dead..." Ellis murmured- "I can't blame them... It has been years since the good times." Hosuh sighed. "Whatever do you mean?" I questioned. "You'll see..."

  We reached a gorgeous mansion- the stairs guided us to a room with a beautiful man at his desk. "Hello, King Cunningham." Both Hosuh and Josephine bowed to the King as Ellis obeyed along- I didn't do the same, which compelled Ellis to latch onto my neck, forcing me to kneel. "These are the new guards? A skinny lad and gorgeous woman- how peculiar~." The king explained, standing up with a mocking grin. We all stood upright, but my gaze lightly twitched from the comment- "Commander- are you certain of them?"

  "Bell and Ellis show great ability. Both of which are top of their academy from Eldham." Hosuh enunciates with faith. "Very well." he settled down and started jotting down on a sheet till he presented it to Hosuh. "Are you positive of these decisions?"

"Extremely." Hosuh sighed at his answer, and I was puzzled, but I snatched the paper to discover that Ellis had obtained a job to track down a burglar, and I received kitchen duty- "What is the meaning of this?" I calmly stared the King down. "Not satisfied with your task?" Cunningham asked with a cocky smile. "THIS IS A MOCKERY. I DESERVE MORE THAN SUCH A JOB THAT I AM ABOVE!" I yelled, which seemed to get him riled up. "Campbell, I am protecting you because a pretty gal like you could get hurt easily- and what kind of king would that make me to put you in harm's way?" Cunningham lied through his teeth. "DO NOT PRETEND TO CARE FOR ME- YOU ARE RUBBISH WHO VIEWS MEN SUPERIOR TO WOMEN, AND I SHALL NOT STAND FOR IT!" I shouted.

"Sweety, I need not lie for it be true." "Campbell- calm down. We can not risk banishment." Ellis whispered in my ear, allowing me to catch a breath. "I will say this once, do not disrespect me, and everything will be splendid." I clenched onto my sword, glaring.

"Heh, how about a new task?" He jerked the page from me, scribbling on it further and then transferring it to me again. I glimpsed at the words than the King with his narrowed green eyes. "Now, you may introduce our dear Josephine to the way of the guard as her mentor." He beamed as my temper was at the brink of exploding. "Cunningham-" "Please, call me Beaumont, and I can't wait to see a smile on that beautiful face of yours~." "YOU!"

It all happened instantly, the clash of the blades, a scream from Josephine, and my hostility blazing. I peered deeply into Hosuh's eyes- the moment I brought out my sword, I couldn't help but charge. He didn't wait to jump in front of me, bashing his sword against mine- saving Beaumont... The king was captivated by this- he knew this would transpire. That's why he pushed me. "Campbell- stand down and kindly step out of the room. I will not hesitate to injure you." Hosuh instructed as I fumbled with my decision. "Bell, stop. It's over." Ellis admitted with my breath being shaky- my blood boiling, and all I wanted was revenge, but I was doubtful. I glanced at Josephine near the edge of the room with tears running down her cheeks. I terrified her... What have I done?

Hosuh thrusted my sword to the ground, fastening it down. "Surrender," I crammed my blade back into the sheath, having Ellis escort me out of the residence.

"That poor girl..." I covered my vision, "It'll be okay- I understand your anger gets the best of you, but you must stay in control." Ellis cheered me up, brushing my back. "Thanks."

"HEY! I FINALLY SEE THE ROOKIES! HOW ARE Y'ALL!" An odd tall brunet with blue eyes barked- his armor was from the tower. "Not well." Ellis sighed as the male came over, "Anything I can help with?" "Well, this one here nearly attacked the king for some comments he uttered." Ellis gestured to me. "Ah, I see. Well, he ain't fair and trust me- has nothin' to do with ya gender. My advice is to keep ya lips shut if you want to get ahead 'round here. If anything, being a girl offers you a few advantages, don't waste em." He told, letting me roll my eyes. "I didn't ask." "And you'd be an imbecile not to heed my suggestion." "We appreciate the information." Ellis bowed.

"You two-" We glanced at the opening gates to see Hosuh tramping towards us with Josephine in his arms. "What were- Liam?" Hosuh glanced at the light-skinned brunet. "Hey, commander. How's it goin?" Liam gave a gleam. "Get out of here, Liam." "I shall miss you as well, grandad!" He wandered off. "I like him, a joyful guy." Ellis chuckled.

"What were you thinking? You cannot assault the KING! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN CAPTURED OR, WORSE, EXECUTED!" Hosuh yelled, ignoring Ellis. "I realized, and I apologize for my actions, but he was absurd! You cannot tell me that he is correct!" I hoped for a reply.

"That is not the point- what you did was dangerous... but you left an impression on the king somehow-" he stepped past me. "What? Impression? Explain?" Ellis asked. "Yes, please clarify," I repeated.

"The king has a knack for those who disobey him- as horrible as it seemed you earned his attention, and that alone shall get you a promotion anytime soon." I was slightly optimistic and yet irked. King Beaumont played me for a fool. Hosuh set Josephine on the ground, "I must attend to other matters, so I shall leave you all." Hosuh said with Ellis agreeing, "Yes, commander!"

"Come with me, Josephine." I crouched, opening my arms for her, but she tugged onto Hosuh's clothes. "Please don't make me go with the scary lady..." She begged. "You'll be okay, I swear." He rubbed her hair, "Your chest plate looks to have a smudge; allow me to assist." He took a few steps, wiping my armor and leaning into my ear. "If I see one bruise on her- you will regret it."

His smile never faded; it wasn't because he was lying, but for the fact, he was entirely honest. "Understood..." I gulped.

"Excellent, adieu." He strode off; what a formidable man.