
No Hero Exists

Hosuh ran away from home as a young boy and soon met the prince of the kingdom, Beaumont. Beaumont was ready to be king until his father suddenly passed away; he took the throne and became selfish with greed. Hosuh took an oath as Beaumont's head guard to protect his life at all costs, even if it meant risking his own. Hosuh took this at ease until he watched the sweet boy he loved turn into a tyrant King. He wanted him to change - but he knew his friend and knew that the town needed a better ruler. What he didn't realize was that this choice would come with consequences. *Warning- story contains gore, fantasy/violence, discussions of war and weapons, political talk, child abuse, lgbtq+, etc. If any of these topics offend you- in any way, please stray away from my book.* Extra information: I did not create the front cover of my book- my best friend dani_tales4u on Instagram and on Webnovel created the graphic! She has great books and is amazing! Check her out:)

Somethin_Sue · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter [03]

Enormous doors opened before me, and I seemed to be in a fantasy. The first steps inside the palace were enchanting, and the blue walls bestowed a soothing feeling. The hung paintings were exquisite, and the colorless tiles conveyed a sense of success. A butler bowed, "Welcome home, Prince Beaumont."   Peering at my side, "Royalty?" "Surprise."

A stunning man stood head high and gazed upon us. "Who is this, Beau?" "Father, this is Hosuh. A homeless child who requires shelter-" Beaumont's father glared at me. "You dare use my SON to-" Beaumont protected me, "Father, I offered Hosuh-" "Beaumont, he has a mouth. Let him put it to use."

Beaumont agreed, "What could you possibly have that would entice me to benefit you?" King Cunningham laughed. He's correct... What do I own? The only value on me is the clothes his son paid for... My lips quivered, fingers grasped my attire, and I could feel my face burn in humiliation. Shortly a thought came to mind, "Me, my body has value."

"Are you-" "I am not royalty- far from it. However, I'm a young, strong boy who is capable of any task desired." I bowed. "Remove your garments." Beaumont stood in front of me.  "Wait!"

"UNHAND ME!" A butler tried to tear my suit off. "IT'S THE KING'S ORDERS!" I shoved him realizing, King Cunningham was observing. "Marco- tend to Beaumont. I can manage here." "Yes, Sir. Careful." He fled, leaving me with the King, "I command you to undress-NOW!" Slipping the vest down my shoulders- I received a gasp. I took a seat and felt a painful sensation down my spine.

"Are you involved in magic?" "No, never. This was a mistake..." He continued to touch my back, forcing me to cry. "Would you like to make a deal?"