
Chapter 1

I stood still staring at my mum defend my little brother while he hid behind her.

I sighed in resentment and vacated the sitting room while she was still condemning me. I strolled into my room slamming the door hard after I had walked In. My palms grew as cold as frost. I was furious I could feel I could murder someone right now. I thought I was getting used to this already but it didn't seem like I was.....it was getting worse every day and I was arriving at my limit; getting yelled at for everything single thing I did in this house.

Nothing I ever did in this house was ever acknowledged as something good, I never received a "thank you" or "Nice work" from my parents. They were always finding ways to get me aggravated and keep me miserable. Everything and everyone was antagonistic to me. My only companion which had been my phone was just shattered a few minutes ago by that nightmare of a boy that called himself my brother and even on that my mother still criticized me.

"Was I cursed or something?." I inquired of myself

I close my eyes close trying to fight back my tears from strolling down. Just then I heard a knock on my door but I ignored it instead. The bang came again continually this time.

" Get out of here you bastard" I screamed knowing it must be my little brother. The door opened and my mum walked in, her face expressionless at the moment. I was still very much angry with everything that had just happened so I just hissed and faced the other way not minding what she might do. Besides what will be the worse thing she could do right now?

Maybe what if she was here to apologize? A tiny voice said to me.

"Isabella" She called out my name. I turned my face towards her again being expectant for something good this time.

"Come take out the trash," She said and closed the door.

The little hope in my eyes waved off immediately. I lay back on my bed.

"As expected!" I reckoned. I stood up put on my coat and left to take out the trash.

It was getting windy, a lot of things were already taken away by the breeze and I didn't want to be one of them so after I had disposed of the garbage I hurried back home as fast as I could. It was getting dark with every step I took. At the entrance gate of my house I caught a glimpse of two manly figures while I walked in I could sense they were staring at me the whole time. But the way they stared at me as if they just wanted to have me whole another weird thing was the color of their eyes which spoke a different yet sinister meaning about them.

Pushing those thoughts out of my head I rushed through the front door which was surprisingly open but I locked it making my way to my room. The whole place was thick and dark I couldn't see a thing this time, I brought out my broken phone but it didn't seem to respond in any way.

"Shit!" I cursed inwardly.

Just then I heard a shrill cry echo in the darkness.

I tried to move forward but my body wasn't responding at all.

"Ben" I managed to let out. Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs. My hair stood on an end, a shiver raced down my spine.

"who's there? Dad? Mum?"

The footsteps kept growing louder and closer. Then it came to a halt. Now I was determined to find the light switch at all costs.

"I got it" I smiled to myself turning on the switch but it wasn't working. Then I felt an icy fingers grip my hands in the darkness just then my body become paralyzed with fear but I still struggled to get my hands free but it held me down like it wasn't going to let go.

I felt a slight irritation on my collar bone before I went limp.