
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chika's thoughts

So what were the gifts god gave Yu you ask? Well, the gift goes as follows:

1. Dismantle and Cleave, which comes with also being able to grow claws and contract them.

2. The 3 eye, is exactly similar to the 6 eyes, for instance just like the 6 eyes, it gives Yu vast perception and immense brain processing power, as well as turning one moment in reality into well over a minute's worth of time within the user's brain. This works well in tandem with the user's enhanced sight, allowing them to analyze and calculate the positions of everything within view instantly.

Now Yu can feel the curse energy inside of him including the Soul energy, he can process both energies incredibly efficiently, also he can see both energies in the surroundings and in people very clearly. Everything the 6 eyes had the 3 eyes also have.

Unfortunately, God didn't want to just make him overpowered so he added the same backlash, the 3 eyes will always be activated tiring Yu, so just like Gojo, he will have to wear something that completely covers his eyes.

Fortunately, the 3 eyes, allow the user's eyes to function like a high-resolution camera even blindfolded. Just like another pair of eyes. The only difference between the 6 eyes and the 3 eye is that the 3 eye is well, one eye.

The 3 eye is probably the most overpowered gift Yu has for now, in just one night he became stronger mentally to a whole another level, not taking out the fact that he can now fully understand curse and soul energy in himself making all the power he has overpowered as well, well not yet, but with a few training sections and more battle experience, it will be.

3. A physical boost, All of Yu's physical attributes increased as well, not at Toji level but at least half of that.

This was the last gift Yu will receive from God and from now on...his by himself.


'WHERE IS HE!?' Chika shouted in her head, Yu was nowhere to be found, every day, Chika and Yu would talk for a little before class starts but she hasn't seen him all day.

'Can it be true that...' Chika imagined Yu and Akira on a date, yep a date, everyone in school has heard of the skit between them, one of those people being Chika.

Chika wasn't an idiot, she knew very well that she has feelings for Yu, spending time every day eating lunch with him, talking to him, and playing games together on their phones.

She had fallen hard, very hard, but since she's heard of what happened and that got her worried, what if he's gay? What if he never had any interest in her in the first place? What if he only sees her as a friend?

Chika's mind was going crazy and only one man was capable of doing that..."Ishigami..." She muttered. After a few seconds, she formed a fist in the air and steeled her nerves, she was going to give Yu a piece of her mind.

After all, he didn't even respond to her messages this morning or why he wasn't in school, so truly, he deserved it. Chika's phone started ringing inside her school bag, she took it out as fast as she could, and thankfully, as if Yu heard her prayers, it was a text from him.

[Ishigami: Sorry, I had to get a haircut, and other things, ima be there for lunch, don't miss me too much]

'Oh thank god, nothing happened, you got me worried for no reason, you idiot....' Chika helplessly thought with a smile. Chika decided to give Yu just a little piece of her mind before he gets here.

[Chika: You and I are going to have a long conversation when we see each other again]

She texted, Chika didn't even see the next few messages of despair that came from Yu after, instead she put her phone away, and walked towards her next class, with nothing but Yu in her mind.

The next few classes she had until lunch went by super fast, but for some reason, she couldn't get Yu out of her mind. He was all she can think about, she thought back to the conversation she and Yu had about him changing himself.

Yu told Chika about how he wanted to change himself, both physically and mentally, and well, she supported him, but days after saying that she can already see results, she can see them very clearly, and she's not the only one, some girls out there are talking about how Yu had somehow gotten more handsome.

Which scared her, 'what if he starts to like a girl? I'm scared...' Chika thought to herself, while she was thinking about Yu, the bell rang signaling lunch. Chika stayed seated for about 3 more minutes just thinking until she overheard a group of 3 girls talking about something.

"Guess what? My friend who's a freshman just texted me that the creep of Shuchi'in academy got a haircut, can you believe that? and she dared to say he looks like a whole new person, like in a way that his hot, we all know that guy will forever be nothing but an ugly geek"

"For sure, last time I saw him he looked a bit better than before, but you know what they say, multiplying a number by 0 still equals 0"

"lol, right? I heard that Fujiwara was hanging out with him, what is she even thinking? He is the definition of pathetic"

"Maybe he's just playing with him, I mean I would"

"Fujiwara probably just hangs around with him because she feels bad or something, she might have to watch out though, maybe he'll molest her"

"HEYYYYY" Chika screamed at the top of her lungs, she screamed so loud, that not only did her class get quiet but the halls as well. There wasn't a single sound that could be heard and the group of 3 girls just stared at Chika who was only a few feet away from them, as well as everyone in the class.

"Who do you guys think you are?" She said with a furious voice, everyone who was hearing and staring at this scene was in shock, THE Chika Fujiwara, a girl known to be nothing but a sweetheart, always being happy, was furious, and the ones who were the most in shocked and kind of scared were the 3 girls.

"Ishigami is one of the best people on this planet, he always plays games with me even though he doesn't have to, sometimes he brings me snacks he made at home to me to try them out, he gets easily jealous and tries to hide it but I can always tell, its true that from time to time he stares at my boobs and butt which makes him a bit of a pervert..." Chika spoke, not stuttering a single word, her voice was filled with nothing but sweetness and anger, everybody was confused as to why she was saying all this except the 3 girls.

"BUT EVEN THEN!! That part of him I don't hate either, because every time I see his eyes, they're filled with nothing but warmth, Ishigami will always care no matter what we're talking about, he always looks at me dead in the eyes as I talk hearing every single word I say, his the kindest and most handsome boy I have ever met, not to mention how his also super funny, it's true that he can be a bit too honest, but he always makes sure to apologize when he thinks he hurt someone feelings..." As Chika spoke, she couldn't help but get flashbacks of each thing she said.

She remembers when she was talking to Yu and then a pair of twins came who seem to be his friends, they talked and she heard him say something rude, but the second he saw that what he said was too rude he apologized, she remembers talking of how it's so hard to wake up in the morning, and instantly Yu told her many different things to help her, she remembers each time Yu made a small joke she always burst out into laughter because it was always funny.

For Chika, Ishigami was someone that in just a couple of weeks, grasped her heart, and to hear some girls say such foul things about him, she just couldn't stand by it, Ishigami was her man, her love, her idiot, and her type. So no girl, no woman, had a right to talk such things about him, especially when they were lying through their teeth.

"SO DON'T EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT ISHIGAMI, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW, JUST HOW AMAZING HE IS" Chika shouted, tears running down her face, these tears weren't because of the 3 girls, it was because of Ishigami because Chika has now realized, that she was falling in love.

The class was quiet as well as the halls, it's not an understatement to say that everyone in school heard what Chika said, Kaguya, Miyuki, Iino, Hayasaka, Akira, Kobachi, and every single person, and of course...Ishigami.

In no less than a few seconds after Chika stopped shouting footsteps could be heard throughout the hall, as if only one person was walking, but the footsteps only seemed to get faster and faster as if the person causing these footsteps were running.

Just a few seconds later, all you can hear is, "Chika..." Yu uttered entering the class. Everyone turned to see him except Chika, a boy with dark blue hair, sharp features, as well as a godly jawline, and a brand new haircut that showed off his face, wearing round pitch black glasses, standing at a tall 5'8 for now, was Yu Ishigami, looking like a whole new person.

{A/N: Looks exactly like the cover just with glasses exactly like Gojo's}

Yu slowly walked towards Chika, while he was walking Chika didn't say a single thing or make a noise, she just stood looking down thinking Ishigami was embarrassed by what she did, Yu stopped right in front of her.

"Chika why were you screaming?" Yu asked, looking directly at the back of her head, Chika slowly lifted her head, and then...she saw him...the most handsome man in the world in her eyes. She could swear that the world disappeared and the only people in it were her and him. Flowers appeared around him, or well, that's what in her mind was happening.

What Yu sees, is a beautiful girl with pink hair, bright blue eyes that reminded him of the sky, and soft fluffy cheeks, with tear marks running down them. The said girl's lips were trembling a little, probably because it was her first time screaming that loud. She was staring into his "eyes" well actually lenses as if he was the only man in this world,

"...they were talking about you, they were saying bad things that were nothing but lies..." Chika said in a low tone, Chika and Yu were staring directly into each other "eyes", well Chika sees pitch black round glasses but even then, she just knows what expression Yu has with his eyes, and the more Chika stared at his "eyes", the more all her negative emotions seemed to just turn into dust.

Without even knowing, almost in an instant, Yu wrapped his arms around Chika's waist, Chika immediately started blushing but to make matters even more surprising, he lifted her up, Chika wrapped her legs around Yu's waist on instinct, thinking that she'll fall.

Now Chika and Yu were face to face, they stared into each other's "eyes", ignoring everything around them, and finally, Yu said something, "Chika, I don't care what some girls say about me, they can say whatever they want, they can start whatever rumors they want, I don't care, as long as you still talk to me, nothing matters to me" Yu finished with a brightening smile, he has his hands on her cheeks wiping the tear marks away, Chika was left speechless, but her body reacted, she surrounded Yu's neck with her arms and hugged him like no ever before.

Both of them couldn't help but get the flashback of their last hug, which was just as meaningful, it was a pair made by heaven. Yu noticed that Chika wasn't going to leave her position any time soon so he did the obvious...he kept her there.

"Well, it's lunchtime, isn't it? I made you some of your favorite food, wanna head to our favorite spot?" Yu asked, ignoring murmurs around him and walking away.

"Hai!" Chika said in Yu's neck, Yu chuckled at Chika's adorableness and headed towards his classroom first because that's where his lunch boxes are, as he walked people stared at him, but he and Chika did not care one bit.

'way to go Sihigami, you truly have changed' Thought Miyuki with a smile, he was proud, very proud of his best friend, Miyuki stared as Yu walked down the halls with Chika covering his entire front body.

'my, my, well now, I don't have to worry about Chika' Thought Kaguya with a giggle, but Kaguya was very happy for the both of them.

'I need to step up my game' Both the twins thought as they stared as well.

'What an interesting life you have Ishigami' thought Akira with a chuckle.

'HE REALLY IS A LOVE MASTER!?!' Nagisa's boyfriend thought, whatever his name is.

Finally, Yu reached his classroom, he grabbed his lunch boxes and headed towards the school rooftop, soon he made it there, the whole way Chika didn't say a single thing she just kept her head buried in his neck.

He opened the door to the rooftop and immediately, fresh hair hit him and Chika, he walked towards the railing and then walked for a little, he then reach his and Chika's favorite spot, and he crouched putting the lunch boxes down.

"hey, Chika were here" Yu said, standing again, for a few seconds she didn't say anything until she finally spoke again.

"...why are you covering your eyes..." she whispered in his neck but Yu heard clearly, Yu's face turn into one of guilt.

"..." Yu couldn't answer, he couldn't and didn't know how, what was he supposed to say exactly? surprise, I'm an esper? He didn't know.

Chika slowly got off Yu, once she was off him, she stared this time directly at his glasses, she got on her tippy toes and lifted both her hands until they reached both hinges of the glasses. She was going to take them off, but Yu interrupted by putting both his hands on hers.

"Chika...if you take them off, you might never want to talk to me again and-" Chika didn't wait for Yu to finish all his excuses, she didn't care, she slowly took the glasses off while staring at his eyes the entire time, she was holding the glasses with her right hand.

For a few seconds, Chika and Yu made direct eye contact, all Chika could see is a beautiful left eye with a pupil of a 3-dimensional square that was grayish-golden, and his right eye, the pupil is a beautiful light blue color with white in it reminding her of clouds.

They both stared deeply into each other's eyes, both getting lost in them, Yu was going to say something, but Chika didn't let him, she slowly approached Yu's face, and before their lips connected, she muttered...

"...they are so...beautiful" With full of love, Yu's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to react because finally his lips connected with Chika's, it felt amazing, at that very moment, he didn't know it himself, but all memories of his past life would disappear, every...single...one.

He no longer felt guilt for the mother he thought he killed, he no longer felt out of place in this world, he felt like he belonged here...

Finally, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss, seconds passed, and Yu wrapped his arms around Chika's waist, while Chika would put her right arm around his neck, holding tightly to his glasses with her fingers...

They both pulled away and once again gazed into each other eyes, and once again...they kissed.

Ending of arc 1: A Chance given by god...

[A/N: I changed his left eye from being golden to just his pupil being abnormal, so his left is just weird because of his pupil being a 3-dimensional square being a grayish-golden color, next arc going to go crazy so give me stones!]

hope you enjoyed it, it was a long chap to finish up the arc so yeah, leave some tips, comment on a few things, and have a good night or day.

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts