
The Love letter

The next morning.

Oliver and Ava woke up early and got ready for work, Oliver hugged Ava ready to step out of the bedroom door. Just as Oliver opened the door, Ava suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot my phone, wait a minute."

Ava turned and got to the bedside table to take her phone. Oliver was standing at the door, suddenly a beautiful gift box caught his eyes, which was just sitting beside the door. Oliver curiously picked it up and wondered who left it here. Oliver opened the box and saw a small card inside on the top of a deep blue scarf. Oliver smiled, he knew it was Ava's handwriting. She wrote: 'Oliver, happy birthday! I made this scarf for you I hope you like it and don't throw it away even if you don't like it. Love you.'

Reading the card Oliver's heart felt warm, she made this for him? He looked at the scarf and there was an unspeakable emotion in his deep eyes. This was the first birthday gift he received this year, and also the best birthday gift ever.

Ava came to him and hugged him from behind, then with a soft smile she wished him, "Happy birthday, Oliver!"

Oliver turned and took Ava in his arm then kissed her hard. When they both were breathless from the kiss he let her go and ran his finger gently on her pink cheek. His eyes were full of doting as he said, "Thank you, Ava. It's the best birthday present I've ever received."

"Put it on, I want to see how it looks on you," Ava said excitedly.

Oliver wrapped the scarf on his neck, although he couldn't see how he looked but he felt very warm in his heart and Ava's bright eyes made him feel ecstatic. "Silly woman, I like it," Oliver said with a smile.

"Just like it. I stayed up last two nights to make it." Ava said with a pout.

"You went home to make this for my birthday?" Oliver asked with a surprised face. So this is what she was hiding.

Ava nodded and smiled brightly, then said joking: "Yes, can't you see the dark circles around my eyes? I look like a panda now."

"Silly woman, you didn't have to do that, birthday doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not really a birthday person. Don't ever do something like that again, ok!" Oliver said as he looked at her with warm eyes. He couldn't believe this silly woman actually stayed up for two nights to make a scarf for him.

"Alright... Alright. I won't do it again. But you will have to wear it the whole winter!" Ava put her arm on Oliver's neck and said coquettishly.

"I will wear it all the time."

Actually, Oliver didn't like to wear scarves, no matter how cold it was he would never wear one but this winter since Ava made a scarf for him, the whole person become warm from head to toe, so he decided to wear it. Happiness could always be found in such simple actions from your loved ones. These small details would tell someone how beautiful life was. Oliver was really happy and grateful he found Ava.

Beijing Tiantian Hospital

Ava was busy reading some patient's medical reports when she got a call from Sarah's school saying she had broken some rules and she was going to get expelled so Ava needs to go to the school right away. Ava immediately left for Sarah's school. When she reached the director of the political and educational department office, Ava saw Sarah and Ben were standing there lowering their head and Daniel was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the director.

Ava politely greeted the director and sat down beside Daniel, "Hello director, I am Sarah's cousin Ava green."

But the director looked at Ben and Sarah and asked angrily, "Sarah, Ben, do I look like a fool to you? I asked you to call your parents not your brother and sister." The director, Mr. Li's face was red with anger.

"Mr. Li, why don't you take it easy! Let's talk about it. What exactly did they do?" Daniel smiled politely and asked trying to calm him down. He knew Mr. Li well, he was Daniel's senior at high school and was renowned for his bad temper. Now that he became the director of the political and educational department, his temper got even worse.

"Daniel, I know you are a busy man, I am sorry that you had to come here to clean up the mess for this boy. These students are becoming more and more outrageous these day and it's necessary to discipline them." Mr. Li took a sip of tea and said.

"Yes, I understand," Daniel said patiently with a warm smile.

"I don't know when these young people will understand that this is not time for them to fall in love but see this girl here just wrote a love letter to your brother knowing it's a taboo in this school. Beijing No. 4 High School never encourages young love and it's forbidden here. Anyone who breaks this rule must be expelled. Why they are such in a hurry to express their love when they have their whole life ahead?" Mr. Li said ridiculing Sarah. Actually, Mr. Li doesn't like Sam at all, so any student from his class he regarded as his enemies. Therefore, he took the chance to insult Sarah.

"Mr. Li, why are you talking so harshly? Young children are not that sensible. You come this far in your life, haven't you been in love ever? Besides as you just said all Sarah did is wrote a letter, she didn't commit any severe crime." Ava was very angry seeing the director's attitude toward Sarah. She couldn't stand anyone humiliate her sister like that, even if it was the director of the Department of politics and education!

"Miss. Green you also graduated from this School. You should know the school rules, love at this age is a waste of time and affect their studies, that's why the school is very strict about this rule. It is severe and if found, they must be expelled." The director of the political education department glanced at Ava and said with a hard face. He didn't like Ava's tone and attitude at all.

"Early love means that both of them must be in love. Here the situation is not like that. Ben and Sarah are not in love with each other then why are you making such a big fuss about this?" Ava said coldly.

"You know miss Green, there is a saying that in a tree if the upper branch is not straight then the lower branch will be crooked. No wonder your sister is like that, as a sister, you should discipline her rather than siding with her." Mr. Li said mocking Ava.

The atmosphere immediately became depressed in the office room. But Ava let out a small laugh then she looked at the director in the eye and said with an unhappy expression, "Mr. Li, how old are you? And how old are these two children? You want to expel these two base on a love letter, Are you being serious? A letter means nothing."

Seeing the situation was getting out of control Daniel stepped in, he said in a calm voice, "Mr. Li, please calm down. There is no point to argue about this. We are here to solve the problem not to make it bigger."

Mr. Li pursed his lips then said, "Daniel, I'm letting these two go today for your sake only, otherwise I would have expelled them already."

"Yes, I know, Mr. Li. Thank you so much. This is the most important year in their lives. Thank you for being so kind to them." Daniel smiled gracefully.

Director Li looked at Ben and Sarah and said, "OK, I am letting this go this time but if I find you doing this kind of thing again, no one would be able to stop me from expelling you."

"Yes, Mr. Li, we won't do anything like that ever again," Sarah said lowering her head.

"Go back to your class now." Director Li said looking at his watch.