
The Fragrant Hill

After Ava hung up the phone Sarah gave her the milk glass and asked in a straight face "Aren't you two tired of showing so much love to each other?" She has been listening to their conversation and felt tortured by their PDA.

"Tired? Never. You'll see when you fall in love with someone." Ava said with a deep smile as she thought of Oliver.

"You are different with him, I mean I saw you being in love with Brother Jacob but I have never seen you this happy before," Sarah said lightly.

"It's not the same."

"Av's whatever it is as long as you are happy, that's all that matters," Sarah said with some emotion. She was well aware of how much Ava has suffered all these years. She hoped nothing comes between her and Oliver's love this time.

"Sarah, I hope the same for you too. This is your final year, study hard and get into a good university. Someday you'll meet someone like your Brother Oliver who will love you very much."

"Actually Ava I want to study in our university," Sarah said quietly.

"Why? There are so many better universities than the city university. Your grades are so good why don't you want to try some good university? University life is only four years. It's very short, it's better to get out of your comfort zone and broaden your horizons."

"Well, I think our university standard is really good and I am already familiar with it so why bother trying a new university and suffer in an unfamiliar place. I will have to get used to a new environment and meet new people, here at least I know most of the students." Sarah said thoughtfully.

Ava thought about what Sarah said, it was true that city university was not bad and it was also close to home, since Sarah didn't want to go abroad for further study it's probably better to let her stay here if that's what she wanted.

As the night grew deeper, the two sisters chatted for a while and fell asleep slowly.

The next morning, Ava woke up from a phone call. At first, she thought it was Oliver so she quickly picked up her phone but then saw it was Erika. Ava sat up on her bed, after the whole night's sleep she was feeling refreshed and recharged.

"Hello, Rika!"

"Av's, what are you doing today? Let's go to the Fragrant Hills for hiking." Erika was already up and after her morning walk she made plans for hiking with Sam and as she knew it was Ava's day off, she decided to invite her.

The Fragrant Hills was in Haidian District about 20 kilometers from the city center. Large numbers of Beijing citizens and tourists go there to hike the hills almost every weekend. There is a range upon range of mountains and murmuring streams and "28 famous attractions". People can enjoy a walk amongst trees, small lakes and ponds, and old buildings. There was a large pink cherry blossom on one of the tallest mountains, every year at the beginning of summer the tree would be full of flowers and many tourists come to visit that mountain just to see the beauty of that tree at that time. Ava also went to the fragrant hill several times when she was a child.

"Today?" Ava asked hesitantly. Oliver said not to run around and now Rika was asking to go hiking.

"Yes, tell my cousin as well."

"Your cousin is on a business trip. I'm at my parent's right now, I'll come with Sarah." Ava thought she was feeling good besides in the mountain it's not really hot, since Erika asked then why not accompany her. She hasn't been to the mountain for a long time anyway.

"Great, send me your address and I'll pick you up," Erika said enthusiastically.

"OK, I'll WeChat you."

After hanging up Ava opened her WeChat to send her address to Erika but saw there was a message from Oliver about an hour ago saying: I have landed in New york.

Ava immediately replied back: "OK, take some rest and recover from your jet lag before you start working."

After texting Oliver Ava sent her address to Erika. It's 6:30 at the moment. It's not too hot this morning. Ava thought she will take some medicine in advance to prevent any heatstroke. She decided not to let Oliver know about the hiking plan, he would be worried for no reason.

Ava looked at her sleeping sister, "Sarah, wake up! We are going out."

Sarah's life at school was very hard, in order to always stay advance in her study she would stay up late at night and get up early in the morning. Since the summer vacation started she took full advantage of it by sleeping as much as she could. So naturally, she couldn't even open her eyes when Ava called her.

Opening her bleary eyes, Sarah asked with a confused face: "What?

"Get up quickly we are going out."

"Where are we going?"

"The Fragrant Hill."

"Fragrant hill? all of a sudden?" Sarah was wide awake now.

"Well, Erika invited us, you remember her right, she bumped you with her car? The superstar? She is actually Oliver's cousin!"

"Oh, I know that." The people who followed entertainment news they all knew that Oliver and Erika was cousin, in fact, Oliver regarded Erika as his own sister.

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me that before?" If Sarah told her that then she wouldn't make a fool of herself when Erika came to Oliver's villa.

"Well back then I didn't know you were dating Brother Oliver so I didn't think it was relevant," Sarah said innocently.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, get up quickly and freshen up, Erika will be here soon."

The two sisters got up, got dressed, and finished their breakfast before Erika arrived.