
Terminate the pregnancy

Ava slept through the whole afternoon and so was Oliver. When the sun was about to set Oliver woke up by a phone call. Oliver checked his phone and was a bit surprised to see it was Erika. He looked at the woman in his arm who looked like was in a deep sleep and picked up the call.

"Rika, what's up?" Oliver asked in a sleepy deep magnetic voice.

"Brother, I have a piece of good news, I'm getting married to Arvin next week. Everything has been fixed and you will have to come with Ava to the wedding." Erika said in a joyful and exciting voice.

Yesterday she went to meet Arvin's parents at the O'Neil Mansion and surprisingly her own parents were there and fixed the wedding. Arvin was also prepared he immediately proposed to Erika with a ring in front of their parents and she said yes so now they were getting married.

Oliver was stunned, they literally just started dating. Although they knew each other their whole life but Oliver still thinks it's too soon to get married. Unconsciously he looked at Ava as he asked, "That was fast? Are you pregnant?"

Erika laughed and said in a relaxed tone, "No, not yet. Do you think everyone has the same spirit as you do? That reminds me I heard that Ava is pregnant. Is it true?"

Oliver looked at the distance and said distractedly, "Yes."

"Then brother why don't you get married too, with us, next Friday? Next Friday is the last good day in this year, it will be perfect." Erika suggested excitedly.

"Do you think marriage is a game that you say it and get married whenever you want?" Oliver said in an annoyed tone. Why everyone was talking about the same thing? This was his life he will decide when to get married.

Erika fell silent hearing Oliver, she suddenly asked in a serious tone, "Brother, you are not still holding onto your past, are you?"

Oliver's face darkened, he said in an angry tone, "If you have nothing else to say then I am going to hang up now."

Erika frowned, and said coldly, "Fine, go ahead and ruin your life as you please."

Oliver understood what she meant but he didn't care, he just hang up the phone and put it on silent. He looked at the time and decided to sleep for a while longer so he stretched out his arm intending to hug Ava. However, at that moment Ava opened her eyes and looked at Oliver with cold eyes.

Ava woke up the moment Oliver picked up the call, so she happened to hear the whole conversation between Oliver and Erika. She was hurt when Oliver said was marriage a game! At this point, Ava was sure Oliver has no intention to marry her. She felt really lost, she has been arguing with almost everyone and defending him saying he will marry her while he was saying he wasn't ready. He doesn't seem to care about her feelings at all. Should she really give birth to this child? If Oliver didn't marry her would her child have the same fate as Daniel?

"You're awake? Are you hungry?" Oliver asked with concern.

"Let go of me and no need to show your hypocritical care," Ava said with a cold and indifferent face.

"Ava, stop making trouble." Oliver didn't get angry at her sudden outburst, instead, he said patiently.

Ava smiled and said in a cold voice, "I am not making trouble Oliver. I am pregnant with your child, if you didn't have any intention to marry me, you could have told me directly. I would have aborted the child. In fact, you know what, it's not too late, I will make an appointment right away to terminate this pregnancy."

Oliver frowned and abruptly sat up on the bed. He looked at Ava sharply and said angrily. "Don't even think about it, Ava. As long as I don't agree, you will have to give birth to this child."

"This is my child. I have the right to decide whether I want it or not." Ava said stubbornly.

"Yes, this is your child, but he is mine too. So you cannot decide alone what to do with this child. As long as I say this child will live, he will." Oliver said in his dominating tone leaving no room for her to argue.

Ava stared at Oliver and suddenly saw the man she first met. she didn't know what to do, she was hurt and lost. It was just like when she moved in with Oliver, back then she didn't have any right to end the relationship with him and now she didn't have any right to take any decision about the child in her womb.

"Oliver, you are really mean," Ava said feeling very defeated.

"I never said I was a good man," Oliver said with a light smile.

Ava felt suffocated, she needed to get away from this man. She jumped out of the bed intending to get out of the room. However, she abruptly stopped in front of the Violin on the crystal box. She stared at the Violin inside, she didn't know why but looking at the violin, Melody's face suddenly flashed into her mind. Ava touched the crystal box and there was a sadness in her beautiful hazel eyes. After a while, she turned and went downstairs without any word.

However, Oliver's sharp eyes caught the sadness in her eyes. He also looked at the violin and thought was he hurting Ava by refusing to marry her? Melody was already gone from his life a long time ago, before he met Emily Oliver was very happy with Ava but now his mind was very confused. Didn't he already put down the past? Then why Melody's thought was still occupying his mind? Ava was pregnant with his child, he loved her then shouldn't he start a family with her? Oliver closed his eyes, for the first time in his life Oliver didn't know how to handle this situation.