
Excited Sarah

Ava fell silent and lowered her eyes. She knew Sam always get her at that point so she said lightly, "Maybe if I didn't meet Oliver, I would too."

Sam laughed bitterly and said in a slightly cold tone, "Are you trying to make me feel better? There is no if, and I know even then you wouldn't fall for me so please stop perusing me to find someone. I don't want to."

"I am sorry Sam I didn't mean to ..." Ava looked at Sam with guilt in the eyes.

"No need Ava, I think we have been through this before." Sam stopped Ava before she finished the sentence. He knew how it ends.

Ava fell silent not knowing what else to say, and the atmosphere became very awkward. To ease the moment she said, "Did Rika called you? She is also getting married next Friday."

"Yes, I know. She called me last night and informed me. I knew from the beginning that girl was still in love with Arvin. I am happy that she finally admitted it to herself." Sam took a deep breath and said with relief.

Ava took the water cup from the table and took a mouthful of water. However as the water hit her tongue she frowned, she forgot it has already turned cold.

Sam noticed it, he quickly poured another cup of hot water for Ava.

Ava felt grateful to Sam and with a smile said, "Thank you."

"Ava, I told you a long time ago, we don't need to say thank you to each other. I think we are beyond that point. I know you are worried about our relationship but I'm an open-minded person. Since I have no chance with you in my life, I will not force it anymore. We can treat each other like brother and sister, I hope you won't have any problem with that." Sam said in a gentle tone. Yes, he didn't have any chance with her but he didn't want to be a stranger to her. He still wanted to be around and see her happy.

"Of course Sam. I would like that very much." Ava said with a bright smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ava looked at the watch on her wrist and said lightly, "Sam, it's late I should go back now."

"OK, I'll walk you out." Sam quickly stood up and followed Ava carefully.

When Ava was on the stairs Sam quickly held her hand and helped her walk carefully.

Ava couldn't help but laugh at the action, she said joking, "Sam I'm not an old woman. I'm just pregnant, I can still walk normally."

"Ava you have to be careful, especially when you walk on the stairs. You might have the child in your stomach, but it's my future nephew."

Ava laughed and continue to joke "Fine, then you will have to find an Auntie for your nephew quickly. "

"Well, I am not in a hurry. I am only twenty-nine, still young."

The atmosphere between them eased a lot by the time they came to Sarah's classroom. The rain outside has already stopped. Ava looked inside Sarah's classroom and saw she was doing her homework and Ben was sitting next to her. They were talking and discussing something, it looked like Ben was helping Sarah with her homework.

Ava and Sam stood at the door for a few seconds but Ben and Sarah didn't notice them. To grab their attention Ava coughed twice.

Sarah raised her head and seeing Ava at the door she smiled brightly, "Sister!"

"Have you finished your homework? Are you ready to go home?" Ava walked over and asked with a smile.

"Yes sister, it's done. Ben was helping me with my chemistry homework." Sarah started to pack her school bag.

Ben saw Ava and Sam, he politely greeted them. "Hello, Mr. Evan, Hello sister Ava."

"Hello Ben, It's getting late. Won't you go home?" Ava asked.

"Yes, I'll go home now."

Sarah bid farewell to Ben and Sam then followed Ava to her car. On the way home, Ava played music in the car. Sarah was in a good mood, so she started to sing along.

"Sarah, I'm getting married next Friday." Ava suddenly said.

"What?" Sarah abruptly stopped singing and looked at Ava with wide eyes. Did she hear wrong? Did her sister just say she was getting married next Friday?

"I said I am getting married, next Friday." Ava smiled and said again but this time slowly, her voice was full of joy.

Sarah realized she did not hear wrong, her eyes lit up and she asked excitedly, "is it with Brother Oliver?"

"Who else could it be?" Ava said with a smile.

"Wow, sister, you are going to get married. I am really happy for you!"

"Silly girl, Thank you."

"You know the best thing about you marrying Brother Oliver? I can eat imported snacks all the time from now on." Sarah said happily.

Ava burst out laughing, "Girl, you talk like I don't buy imported snacks for you?"

"Well you do but not like brother Oliver, last time he brought all the delicious snacks for me," Sarah said wiggling her eyebrows happily.

"What! I was the one who picked those snacks for you last time. How can you just change sides?" Ava said shaking her head helplessly.

"But Brother Oliver paid for it, didn't he?"

"I hate you."

Sarah started to laugh out loud as she said, "No...No, my sister is the best and she loves me very much."