
Erika's Strike

Oliver was busy on his laptop and Ava was accompanying him silently. Suddenly Ava's phone started to ring, Ava saw it was Erika, she picked it up quickly with a smile. She has been taking calls from her friends and family the whole evening.

"Hello, Ava, how are you doing?" Erika asked with concern.

Erika just got off the stage so she didn't find out about the video until now. By the time she got online the video and the abusive comments were already removed, but her assistant told her that the fight between Ava and Amelia was fierce and Amelia's fans were abusing Ava aggressively online. So she immediately called Ava even before she changed her costume.

Ava said lightly: "I'm ok, Thank you for your concern, Rika."

"Amelia is really arrogant, how dare she try to hit you?" Erika was obviously angry. She was well aware of Amelia's nature and how she treated other people.

"It's alright Rika, she couldn't do much damage. I am really OK" Ava smiled wearily. She was really tired of saying "I'm OK" to everyone today.

"Ava, don't worry. I won't let her go, I'll tweet and expose her true face to everyone. I've been annoyed with her for a long time." Erika was surrounded by a large group of celeb, but she didn't care about that at all.

"Annoyed, why? What did she do to you?" Ava asked confused.

Amelia worked at Oliver's company so naturally, she should have a good relationship with Erika. Listening to Erika's tone Ava could feel her strong dislike toward Amelia.

"We have too much feud between us for a long time," Erika said narrowing her eyes. She hadn't forgotten what happened the last time they worked together.

Last year, Erika worked on a big play. She was the lead actress and Amelia was the second lead. But Amelia was so unprofessional that the whole crew including Erika was very annoyed with her. Whenever Amelia had some free time she would flatter the director to curry favor. In fact, because of that, she made the director change some good scenes and the play end up being very flat. Amelia only cared about her appearance and would always ask the director to fake any action scene saying her face was too precious and couldn't get hurt because of any scene.

Erika was very serious about acting and hated unprofessional actors the most. Since Amelia wasn't serious about her acting at all, Erika and Amelia would often end up fighting backstage. In fact, it was not only Erika, Amelia would often bully other actors and actresses backstage. If Erika didn't have a strong background and her hold on the entertainment circle wasn't that strong then Amelia would have cleaned up Erika a long time ago.

"Well, your brother has got your back so don't worry about her." Ava smiled lightly. She liked to talk with Erika, she was so optimistic that Ava's mood always gets lighter whenever they talked.

"I know, by the way, what is my cousin doing?" Erika asked with a proud smile.

"I don't know, he is working on his laptop." Ava looked at Oliver's serious face. His eyes were glued to his laptop, eyebrows were slightly twisted and those slender fingers were constantly typing something on it. He looked even more handsome when he worked so seriously, Ava thought.

"Well, he is really a busy man!" Erika said in a relaxed tone.

Ava and Erika kept talking to each other until Mrs. Lee called her and Oliver for dinner. They promised to meet soon and said goodbye to each other.

At night.

Erika did what she said she would and posted a microblog supporting Ava.

"As an artist, it's amazing to compete with a commoner for a necklace in a jewelry store and when you see you couldn't get it, you tear it off and smash it on the face of that person to show your supremacy. Bravo. How did such an arrogant person become a superstar, I really wonder? I am an artist myself and have been in the circle for a long time but I don't understand how anyone could support such arrogance? Aren't we the Idol of the public? So shouldn't it be our responsibility as an artist to treat all the people respectfully?"

As soon as it was posted on the microblog, the post exploded and the server crashed. Not only the netizens but at this point, even the critiques started to support Erika's post. Erika's position in the entertainment circle was higher than Amelia's. After all, she has been in the circle for more than 10 years so naturally, she was well known and well respected in the circle, unlike Amelia. In fact, the actors who have known her and worked with her, they all liked her very much because of her righteous and humble nature so obviously, they would support Erika's post wholeheartedly.

There were more than 80 million followers on Erika's microblog, whereas Amelia had only 10 million. For a while, a lot of discussion and arguments went on below Erika's post.

'Yes, as a public figure, what Amelia did was indeed disgraceful.'

'A person like her deserved to be beaten like that.'

'Have you guys seen how she scratched using her fingernail the other person's calf, it was really extreme!"

'That actually shows how aggressive her character actually is.'

'I have never liked her. Please give me a compliment in the upper right corner if you don't like her too.'

'I have actually seen her once scolding a waiter of a restaurant for no reason, from then on I stopped following her. She is indeed very arrogant.'

'I think the people who actually supported Amelia were a bunch of brainless people.'


The direction of public opinion changed in an instant. Ava was scolded before dinner and now it was Amelia's turn to get abused by the netizens.

"Oliver, how did the situation turned all of a sudden?" Ava frowned as she was reading Erika's popular comments on Weibo.

"I have hired a water army. Don't worry, everything will be over soon." Oliver looked at her with a doting smile.

Ava stared at him surprised, "When did you do that?"

"Before dinner but right now Rika's Microblog is more powerful than the water army." Oliver smiled faintly. Finally, his sister did something useful.

Ava smiled and nestled in Oliver's arms. They kept reading the public comments together.