
Emily's miserable end

Knight's Secret Base.

The summer was approaching so the sun outside was getting stronger making the air more sultry. Oliver stepped into the base and went straight to the control room. He stared at the bruised woman covered in the blood through the monitor. It was Emily Luis. Her once beautiful was all distorted now, no one will be able to recognize it was actually Emily.

On the night of Ava's accident, Oliver found out it was indeed Emily who pushed Ava into the water. He asked Uncle Joe to lock her up into the secret base and teach her a lesson to cross Oliver Knight's path but not to let her die. In this whole month, he didn't come to pay a visit to her, not even once but he got the daily report of her condition.

Oliver slowly walked into the darkroom that smelled like rust and blood and sat down opposite of Emily.

Emily was sitting there with lowered head, she saw a pair of shiny shoes and abruptly raised her head. Seeing it was Oliver, she started to cry trying to be pitiful, "Oliver, you came, you found me. Do you know these people are crazy, they abducted me and even beat me up cruelly. I knew you will find me and rescue me from this terrible place." Emily's eyes were full of tears, she was tied to the chair. These people have been beating her three times a day. She even lost count of how long she has been in this darkroom. They gave her rotten food every day, at first she refused to eat but when she could take the hunger anymore she ate whatever they gave her. She thought she was about to be collapse from this torture.

"Rescue you? Why would I do that when it was me who asked them to beat you up?" Oliver laughed and said in a tone full of ridicule.

Oliver moved forward a little and looking at his dark sinister eyes for the first time Emily was a bit scared but she still tried to act innocent. She said, "You let them do it? But why would you do that? What did I ever do to you?" Emily was not sure if Oliver found out she pushed Ava into the water so she still pretended not to know anything. Beside her trump card was Melody, she was confident if she pretended to be Melody then Oliver will eventually go soft on her.

"Why? You don't know? Don't play dumb with me." Oliver grabbed Emily's chin so hard almost crushing it.

Emily's face twitched in pain but she still said, "Oliver, I have no idea what you are talking about. Please let me go, I didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything? So you are going to deny that you didn't text my wife from an unknown number telling her to find answers in my secret room? And are you also going to deny that you didn't see her at the summer palace?" Oliver said calmly but this calmness was very scary making one feel chill to the bone.

Emily stared at Oliver dumbfounded. So he found it all out. But it didn't matter, to him she was Melody and no matter how much he let these people beat her, he would not kill her. So Emily put away her innocent face and said with a sneer, "Yes, I texted her, and yes I went to see her. It was also me who pushed her into the water, but Oliver what didn't I do wrong? Because of her, you sent me back from England, you wouldn't even talk to me or meet me. I love you, I miss you. She deserved it, you know. How dare she covet what belongs to me? I am your first love then why do I have to see her standing right beside you? Do you know she even dared to slap me?" Emily shouted out. Her tone was full of blame as if she did nothing wrong and Ava was the wrong one here.

Oliver let out a loud sarcastic laugh, he must say this woman was good at pretending, she was still pretending to be Melody. He looked at her with disgust in his eyes as he said, "My first love? So you are still going to pretend to be Melody? Do you still think I don't know that you are not her?"

This time Emily was really scared, how did he find out she was not Melody? Impossible! He can't, he must be bluffing, Emily thought.

"Oliver, what are you saying?" Emily stammered, her throat was getting dry.

Oliver looked at Emily coldly and said in a calm tone, "I am saying you are not Melody, you are Emily Luis. Do you know how I found out? Melody had a mole on her left-hand palm, but you don't. The moment I grabbed your hand in the hotel room, I already knew you were not Melody. I must say Liam and you did an excellent job deceiving all of us with your flawless story, but in my mind, I always had doubts about you and the doubt was confirmed in England. So are you still going to pretend to be Melody, Miss Emily Luis?"

Blood drained from Emily's face but suddenly she started to laugh like a crazy person, "So you finally found out. Yes, Mr. Oliver Knight, we almost fooled you. If it was not for that mole you would probably never know that your first love Melody is already dead and now your wife Ava is also dead. What you are going to do Mr. Knight? In the end, we won and you lost because you lost everything." Saying that Emily started to laugh even more loudly.

Oliver's eyes got darker he raised his hand and slapped her so hard that she fell on the floor with the chair. How dare this vicious woman deceive him, hurt his wife and admit it so proudly. Two men immediately came to lift the chair up along with Emily.

Oliver looked at her and suddenly said with an evil smile, "Miss Luis, you should never have crossed my path now don't blame me for being cruel."

Emily looked at Oliver's evil smile she was trembling in fear, she was having a bad feeling in her heart. "What do you mean? Oliver Knight, you won't get away by killing me."

"Kill you? No, that will be too easy out for you. You dared to push my wife into the water and kill my child, you need to pay for it, for the rest of your life" Oliver said still smiling.

Emily stared at Oliver, for the first time she was actually regretting pushing Ava into the water. If she knew Oliver will find out she probably wouldn't do it. Emily asked in a low voice full of fear, "What do you mean? What do you want to do?"

Oliver didn't answer, he waved his hand toward the two men and walked out of the room. The two men took Emily into another room that had some strange small hole in it. Emily couldn't understand what was happening, suddenly she saw water coming out from the holes. She realized it was a pipeline. Within minutes the room filled into water drowning Emily. She struggled for a while to float until all her strength was gone. When she was ready to die the drain opened at the bottom and all the water was cleared. Emily lied there coughing hard. She could tell this was how Oliver planned to torture her from now on. Emily was a proud woman, she didn't fear death, what she feared was not being able to see Liam again in her life. That would be the worst punishment for her, so she started to cry for help.

Oliver stood there and saw Emily's misery with an expressionless face. According to him, she deserved it, and no matter how much she cried for help no one was ever going to help her. Even if the person in that room was actually Melody, Oliver would still do the same. Now that she was someone else her suffering will be doubled of Ava's sufferings.