
Daniel investigating Ethan's death

Oliver was fierce and very decisive when it comes to business, in fact, he was even more domineering than Conner when he was young. There was nothing he couldn't solve in the mall, as long as he put up his mind to do it, he will do it at any cost. This was the reason many people often envied and oppose him. Among them, there was Oliver's old classmate, Daniel, who has become a prosecutor now. They never got along with each other when they were at school and would always end up having conflicts. But Oliver attended the school for a very short time, so most of the time he just ignored Daniel.

After Daniel became a prosecutor he got into a case that was related to some of Oliver's underground dealings, but as Oliver never leave any evidence behind to lead it to him so even though Daniel solved the case but he couldn't directly link it to Oliver even after knowing he was involved. This time he was investigating Ethan's death that was why Uncle Joe called Oliver in the middle of the night. After the incident Uncle Joe sent some people to clean up the scene, he was a professional therefore there was no evidence left.

However, that was the problem with Daniel, his mind worked a different way than most people, when he saw the scene was too clean he got more suspicious about it. So after the initial investigation, he concluded the explosion was not a suicide, it was a murder. Now he was investigating the case and things were a bit complicated.

The next morning.

Ava woke up very early. She opened her bleary eyes and saw Oliver was still asleep beside her. Looking at his sleeping innocent face a soft smile appeared on her face. She started to outline Oliver's face across the air with her finger. Her mouth was wide open with a smile showing her neat white teeth. It was a happy feeling to see him after opening her eyes.

Oliver's eyes were still closed but he suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Ava's fingers that were still in the air.

"Woman, why are you giggling?" Oliver smiled and opened his eyes.

Ava closed her mouth and looked at him surprised. "When did you wake up?"

"Long time ago, even before you woke up." Oliver's pleasant voice flowed through Ava's heart like a stream.

"You bad man, pretending to be asleep when you are awake!" Ava pouted, then a mischievous smile showed up on her lip as she stretched out her hand to pinch Oliver's waist.

However, Oliver already knew what she was planning, he quickly grabbed her hand and smirked at her.

"How did you know I was going to pinch you?" Ava mumbled.

"If I still don't know your mind then it's a shame for me," Oliver said with a proud smile.

"Is that so?" Ava said narrowing her eye as if she was planning something.

"Of course," Oliver said confidently.

"Then do you know what I'm going to do now?" Ava bit her lips and said with a naughty smile as she stared at Oliver.

Oliver looked at Ava's smile and he knew the woman was planning to do something naughty, he immediately became alert however the next second he was surprised when Ava's soft lips fell on him. Ava almost never initiates a kiss so Oliver was very happy and satisfied and he returned her kiss passionately.

When Ava was about to pull back suddenly Oliver held the back of her head and started to kiss her even more passionately than before. Oliver pushed Ava back to the bed who was half lying on his body and got on top of her.

"Oliver!" Ava said panting the kiss made her breathless. But Oliver didn't stop he started to shower kisses everywhere in her body.

This kind of physical reaction Oliver never had for any other woman before. Even he felt it was strange, the moment Ava got close to him he would get hard as a rock. Sometimes it was really painful when the woman would do something innocent like hug him or peck a kiss on the corner of his lips in public and he would lose his control. He knew it was not normal to have such kind of body reaction all the time, but he couldn't help it. He loved her so much that he wanted her all the time. Oliver never says to Ava how much he loves her, he thinks if he said that too much she will be annoyed, or worst she will laugh at him thinking he was clingy.

After Oliver made love to Ava, they were lying on the bed Ava suddenly said, "Oliver, I want to eat wonton in the breakfast today."

"OK, ask Mrs. Lee to make wonton for breakfast," Oliver said with a dotting smile.

Ava felt warm in her heart, no matter what she asks he will always fulfill her wish. He never says 'no' to her for anything, this made Ava realized how much he must love her to take her every request so seriously. Although Oliver hardly expressed his love through words, but she never doubted his feeling for her. She could feel his love in his every action.

Oliver's got up from the bed, he was all sticky, he needed to take shower. He suddenly bent down and picked up the shirt, Ava was wearing from the floor. He sniffed it and smiled, it smelled like Ava.

Ava looked at him puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I am going to wear this shirt to work today," Oliver said with a smile.

Normally, he never wears any shirt he had worn once but today he wanted to wear the shirt that Ava wore the whole night. That will make him feel she was close to him and he will not miss her too much.

Ava's mouth fell open, "What are you talking about, I wore that all night it's all wrinkled. You are a businessman, you won't look good in a wrinkled shirt."

"I don't care"

Ava felt helpless but her heart also felt warm. She knew this is really silly but she still felt happy. "Fine, but at least let me iron it for you."

"No, I want it to smell like you. If you iron the shirt, it won't smell like you anymore." Oliver explained in a serious tone. The shirt wasn't that much wrinkled anyway so he was definitely going to wear it.

After that day every night, Ava would wear one of Oliver's shirts and he would wear it to work the next day.