
Changing strategies

Knight International.

Oliver was a workaholic. To distract himself from other things he always loved to keep himself busy with work. It was like that before Ava and now that they have broken up, he has fallen back into his old habit again. He just came back from the US yesterday, he hasn't got out of his jetlag yet and got drunk with Arvin last night. He had a hangover and needed to rest but there he was, at the company already working.

Oliver was reading a file when he heard someone opening the door of his office. He raised his head and was surprised to see his mother standing at the door.

"Mom!" Oliver stood up from his chair and took a step toward his mother.

Ella walked inside, closed the door then put her hand in her hip and shouted out Oliver's name loudly, "Oliver Knight!"

Oliver stopped on his track and looked at his mother cautiously, every time, his mother called him by his full name, he knew something bad is about to happen.

Oliver put on an innocent face and asked gently, "Mom, what brings you here?"

"I guess it's the typhoon that hit the city two days ago," Ella said humorously with a mocking smile.

He guessed right she was angry, Oliver fell silent for a minute. Looking at his mother's fierce face, he felt helpless, he couldn't understand, how did he make her so angry, he wasn't even in the city till yesterday.

"Sit down, mom. I'll make you some coffee." Oliver pulled his mother toward the sofa.

"Coffee is free. I just had one." Ella put the coffee cup on the table that she brought from Starbucks.

Before Oliver could ask what happened to Ella, she started to scold him, "Oliver, how old are you? How could you make me worry about you at this age? You were not like this when you were a child. The more you are growing up, the more arrogant and bad-tempered you are becoming. And when was the last time you came home? Don't give me shit excuses like you are busy. Oliver, I am really tired of all this."

Oliver sat there silently and let Ella vent her anger. He knew arguing with his mother won't do any good, it's better to swallow her anger. She will eventually calm down when she was done.

"Mom, I am sorry but I'm really busy at work." Oliver looked at his mother ad said sincerely.

"Is it? Or you are busy handling your love life?" Ella said sharply.

Oliver: "..."

"What did you do?" Ella asked ferociously.

"Mom, I don't understand what are you talking about," Oliver said confusedly. He couldn't remember doing anything that could affect Ella like that.

"I heard you broke up with Ava." She said with a straight face.

Oliver froze, he was surprised that this news has already reached his mother.'s ear. What people say is indeed true, bad news really spread quicker than a lightning bolt.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Oliver still couldn't understand why she was angry. She should be sad to know he and Ava have broken up, so why was she angry? It didn't make any sense.

"Well, Liam is dating that girl now, so stop harassing her and her friends!"

"What did you say?" Oliver thought he must have heard it wrong.

Liam and Ava? After breaking up for only two days? Now it makes sense. She must have asked for his help and he found Ella to talk to him. Liam knew well he will never go against Ella's word. That bastard!

"You think that's strange too don't you? I think so too. Something is not right here." Ella said worriedly then she sighed thinking, such a good girl and Oliver just lost her.

"Liam told you all this?" Oliver said with an indifferent expression but deep inside he was furious.

"It doesn't matter. Honey, since you two decided to break up then do it right. Let her go and move on. Stop finding trouble with her and her friends." Ella sighed sadly and looked at her son. She knew her son too well, he looks calm but she knew he was sad. In fact, he was always like that the calmer he looks the bigger storm is going on in his heart.

"Yes, mom, whatever you say," Oliver said lightly, but he was very angry at Ava. Ava knew he hated Liam still she went to him to ask for help and complained to his mother. Does she really think that will stop him? She is really naïve.

"And also you should look after Liam, he is your brother after all. Don't say anything to him about this.

"Ok." Although Oliver didn't agree with his mother but he had no way but to be obedient in front of her.

"That's good," Ella said with a sweet smile that made her look like a teenager.

"Don't worry mom, I'll listen to you," Oliver said with a charming smile.

"Now tell me what do you think of Ava being with Liam?" Ella asked creasing her eyebrows. She wanted to see if Oliver felt the same way she did.

"Didn't you just ask me not to interfere with her life?" Oliver said raising an eyebrow.

He understood his mother wasn't convinced with the act Liam and Ava had put on in front of her so she was asking him. But how could he tell her anything, when he didn't know himself what was going on. Why Ava broke up with him without any reason? Maybe he didn't love her enough for her to stay with him. But he really loved her she was the only woman, who was able to enter his heart after all these years, how could he let her go just like that?

"I am not asking you to interfere, I am just asking your opinion on that. In fact, I don't think they are actually together. Listen, honey, I know you love her and I don't want to get involved in your matters but you can't win someone by using mean methods and hurting their friends, you know?" Ella said softly. She hoped her intuition was correct and Liam was not with Ava. Then Oliver still had a chance to win her back.

"Mom, do you like Ava?" Oliver looked at his mother and asked softly. He understood the meaning of his mother's words. She was supporting him and he felt very grateful for that.

"Oliver, I have said it before, as long as she is someone you like, your father, and I will always support you," Ella said with a bright smile.

"Thank you mom, I love you." Oliver smiled brightly.

Now that his mother was with him, he had the encouragement to chase Ava back. He will not give up on her. He will win her back. But his mother was right he cannot do that by using mean methods. In fact, in the beginning, if he was not so mean to Ava then she probably would never think of leaving him. So from now on, he will have to change his strategies.

Ella patted Oliver on the shoulder and before she left, she reminded him to come home whenever he had time.

"Oliver your father misses you very much."

"Don't you miss me, mom?"

"Of course I do, you are my only son, how could I not?" Ella said with a soft smile and looked at him with tender eyes.

Oliver nodded in understanding and walked Ella into the elevator.

Oliver delayed taking Ava to meet his parents before because to him it was not a casual thing. Once he took her there that would mean he was ready to marry her but Oliver's mind was still entangled with the past. So he wanted to wait until he was sure that he could give her what she deserved but now after this break up he was determined to win her back and tie her in marriage so she wouldn't be able to run again.