
No Deaths Allowed

Daron Finley wasn't the weakest student to exist in his school, but he was weak. Inheriting a body physique from his parents that enhanced his normal human capabilities helped in some ways. But without an ability domain, he could not grow his strength. His parents never had high hopes for him. They knew it was impossible without an ability domain. But they did their best to take care of him, even if their jobs had to have them travel a lot. Archeology had boomed with the discovery of ability domains. If one was to find a site with an ability domain, it would change their life. Daron's parents were both at a site like that. A rare occasion for the both of them to be assigned to the same dig site, but a welcome one. A hard clang was heard as one of them dug into something hard. _____ "It's your lucky day, Mr. and Mrs. Finley. It appears we have a power artifact." His smile continued. "Lucky day?" They both said. "Well, of course. This will be given to you after all." Both of their eyes opened wide. "We... we couldn't possibly..." Mrs. Finley started. ______ They both looked at each other. They knew they couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. Even though the director said this was their reward for their efforts, they couldn't help but keep in their hearts that they wanted to repay him one day. "Thank you Director Aaron," Mrs. Finley said. The director got the tablet packaged and set it into a portal that opened before him. His own ability domain, the ability to teleport objects to anywhere he wished if he had been there before. Though, he could only teleport relatively small objects, nothing bigger than a microwave. But many artifacts weren't that big so it was no trouble to him. Given his good-natured attitude, it's natural for him to have been to the Finleys' house. The package teleported right onto the countertop in the house, with a note signed by Daron's parents and the director. "We love you Daron! -Mom" "You're the most prized artifact Daron! -Dad" "I wish you luck Daron! -Director Aaron"

StryderAdon · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 38 - Dean Nihilo Ira

The entire college was awoken with a loud announcement throughout the entire campus.

"Daron Finely, please make your way to the Dean's office. Daron Finley, please make your way to the Dean's office." The intercom sounded.

Hearing the announcement, Daron got ready and left his dorm room.

At the same time, Professor Senara and Doctor Bennet narrowed their eyes as they heard what came from the intercom.

As it was early morning when he was called to the Dean's office, there weren't many students out and about on campus. The few that were, didn't pay much attention to Daron as he passed by.

The office of the Dean was on one of the top floor of a building close to the science laboratories, and Daron got there in a few minutes. Knocking on the door, he heard a brief, "Come in," and opened the door.

Sitting behind a desk sat an imposing man, with short, raven black hair. On his desk sat a nameplate reading 'Nihilo Ira, Dean, Id Anima Eidolon'.

Taking a brief glance at who had intruded into his office, he began speaking. "Daron Finley?"

"Yes," Daron replied simply.

The left eye of Dean Ira imperceptibly twitched at his response, but he continued. "Do you have an idea of why you were called here?"

"I can take a guess. I don't know why it would matter, though," Daron said, staring straight at the Dean.

Dean Ira stood up from his chair behind his desk. "You've crippled a student's ability, and you say it doesn't matter?"

Daron raised an eyebrow at the Dean's words, as he glanced at the nameplate again. "I was under the impression the top five colleges worked under the premise of 'Everything goes, except death.' Am I wrong?"

The Dean narrowed his eyes. "Who gave you that impression?"

"Doctor Bennet. The head medic. Are you going to tell me the man who is dealing with all the injuries in the college won't know that a premise like that exists?"

Clenching his teeth, the Dean picked up the phone for the intercom system and called Doctor Bennet up to the office.

"Why do you need him?" Daron asked.

"To prove your words."

"Well, that'll be quite easy. Especially since he gave his signature that without my intervention a student would have died. Can you guess who's fault that would've been?" Daron said leaning onto the Dean's desk.

Scowling at Daron, he responded, "We'll see."

The door to the office opened as Doctor Bennet let himself in.

"Not even a knock, I see," Dean Ira looked past Daron towards the door.

Doctor Bennet didn't respond to him as he walked over to Daron.

"What have you said to him?" Doctor Bennet asked.

"That you told me 'Everything goes, except death', and you gave me a signature stating I saved a student who was at risk of dying."

"Good. So, he can't say you've confessed to doing anything. I'll be taking it from here," Doctor Bennet put a hand on Daron's shoulder to ask him to step back.

"What's the meaning of this?" Dean Ira asked.

Taking a form out of his coat, Doctor Bennet placed it on the Dean's desk. "My signature. Signed, dated, and timed from before Noctus was injured. Stating that without Daron's intervention, a student would have died. He also healed all of the other students injuries that were caused by Noctus. Those injuries were Energy Path Blockages. You can confirm the time electronically as well, from when I wrote the document. Everything goes, except death. You know that's the rule very well, Dean Ira. If you use your authority here, don't think you'll get away with it. Even if you expel him as a student, I would be taking him in as a medic, meaning you can't get rid of him. It'd also be quite an ugly look on your part to expel the winner of their local school's competition."

As Dean Ira was preparing a response, a knock came on the door. Grumbling, the Dean said "Come in."

Into the office came Professor Senara, causing a smirk to cross Daron's face which didn't go unnoticed by Dean Ira. This caused the Dean to realize that despite the few days that Daron had been at the college, he had already gained support from key figures in the college.

Professor Senara walked over to Daron as she eyed the Dean. Then she glanced over to Doctor Bennet. "What were you called here for, Doctor Bennet?"

Raising an eyebrow at Professor Senara, he was a bit surprised as he glanced between both her and Daron, before wiping it off his face. "Well, what I was called here for, I don't know. What I've been doing is helping Daron."

Professor Senara smiled. "Perfect. We're on the same side then."

Dean Ira's face continued to get worse as he listened to them. "Professor, why are you here?"

"Didn't you just hear? Or are you deaf? I'm here to help Daron. After all, I can't have one of the students who passed my test just get kicked out, now can I?"

Dean Ira paused for a moment as he looked at Professor Senara. "I'm sorry, did you just say he passed your test? Why did you have him enrolled in that in the first place?"

Professor Senara gave a smile as she walked closer to the Dean's desk. "Call it a favor from an old friend? Nepotism can be quite handy, wouldn't you agree, Dean Ira? Wouldn't want your dear Noctus Ira...heta, getting the bad end of the stick now would you?"

Dean Ira glared at Professor Senara. "The bad end? He's already been crippled."

"You're wrong."

Dean Ira glanced at who the words came from. It was Daron.

"What do you mean, I'm wrong, he can't use his Ability Domain any-"

"Doctor Bennet, was his Energy Path damaged or blocked?" Daron asked.

"No," Doctor Bennet replied.

"Were his other aspects outside of his Energy Path harmed in any way?" Daron asked.


Dean Ira glanced between the two of them. "What does that mean? If you didn't cripple him, what did you do?"

"The aspects within his Energy Path have been reset to the level of a normal human. He has to start from scratch to get back to where he was. But he isn't crippled."

Dean Ira plopped into his chair as he closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he sat up in his chair as he spoke again. "Fine. You're right, the top five colleges do work on the premise of 'Everything goes, except death.' If Noctus really almost caused a death, then, thank you for preventing such a thing. Now, get out of my office. All of you."

As they entered the hall, Daron took one last look at the Dean, sunken into his chair, before closing the door.