
No Deaths Allowed

Daron Finley wasn't the weakest student to exist in his school, but he was weak. Inheriting a body physique from his parents that enhanced his normal human capabilities helped in some ways. But without an ability domain, he could not grow his strength. His parents never had high hopes for him. They knew it was impossible without an ability domain. But they did their best to take care of him, even if their jobs had to have them travel a lot. Archeology had boomed with the discovery of ability domains. If one was to find a site with an ability domain, it would change their life. Daron's parents were both at a site like that. A rare occasion for the both of them to be assigned to the same dig site, but a welcome one. A hard clang was heard as one of them dug into something hard. _____ "It's your lucky day, Mr. and Mrs. Finley. It appears we have a power artifact." His smile continued. "Lucky day?" They both said. "Well, of course. This will be given to you after all." Both of their eyes opened wide. "We... we couldn't possibly..." Mrs. Finley started. ______ They both looked at each other. They knew they couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. Even though the director said this was their reward for their efforts, they couldn't help but keep in their hearts that they wanted to repay him one day. "Thank you Director Aaron," Mrs. Finley said. The director got the tablet packaged and set it into a portal that opened before him. His own ability domain, the ability to teleport objects to anywhere he wished if he had been there before. Though, he could only teleport relatively small objects, nothing bigger than a microwave. But many artifacts weren't that big so it was no trouble to him. Given his good-natured attitude, it's natural for him to have been to the Finleys' house. The package teleported right onto the countertop in the house, with a note signed by Daron's parents and the director. "We love you Daron! -Mom" "You're the most prized artifact Daron! -Dad" "I wish you luck Daron! -Director Aaron"

StryderAdon · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 25 - Aspect Trapping

As the days drew nearer to the final stretch of Daron's training, the intensity of his preparations heightened. The pursuit of mastering Aspect Trapping, a skill that had remained elusive for so long, fueled his determination to keep pressing forward. Focused and resolute, he delved into refining his technique, ensuring every move was precise, and his mind was centered during practice.

Then, on the ninth day, a pivotal moment arrived, marking a significant turning point in his journey. As he called upon the Self-Inflicted Autoimmunity skill, a noticeable change in his body's response caught his attention. The once stubborn frozen aspect seemed to yield more easily, as if acknowledging its impending integration. With an upsurge of resolve, Daron skillfully guided his other aspects to converge, sealing the rebellious frozen one into place. An overwhelming sense of triumph washed over him, signaling that he was on the brink of a breakthrough.

For the following two days, Daron devoted himself entirely to solidifying his newfound skill. Tirelessly, he honed his control over the Aspect Trapping technique, determined to achieve seamless synchronization with his body and energy path. With every attempt, he could sense his connection with his own being strengthening, and the healing process became more efficient, though this was only when he could muster the strength to employ his healing energy. These were the few days after his initial success when he also wrestled to trap his other aspects of constitution and healing.

As the eleventh day dawned, Daron's mastery over Aspect Trapping exceeded even his most ambitious expectations. The ability had become an integral part of his skillset, and his body had embraced the once-foreign frozen aspect, being able to seal it in an instant. Though weary from the grueling training, Daron's physical and mental strength had grown exponentially.

As the sun set on that eleventh day, Daron stood with pride of the transformation he had undergone. The journey had been arduous, demanding every ounce of his fortitude, yet he emerged stronger, both in body and spirit. With a sense of accomplishment, he realized that this was just the beginning, a stepping stone on his path to becoming truly stronger. Not even a drop in the bucket, as he had barely learned a small portion of the technique he had acquired.

From that point forward, Daron's training would take a fresh trajectory. His unlocking of Aspect Trapping had allowed him to wield his aspects with unparalleled precision and control. The road ahead was filled with uncertainty and challenges, but Daron approached it with unwavering resolve.

With Aspect Trapping firmly in his arsenal, the world became a vast canvas of opportunities, waiting for him to seize them. The world laying ahead of, Daron stood prepared to leave a mark on it; one he did not yet know how big.

As the twelfth day dawned, Daron's arduous training had finally come to an end. With Aspect Trapping firmly in his skill set, he was now equipped to face the challenges that lay ahead. However, one last item remained on his agenda, a visit to his school to bid farewell to the mentor who had played a pivotal role in his journey, Mr. Gail.

Filled with a mix of emotions, Daron entered the school that had been a significant part of his life. Familiar hallways evoked memories of laughter, struggles, and growth. It was within these walls that he had first discovered the latent potential within him.

Approaching Mr. Gail's classroom, gratitude filled Daron's heart for the guidance and support he had received. A tinge of sadness accompanied the thought of saying goodbye to the teacher who had become a source of inspiration.

Upon entering, Daron was greeted by Mr. Gail's warm smile, a testament to the bond they had forged throughout the training process. "Daron! It's so good to see you. How's the training going?" Mr. Gail inquired with evident pride.

Smiling back, Daron replied, "It's been tough, but I've made tremendous progress. Aspect Trapping was a real challenge, but I know it will serve me well in the future."

Mr. Gail's eyes sparkled with joy as he responded, "I never doubted your potential, Daron. Your dedication and resilience have always been remarkable."

Their conversation continued, with Daron sharing the highs and lows of his transformative journey. Mr. Gail listened attentively, offering encouragement and reminders of Daron's inner strength.

In return, Daron expressed his heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging Mr. Gail's unwavering belief in him. "Your belief in me made all the difference, Mr. Gail. You helped me discover my true potential," he said sincerely.

Leaving the school behind, Daron felt a sense of closure and readiness for the next chapter of his life. The world now presented a vast training ground, brimming with countless opportunities to further develop his skills. College awaited him, and while uncertainty loomed, he knew he had honed his abilities well.

He had only two weeks before college began, and classes would start for the semester. The challenge was significant, but his training had instilled in him the tenacity to overcome any obstacle.

Stepping into his house today felt odd for once, as he felt no urgency to train. Technically, he could begin the next part of the technique, but for now, he decided to rest. As he needed it.