
No Deaths Allowed

Daron Finley wasn't the weakest student to exist in his school, but he was weak. Inheriting a body physique from his parents that enhanced his normal human capabilities helped in some ways. But without an ability domain, he could not grow his strength. His parents never had high hopes for him. They knew it was impossible without an ability domain. But they did their best to take care of him, even if their jobs had to have them travel a lot. Archeology had boomed with the discovery of ability domains. If one was to find a site with an ability domain, it would change their life. Daron's parents were both at a site like that. A rare occasion for the both of them to be assigned to the same dig site, but a welcome one. A hard clang was heard as one of them dug into something hard. _____ "It's your lucky day, Mr. and Mrs. Finley. It appears we have a power artifact." His smile continued. "Lucky day?" They both said. "Well, of course. This will be given to you after all." Both of their eyes opened wide. "We... we couldn't possibly..." Mrs. Finley started. ______ They both looked at each other. They knew they couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. Even though the director said this was their reward for their efforts, they couldn't help but keep in their hearts that they wanted to repay him one day. "Thank you Director Aaron," Mrs. Finley said. The director got the tablet packaged and set it into a portal that opened before him. His own ability domain, the ability to teleport objects to anywhere he wished if he had been there before. Though, he could only teleport relatively small objects, nothing bigger than a microwave. But many artifacts weren't that big so it was no trouble to him. Given his good-natured attitude, it's natural for him to have been to the Finleys' house. The package teleported right onto the countertop in the house, with a note signed by Daron's parents and the director. "We love you Daron! -Mom" "You're the most prized artifact Daron! -Dad" "I wish you luck Daron! -Director Aaron"

StryderAdon · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 12 - Some Kind of Genius

Reading how to do the second step in the technique, Daron thought it would be best to try it with the Life-Saving Energy Focus technique first, killing two birds with one stone. However, he would have to start doing it tomorrow as night was upon him.

Waking up, Daron closed the task notification and immediately started practicing his techniques and headed to school for attendance.

Arriving at class, he sat down and closed his eyes and started the process of separating the energy flows in the Life-Saving Energy Focus technique. As the energy flows separated, he made the healing flow into his limbs smaller while keeping the rest of the flow the same size. He then separated the flows in his head and torso so that the inner flow was comprised of the healing flow, with the other two aspects of his physique in the outer flow. As he finished this technique, he opened his eyes to see the classroom empty except for Mr. Gail, and a few notifications in front of him.

[Quest Completed]

[+10 to Healing Power]

[Your understanding of the energy flow in your body increases]


[Find a way to move while keeping 80% of the healing ability of the Life-Saving Energy Focus technique]

[Time Limit: 2 Days]

[Reward: +10 Healing Power, Increase Understanding of Energy flow in the body]

[Progress: 100% Complete, All Limbs Unlocked, 80% Healing Ability Kept]

With the Life-Saving Energy Focus quest complete, Daron had more confidence in winning the competition. However, he still expected a hard battle ahead of him as he had no combat experience or skills.

As Daron stood up, Mr. Gail noticed he had finally come out of his focused state.

"Ah, Daron. You were quite focused, I had called your name a few times, yet there was no response. So, what were you so focused on?" Mr. Gail asked.

"I've gotten the Life-Saving Energy Focus to have eighty percent of its healing ability while moving Mr. Gail," Daron said.

Mr. Gail's mouth opened wide. "Heaven's, you must be some kind of genius to be able to do that so fast. How'd you do it?"

"Well, if you hadn't given me that booklet, I doubt I would've been able to so fast. I applied the first and second steps in the Life-Saving Energy Focus technique, and it seems to have worked."

"You've accomplished the first two steps of the technique?" Mr. Gail asked.

"Well, not quite. I've accomplished the first step. I just applied the second step to test out how to separate the aspects. Given it stated you should separate the one you are familiar with first, I thought I'd try it with the Life-Saving Energy Focus technique before applying it to learning the Aspect Combination and Supplementation technique," Daron answered.

"I see. Well, I'd say you have a much better chance of winning now. Of course, it'll still be difficult going up against an ability domain. Just try your best out there, Daron. I think you'll cause quite the upset tomorrow." Mr. Gail smiled.

Walking home, Daron didn't know if it was a good thing what Mr. Gail had said. As he thought about what had happened in the past few days, he remembered he had unlocked a skill and a new tab in the system. Opening it up, he went to the Energy Skills tab.

[Energy Skills]


[Scan: This skill allows the user to scan a power artifact to find out its power without absorbing it. It takes time to use depending on the strength of the artifact and the amount of energy used.]

[Energy Cost: Varies]

[Time: Varies]

Looking at the skill, he thought back to the ability domain tab and clicked into it.

[Ability Domain: Unobtained]

[Find an ability domain from a power artifact to obtain an ability domain]

[Skills such as Scan and ??? will be able to help know what ability domain an artifact has before absorbing it]

Daron couldn't believe his luck that he had already learned one of the skills that could tell him what a power artifact's ability domain was. He wondered if his teachers at college would be able to give him so many benefits through his system, but he doubted it. He felt as though Director Aaron and Mr. Gail would be figures few and far between, and he was just lucky enough to get caught up in their entanglements.

Getting home, Daron sat on his couch and closed his eyes. Now, he would separate his aspects in the three energy flows throughout his body. First, he would start with his healing power. Moving his healing power to the innermost flow, he felt strange, as though something was missing from himself. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but he would have to bear through it. After around ten minutes, the healing power was completely isolated in the inner flow of the energy path.

Moving onto the other aspects, Daron focused on the outer two energy flows. He decided he would put strength as the outermost flow, but he was less familiar with the other two aspects of his physique, even if they were all at the same level. The technique he had learned for four years had focused on healing, and the other one focused on increasing one's energy. Now was the only time he had actively tried to focus on the other two aspects of his physique.

Instead of focusing on knowing which aspect was which, he decided he would just separate them for now. He could change the flows later if he needed to.

Twenty minutes had passed as he focused on separating the flows in his entire body, and then he had completed separating all of them into the different aspects of his physique. It also seemed like he wouldn't need to rearrange the flows as they ended up where he wanted them to be.

The outermost flow was strength, the middle flow was constitution, and the innermost flow was healing power.

[Progress added in Physique tab]

Daron didn't click on it, as he doubted he had progressed much. He had barely read into the second page of the booklet, and there were still many pages left. At the very least, he wished to learn the technique before he finished his fourth year and went off to college.