
No Curse Behaves

Danielle and Allen were volunteering at a park when they discovered and freed the strongest werewolves in existence. Now, every supernatural creature is hunting them down. Some want to kill them. Some want to experiment on them. And some want to become them. Can Danielle and Allen survive and distance themselves from the werewolves, or will they themselves become something nobody expected?

DarianTerrell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs



As we made our way through Isaac's office, I could feel Shaye staring at me. He was waiting for me to go out and find Samirah, but I wasn't ready. "I'm defenseless!" I told him earlier. "They are doing their own thing, Allen included, so they won't have time to help me. And I don't know what Samirah's capable of."

"You can't reclaim your magic from Allen, I know that well enough." He told me. "But you can learn and rediscover a different type of magic. Do that, and then find your niece."

I was still unsure about doing it alone. "What is she planning?" I asked him, almost whispering without reason. "She's trying to regain everything you lost, including your sister."

I refused to believe that, because I hadnt even know Samirah for a week before she disappeared.

"Why would she do that for me?" I asked him curiously.

He stared at me for a long moment before cracking a smile. Somehow, he was making me feel stupid and I'd only known him for an hour.

"She's not doing it for you. Donna planned this, while she was alive, while you were trying to find the necklace. She gave Samirah instructions and she's been following them to the best of her ability."

"Why didn't they tell me?!" I screeched.

"Because Donna never changed. Even after her mother's passing, she was full of greed, spite, and self preservation."

I started biting my tongue, a nervous habit I tried to stop several times when I was younger. "So, you think Samirah is going to bring back the mansion, and her mother?"

"The curse too. She needs the curse to bring her back because Donna didn't die naturally."

I knew Donna was desperate, but I didn't think she would plan all of this, especially because she was using that child as a pawn.

"Ok," I told him. "I'll go after her. But I want to tell Allen before I go. He might hello me or come looking after he gets done with this."

Shaye gave me a serious look. "He won't be able to."

The way he said it creeped me out."How do you know? Can you see the future?"

The white part of his eye shimmered golden, and like a hologram, it floated out of his eyes. It hovered above them and tiny spheres of multicolored light came out of each eye.

"I can see alot of things, but the possibility of him coming after you is very low."

"Why? Because he doesn't care?"

Shaye shook his head. "Because he simply won't be able to."

I understood what he meant.

"It's just a possibility, but it's the most possible possibility."

I smiled. "That sounds stupid."

"I don't care," he told me, smiling back. "Let's get back with the group, they are probably ready to head to Isaac's place."

And here we were, following Isaac through his facility. Shaye was still urging me to leave, but I didn't want to go yet.

He grabbed my arm and let everybody else walk passed us. They didn't notice because there where separate rooms behind glass walls that had animals. Some were in cages, assume where being observed by animals, and there were even some trying to escape. They banged their hands against the glass or attacked their handlers before being hit with a tranquilizer dart.

Shaye acted as if he didn't notice this. "You need to leave and go after her. Stop hesitating. She's doing something else now, I'm not sure what it is, but it had something to do with Allen."

"What? She doesn't have a reason to hurt Allen." I said as a dog started barking its head off.

"What is this place?" Allen asked from way upfront.

"This is a testing facility. They test things on animals here." Isaac answered. "Your torturing them," said Marissa.

"I'm not doing anything. This is just a disguise." He snapped his fingers and they all froze.

"Animatronics. Robots. We needed to build a base just as the vampires did, and this is what we thought of. I don't know what they sell, but they have a giant corporation. Most of the werewolves have died, so I did this on my own."

Marissa still sounded angry. "Still.. you could've thought of something better than this."

"I'll tell you what, the next time you survive genocide by yourself you can choose what to make."

Shaye kept looking back, and waited for them to say something else. They didn't, so he continued.

"She's not trying to hurt him, she's..." He struggled to find the right words. "He met a creature when he saved Marissa, Don, and Jamie. It died, but she's trying to resurrect it. There's something extremely bad about this creature, but I don't know much because they wouldn't give me any information at the beginning. You need to stop this."

I dug in my pocket and pulled out the charm bracelet. It twinkled and something moved in the little mirror. If I had magic, I would be able to see inside the mirror. I attached it to my wrist and looked at Shaye. "Fine. I'm gone. But can you let Allen know what I'm doing, even if the possibility is low?"

"Of course I will."


We continued to walk through the building until we reached an elevator. Everyone got inside and Isaac hit seven. I never would have guessed this building had seven floors ​from the outside, because it looks like a single story building. After he pressed the button, the door closed and a bright white light shone from the elevator ceiling. We heard three beeps, saw a flash of green, and then the elevator started to descend.

"What was that?" asked Marissa.

"It was a scanner, and it makes sure no vampires enter my real lab." said Isaac.

"What happens if there is one in here?" Donovan inquired.

"It would flash red instead of green and the whole elevator would plummet about 70 feet down and explode."


When it came to a stop we entered straight into a room, there was no hallway separating it. A couple of computers were in the corner and and there were lots of papers scattered about, but the room looked huge. We all got out of the elevator, but the doors didn't close, they stayed open.

I looked at it and tried to close it.

"Don't bother. It won't go back up unless someone is inside it or unless someone presses the button upstairs. It has a weight sensor."

I left it alone and turned back to the group.

"Don't you want to know how we escaped?" asked Donovan. Isaac stared at him, unblinking.

"No. I expected you to escape, sooner or later. In fact I was kinda wondering how you let it happen in the first place."

He continued to stare down Donovan, and Donovan looked away. I couldn't even tell he was scolding him.

"That doesn't matter, you know why were here now." said Jamie.

Isaac turned his attention towards him. "Are you sure we even stand a chance? So many werewolves are dead. All we have of each other, and maybe half a dozen more, if we're lucky."

Jamie started to look excited. "Yes I'm sure! Because we have him!"

He pointed to me, bringing me in to the conversation.

"Who is he?" Asked Isaac.

"His name is Allen." Said Jamie.

"He smells... new." Isaac sniffed.

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment.

I was about to retort, but Marissa spoke first. He can transform into the wolf man form effortlessly. I don't even think he's become a regular wolf since he gained lycanthropy. Have you?" She asked me.

I shook my head no.

"He even helped me achieve the form as well." said Donovan. I looked back at him. He didn't say it with any hate or anger. He said it like it was just a fact.

Isaac was taking me seriously now. "That's amazing..." He murmured, studying something on my face. Probably my eyes.

"If that's the case, I'm not needed." said Isaac. He walked over to the wall by the computers, rubbed his hand against the wall, and a compartment opened up! He pulled out a bottle of pills and the compartment closed by itself.

"What do you mean you aren't needed?! You are more skilled than all of us!" Donovan yelled.

"I don't fight anymore."

"Cut the crap Isaac! You're an ancient blood!"

"No, I WAS an ancient blood. I'm done with that. I've cured myself and I'm trying to have a normal life."

Jamie now had to hold Donovan back because he was about to attack Isaac.

"You haven't cured anything." Donovan sneered.

"I can still smell it on you. You've done nothing but suppress it. One day, it'll come out, and I hope you end up killing someone when it happens!"

Isaac lunged at him and I jumped into action as well. I held him back as tried to attack Donovan. He growled in an unnatural way that really backed up what Donovan had said.

"Get out." He said once. "GET OUT! And take this stupid mutt with you. I hope you get torn apart by those bats. Then, with a surprising amount of strength, he picked me up and tossed me all the way back into the elevator.

I kept my anger under control and decided to let it go. I didn't want to end up wild and insane like Donovan.

Marissa came to my aid and hit him square in the jaw. His head spun but he didn't let himself fall, and that amazed me. Even though i was just as strong, or even stronger, than them, one hit from either of them could knock me off my feet.

He stared at her in shock. He was about to move towards her when something caught his attention. Shaye's eyes were sparking yellow flares and five yellow spheres flew from them. In an instant they soared straight into all of us, but at first, I felt nothing. I looked at Isaac, who's eyes were glowing the same yellow, but I felt no different.

Then, my eyelids felt heavy. I stretched out and yawned and that made it worse. Right before I dropped down, it flashed before my eyes; Danielle, angry looking and bloody. Bodies upon bodies of people on the floor. Some had died screaming, with their mouths open. They weren't just people. These were all vampires.

Somehow, Danielle was staring at all of them. She kept running and searching, looking all over... What was she looking for?

She dropped to get knees and put her face in her hands, crying. I couldn't hear her, or anything else in the room. A man materialized out of blackness, standing far behind her. He took​really small steps, trying not to make a sound.

She heard him anyways.

He stepped on a puddle of blood, and she stopped crying. She went completely still, them slowly wiped the tears from her face with her hand. The man assumed she didn't notice him. He raised his right leg to take another step forward and she pounced, springing on him like a leopard. He was slammed backwards into the wall so hard that cracks appeared.

Danielle had one hand on this shoulder and the other on his head. He look scared and sweaty.

His mouth started moving fast, and he raised his arms in surrender.

Then she... then she... She bit into his neck and he screamed. First some reason, I actually heard him scream, and it was about ten times louder than it should have been. For the first time since this vision started, I tried to move. I tried to cover my ears to stop hearing him scream. But when I did it, the vision stopped completely. I got up, still feeling sluggish. Everyone else was already standing back up, looking grim.

It didn't seem like anyone was still angry with each other anymore, but no one was speaking either.

"We need to put an end to them. And soon." said Isaac.