

Kaira was squealing with joy from her friends reveal of her true feelings. Samaiya had a huge smile as she saw her friend express all the happiness she was feeling.

"How did it start? OMG! You're get marriiieeed!" Kaira continued to scream as she was extremely excited for her friend.


"Truth," Kaira replied excited to hear all the juicy gossip that her friend was hiding from her.

"Since High school I had a crush on him. When I saw him at the restaurant after all of those years that passed and knowing that he could be my future husband. I was super happy and my feelings for him grew. I feel that over time I could come to love him." Samaiya said, her blush growing after finishing her confession.

Kaira stopped the recording which she secretly took, she was going to send it to Ishaan after Samaiya tells him everything. 'I'm an amazing matchmaker and one person will feel that it's Christmas morning once I send this to him.' Kaira thought, with a huge smile.

"Samaiya and Ishaan sitting in a tree.."

"Stop teasing me. Oh! I just remembered what happened today. Do you think Ishaan will like me? Will he forgive me? Will he like me?" Samaiya became extremely worried at the thought of rejection.

Looking at the worry etched on Samaiya, Kaira couldn't help herself from bursting with laughter.

"Hey, not funny this is serious."

Kaira started laughing even more.

"Kaira." Samaiya whined, confused at her friend's behaviour.

"Ok, I'll stop. Look at yourself you are so beautiful, and he has had the biggest crush on you since High school. Actually, the correct term is 'love', he has loved you ever since you entered his world. If he doesn't forgive you then his feelings are week and you deserve some one better," Kaira said, drying the tears in her eyes from laughing too hard.

"What should I do to capture his heart?" Samaiya asked innocently.

This sent Kaira for another round of laughter, her friend was so funny sometimes.

"Just show up in front of him and express yourself with complete honesty. Be careful when confessing, he may die of happiness." Kaira said, still chuckling at her friend.

"How will I meet him? I don't have his number and I don't know if he will even show up."

"Don't worry, there is a school reunion coming up. He will surely be there, you can tell him then."

"When is this reunion happening?" Samaiya asked already thinking of ways to chase after Ishaan.

"Tomorrow." Kaira replied.

"What? There isn't enough time for me to get ready or choose the clothes I'll wear. Ughh I don't think I'll be able to do this." Samaiya said already losing confidence in herself.

"What do you have me for. God! How can you keep forgetting I am here to help? Now, I have to make an important call and don't try to be nosy and listen to the conversation."

"You're keeping secrets from me?" Samaiya said with a pout.

Ignoring the girl with an adorable set of puffed up cheeks. Kaira went out to call someone who she ignored after she went abroad.

Ishaan was out with his friends, brooding in a corner. He heard a phone ring at his table, it was Ajay's. Noticing how quickly Ajay picked up the phone and the broad smile om his face, Ishaan already knew who was calling. There was only one person that could break his brawny friend's stoic face. Thinking about Ajay's true love, Ishaan started to miss his own stubborn girl.

"Hello?" Ajay said hesitantly, worried that just his voice may annoy the person on the other side.

"Hey I'm back." Kaira replied nonchalantly, showing no hint of emotion.

"Yes, I know. Should we meet up?" Ajay asked carefully, as though he was treading on thin ice.

"Maybe later, but for now I need your help." Kaira smiled on hearing the nervousness of the big bear on the other side of the phone.

"Anything, how can I help." Ajay said without a moment's hesitation. He had a huge smile at the prospect of sorting things out with Kaira.

"Convince Ishaan to go to the school reunion, Samaiya will be there." With those words Kaira hung up the phone, ending her conversation. She wasn't Mother Teresa who could forgive so easily.

Ajay walked towards where his friends were sitting.

"Still in the doghouse?" Siddharth said jokingly.

"Yes, but I have an opportunity to leave. Ishaan let's help each other out of the dog house. Ajay asked desperate to get back into Kaira's good books.

"What is it?" Ishaan asked allowing his friend to express what he wanted but not making any promises on agreeing.

"Go to tomorrow's school reunion. Samaiya will be there and she is expecting you to be there." Ajay said.

"Ok," Ishaan quickly agreed when he heard Samaiya's name, he would never allow her to wait for him.

The next day Samaiya and Kaira did a quick make over and pampered themselves at a salon while catching up on the latest gossip.

"So, did you decide on what you're going to wear?" Kaira asked, curiously to what she had in mind and would probably tell a person who would love to match his look with hers.

"I have absolutely no clue. Kaira help me!" Samaiya was really worried about what she would say that she forgot she needed to look good. She was going to be facing a few old enemies and rivals, she wanted to do it in style. One thing Samaiya completely believed in was, 'If you feel good,then you look good and then you can conquer the world.' This was applicable to both men and women.

"Why don't you wear a Saree? Anyway this is a school reunion, so wearing Indian clothes is more formal. I think you could wear a Saree without looking old." Kaira said, completely engrossed in the massage that was being given to her.

"I may not look old but I will look short." Samaiya expressed her regular insecurities about herself, no one is ever perfect.

"Don't worry this Saree that I chose will look amazing. Now help me look beautiful also." Kaira quickly shot down Samaiya's insecurities.

The two girls were extremely well dressed. Samaiya was wearing a turquoise Saree with small floral print throughout her saree. This gave Samaiya a youthful look and with the way she had worn her Saree with a pair of floral print heels, her look did not swallow Samaiya while. Kaira wore a saree which had ruffles on her hem, this allowed the Saree to be dramatic, but did not outshine Kaira instead it showcased her personality.

The two ladies were standing in front of the venue's door. They were dressed to Slay their enemies and capture the hearts of their lovers and admirers.

Here is the next chapter enjoy.

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Lots of Love

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