
Bantering Sisters

Samaiya was in her room busy with all her work that had been piled up. It has been days, but her work seemed never-ending. Tired, Samaiya was half asleep on her desk when her sister came rushing in her room screaming at the top of her voice.


Samaiya was already grumpy with the amount of work that she had to deal with lately, it didn't help having a sister who constantly pushed her buttons.

"Akshara, I am this close to having your head. Don't push my limits." Samaiya said in a low voice. Recognising that Samaiya wasn't in a good mood Akshara quickly got to the point.

"Let's go out today. You have been working non-stop for days. I understand that you want to escape from mom and dad pestering you about choosing a guy from the options that were presented." Akshara explained doing her best to convince her sister.

"Mom and dad didn't even give me an option. It's obvious who's proposal they are trying to make me accept. I don't want to go out, just let me be my monotonous self." Samaiya said, annoyed at her parents' obvious intentions.

"Please sis. We can have a girls' night and let down our hair. Please. I know you want to have some fun. PLEASE." Akshara said in a childish voice and made puppy eyes knowing that her sister could not say no to her face.

Looking at the face Akshara was making Samaiya could do nothing but agree. Her sister looked so cute when she needed something.

"Ok but promise not to get in trouble." Samaiya said, dubious on how she will survive tonight's 'festivities'.

"I will try my best. Thank you, sis, you're the best." Akshara said excited about today's events

"Let's get ready! We have to look our best in the club so that all eyes are on us." Akshara said, leaving as quickly as possible. Not giving her sister a chance to throw water on her plan.

A little while later.

Samaiya and Akshara were ready for their night of fun. Samaiya wore a black short dress which had a flowy skirt. It was a V-neck which showed a hint of her cleavage without being too revealing and a dramatic back, which emphasized her petite size and small waist. Matched with the classic red pumps.

Akshara was wearing a two-piece, baby pink dress. It had an A-line neck which gave her a more youthful appearance. The dress was showing off Akshara's amazing body. Her long legs were emphasized by the short skirt, a hint of her abs could be seen, showing off her hard-earned body, paired with a pink strappy stiletto.

"Watch out world the Agarwal sisters are coming to slay. Man! You're taking no prisoners today. Sis you look hot." Akshara said gleefully, looking at her sister from head to toe.

"OMG! Is that my baby sis? What did you do to the ugly menace, how are you so angelic?" Samaiya said, realising that her sister has grown up.

The two sisters continued giving each other compliments. After they were done going back and forth with the most exaggerated descriptions of each other, they looked at each other and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Let's go my beautiful princess, we don't want to be late." Samaiya said while drying up her tears from laughing too much.

"Let's go queen." Akshara said while almost dragging her sister to the car.

Samaiya and Akshara entered the club ready to have their girls' night.

There was loud music and women and men swaying their bodies, the girls went to the bar and sat down.

"Spill, what have you been doing and why were you not able to keep a man." Akshara started the conversation.

Taking a few gulps of her drink Samaiya replied in a light and airy voice, "Let me get drunk and then we will deal with my hot mess of a life."

"Works with me." Akshara said while downing a shot.

"How about you? Any boys?" Samaiya asked curiously.

"There were a few but they only wanted the benefits of having a girlfriend and not the relationship."

"Are you serious and how are you so chill about it." Samaiya asked surprised at how unaffected her sister was.

"They weren't interesting enough to have a relationship, so I just dated for the fun of it when I got bored I moved on." Akshara replied nonchalantly.

"Aksh have you done it…"

"No, of course not I'm not that careless to do it with a stranger who doesn't even respect me."

"Then you understand my problem. I can't date a guy because the moment I turn around they are acting like the biggest douche bags I have ever seen."

"I know! It's like they are now the hottest person on the planet and all the girls are supposedly falling for them because they got a girlfriend. It's the weirdest thing ever." Akshara happily agreed. Both sisters were laughing at their exes and all of the stuff that was obviously wrong about them while downing drinks one after another.

"Hey Aksh, do you have a bitch in your class?" Samaiya asked, as a protective older sister she wanted to ensure everything was alright in her sister's life.

"Yeah, I do."

"Who? Tell me and I will make that persons' life hell." Samaiya replied, ready to storm out the club and defend her sister.

"Me… Just kidding. There is one girl who has a problem with me, but I can deal with her easy. Now let's drink some more and get on the dancefloor and show these people how to move." Akshara said excitedly downing a shot and dragging her sister to the dancefloor.

"Babe you know I can't dance." Samaiya said while trying to resist her sisters pull.

"You can dance. If you're concerned of the people around you then drink a little and everyone will start to fade away." Akshara replied in a confident manner.

Samaiya having no control over her sister reluctantly went along with her sister's whims.

As the two sisters allowed the music to wash over them and started to dance swaying their hips to the rhythm. They didn't notice the attention that they had brought towards them.

In a corner of the club there were a group of men sitting while discussing about the two ladies dancing on the dance floor.

"So which one is the one you want to marry?" A man's voice intruded Ishaan's admiring gaze of the woman in black.

"The older sister, she is the one wearing black."

"Interesting, so this is your one true love who you could never forget. Now you are trying to woo her by playing hero. Where did you get this idea from, a rom-com?" Another voice spoke up.

"Oh, look some guys are approaching them," the last man of the group spoke up this caught everyone's attention.

These group of men were incredibly attractive and caught all the women's attention that crossed their table.

The first man's name was Siddharth Bhatia, the second man's name was Ajay Sinha and the third's name was Rahul Sharma all of these men including Ishaan made up the group of friends who were desirable for both men and women and were every mother's dream son.

They saw the men that approached the two women who were dancing rather attractively. "Are these the men you hired Ishaan?" Ajay asked, questioning Ishaan's choice, these men could hurt these girls.

"No, they aren't these are just some local thugs." Ishaan said. You could hear the tinge of worry in his voice as anger flashed across his eyes. 'Who were these men? Why do so many men approach these two, so troublesome' Ishaan thought as he stood up to help his dear and show the world that she was taken. Before the handsome group of men could play knights in shining armour, they were stopped in their tracks by the scene that was playing in front of them.

"Hey girls. Mind if we join." A large man said while approaching the sisters.

"No." Samaiya replied, wasting no time at the lust filled group of men that had approached them.

"Come on, we'll show you a good time," A man said approaching Akshara. At the same time another man approached Samaiya, they reached to touch the girls' butts. Seeing these men trying to sexually harass them, using their disgusting hands, both sisters saw red.

Both Akshara and Samaiya were very drunk, they had lost all rational of their safety there only thought was to teach these disgusting men that their hands were meant to be kept to themselves.

Hey guys, here is the new chapter.

Sorry about the delay in chapters I haven't been well

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Lots of Love

SweetWeaponcreators' thoughts