
Chapter 4

I walk to the massive bank in front of me and get inside the building. After talking to the gate guard, I know where I can change my gold into this world currency, the Universal Bank. What is the universal bank? They are the banks that handle all the money in the world using the power of True Rune.

Anyone who dares to change their currency will face the full might of this bank, and boy, do they be scared when they are angry. Two decades ago, they managed to wipe out a kingdom in the western continent after their emperor declared that his empire would use the currency he made.

Anyway, I get inside the building and walk toward one of the tellers.

"Welcome to the Universal Bank, sir. What can we do for you?"

I take out all the gold I have and put them on the table, then sit down on the chair.

"I want to exchange this with money."

She looks at the gold for a few seconds before saying.

"I need to check the quality of the gold. If you don't mind?"

"Go ahead."

She takes one of the gold ingots and takes some kind of device that looks like a magnificent glass. I can see a magic circle appear in front of the device, and she checks the other ingots one by one.

After a couple of minutes, she nods her head and says.

"All of them are real and with one hundred purity. Do you want to sell all of the gold?"

"That's right. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course. We are more than willing to take the gold. Today's gold price is fifteen million Potch per kilogram. You have ten of them, that means one hundred and fifty million Potch for all of them. Do you need to open up an account to store your money? We have a magic tattoo for customers with more than one hundred Potch in savings that lets you take your money without needing to bring your card."

"No. Not at the moment. I will open it later. I need cash to open up a business here."

"Of course. Do you need our help? We can help you start your business."

"Ah, you did not need to worry. I have a family that can help with this problem."

"Of course. Please wait a few minutes while I take the money for you."

I nod and look around the bank. To my surprise, I cannot understand what the people next to me say. That means some kind of magic protects the privacy of every person talking to the teller.

After waiting for three minutes, the woman got back with a briefcase. She places it on the table and opens it up. I can see a lot of paper money inside the briefcase. It looks like they are already using paper money, unlike my world, which still uses coins.

"This is the one hundred and fifty million Potch, sir. Is there anything you need?"


I take the briefcase and store it inside my inventory. I nod my head when the exact number of the money appears in my head. I can see her look at me and say.

"That is a very useful ability. Do you want to work for us?"

"Oh? Tell me more."

"Follow me to the back room."

I nod and follow her to the back room. I accepted their offer because I did not have any way to earn money from this place to buy food and maybe some rune that could help me.

Working for a bank that controls all the money in the world is something that I can use.

After a minute of walking, I arrived inside a fancy room with a man sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. He looks at me and the woman in front of me before saying.

"Cynthia, what is it? Also, who is this?"

"I am sorry for disturbing you, manager. However, I come here as a potential recruit."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

The woman looked at me and took out a necklace from her pocket. I know what to do. I put my hand on that necklace and store it inside my inventory. The manager looks at me in surprise before saying.

"Take it out."

I nod and take out the necklace. He nods his head and says.

"You are hired."

"Wait. Wait. Wait."

I decide to stop them before we go further. I look at the manager and say.

"I get the general work you want me to do, but what if I run away with the goods I store inside my pocket dimension?"

The manager smiles and says.

"We will send a few people along with you, of course."

"You know that the goods will disappear alongside me if I die, right?"

"That is a worthy investment. Also, I have a rune that lets me see if the people in front of me are trustworthy."

"Even then, you need to have a little bit of suspicion, right?"

"I do, and that is why I will send someone with you. If you decide to run away, they will kill you, and we can think of the goods inside your pocket dimension as a loss. So, do you want to work with us? The pay is good, you know? The payment will be five hundred thousand Potch at the minimum to more than one million Potch, depending on the goods."

I look at him for a second before saying.

"Sure. I can delay my business and work for you for now."

"Great! Please take a seat. Also, Cynthia, please serve him some tea, will you?"

The woman nodded and left the room. I take a seat and look at him. He smiles and says.

"Right, let me tell you about your job. As you might already be thinking, I want you to deliver all the goods on behalf of the Universal Bank. How big is your pocket dimension? How long can you store the goods inside your pocket dimension? Can you store living beings?"

"It is eight meters in height, five meters in width, and twelve meters in length. You can store them permanently, and lastly, no. You cannot store living beings inside."

The manager nods his head and says.

"I see. It is a shame you cannot store living beings, but it is good enough for us. Anyway, can you do a job for us now?"

"I don't mind. What is the job?"

"Great! I need you to transport a large amount of money to Stormfist. I need you to transport a few hundred gold bars to the capital, Sol-Falena. Once you are done with this job, you will be paid one million and two hundred thousand Potch."

"That much for a single job?"

"Of course! Usually, we need more than that to transport the goods. We need to rent a very secure carriage and hire a lot of men to protect the carriage. We need at least two million for one transport. With you working for us, we save money for the transport, bodyguard and also time. Can you ride a horse?"


I learned it when I was still the son of Duke.

"Great! You and ten people shall ride to the capital city. One of them will have the card to let you and the others get inside the palace without any problem."

"I see. When we will leave."

"In an hour or two. For now, enjoy our hospitality."

If you want to support me, you can visit my P@treon and Kofi.



Ryusenkacreators' thoughts