
Chapter 6. Lala

Leaving the Meme Cream Cakeshop Raku took the chance to sent Onodera home back as he juvenile jump to the house as the sun was about to set at the dawn while Raku remembers that Rito told that somebody will come to his soul point to train him physically and reactively fast too.

"Rito who was the one responsible for training me as I am in spirit today I feel, I can train to my heart content," Raku spoke as he looked at the vague figure which started to form Rito image smiling at him while a portal made up of several blue lights electrifying the surrounding and a Yellow-haired boy of his Age stepped out, who had an Iconic smile with Orange clean dress with spiral design and weird cat haired like the design on his face.

"Yosh! It seems you have fired up alright, then let us start our training here, and now, Ya know."

"thank you but may I ask who are you." Raku smiled as he looked at the yellow-haired boy.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto! Once called Hero of the Shinobi Era and it seems chakra Quantity is high here." while he patted Raku shoulder and said, "Isn't that great."

"Naruto stop it there, You're training method will only harm him, he is not a Junchiriki like you were, let me train him because it seems he had the same linage as your son Boruto had and I had a pretty good idea how to train someone like him."

"Alright Sasuke you can handle his Chakra training but I will handle his taijutsu training." Naruto smiled.

"That is given since I am no good when it comes to Taijutsu in comparison to you." Sasuke smiled.

"So you are Sasuke- San and Naruto- San, "Raku spoke as he looked at the due who was going to train him from then on while he thought "Sasuke guy looked the cool and collected type while Naruto had an aura of passion around him."

"I would prefer if you remove that San from my name because for Jesus' sake I got rebirth into a young man's body right."Sasuke smiled cooly while looking at Raku.

"Yeah it feels weird since I am used to Hokage Sama or Naruto, plus look I am only a 15-year-old boy Ya know, he-he." As he scratched his head while looking around at the world they have been reborn too.

"Sure Naruto and Sasuke right."Raku nodded as he spoke awkwardly "Please don't mind my awkwardness since I had no respective experience related to talking with others."

"Yeah, we understand since we both had similar past like you but we choose the hardest path and you have chosen it today too, so keep working hard Raku Ichijo since this is your tale." Naruto nodded as he spoked with heartfelt word and Sasuke also nodded in silence since the three of them acknowledge each other as a friend which is greater than being a taught in their case.

"Well, I had prepared these weight bands for you each one of them is 3 kg while you had to at least wear 2 of them at legs or hand your choice," Sasuke spoke as he handed Raku 4 bands while he used eight of them himself. Similarly, naruto wore 16 of them.

Looking at Sasuke and Naruto Raku also wore 4 of them and silently thought for asking for more but then thought about his body condition and made up his mind to ask once he had gotten used to these four first.

Sasuke and Naruto saw that and nodded their head respectively acknowledging Raku thought fullness, 'unless like naruto' Sasuke thought inside his heart.

Wearing those band all of them jogged there way around to Raku house and when they reached Raku was huffing in with sweat and anguish inside the muscules as he laughed inside ' and here I was thinking of asking for more weight like them. '

Soon Naruto came behind Raku and channel Sage energy which very effectively was devoured by the cell present on Raku making him feel refreshed like he had a long rest.

Sasuke and Naruto entered inside the soul point while Raku entered his house as he was welcomed back by the huge line up of Ryuu and the other shouting "Welcome back young master."

"I am back."

While Raku entered his room where he took off his clothes and wrapped the towel around his waist and entered the bathroom while taking the bath as black sweat started to form a layer on his body and he washed his body clean before it starts to stink like the previous night.

After the bath he wore some clothes as he laid on his bed when Sasuke appeared as he spoke: "Your hair is in the way when you are running which seemed to be problematic to you so I had a new style for you if you don't mind."

"Of course I am fine with your suggestion." Raku shrugged as he stood up while sitting on the chair while Sasuke used his kunai to cut some hair and Raku was freaking out seeing Knife so close while Sasuke commented cooly "You had to get used to it and control your fear only then you can confront powerful enemy calm mindedly."

"Oh, alright then." Raku steeled his nerve after thinking about what Rito had told him about in his future.

"Shit hair is all over my body again." Raku spoke as he looked tiny hairs all over his body and sighed while taking out another pair of new clothes as he rushed back to the bath.

Inside the bath tub Raku was smilling when Rito appeared and asked "What are you grinning about."

"Yuuki Rito, I was thinking of Onodera and how can I propose her."

"He-he by grabbing her boobs."

"Shut up, destroying my fantasy."

"But it isn't that bad right."

"How about try imagining her and I'll create her image and try to propose her."

"Ohh! you can do something like that."

Hey why trying by grabbing her that! You know here it come.


"what happen, what's going on!"

"My bath water exploded." As Raku grabbed something and felt the sensation in his hand.

"There's something soft." with this elasticity and this size it is absolute perfect while this softness ah! A marsh mallow and cheese like texture I would love to.... ' Ahhh! blarg!"

As blood started dripping his nose Raku saw a beautiful girl with pink hair fair complexion while a weird tail "A successful escape." she shouted while she looked at Raku who subconciously blurted out " I like you."

"Eh! say are you Finished"

"Ahhh!" Raku rushed out shouting while all the Mafia member rushed inside shouting "What's wrong, Young Master."

Ryuu barged in as he examine Raku, while sighed as he found no injury

While Raku pointed and said "In the bathroom.."

"Ehh!" Ryuu eyes glinted as he took out katana but was thrown imbalance when heard the next sentence by Raku "Ther- Ther is a naked girl!"

"What!" all mafia member shouted in disbelief.

"Where is she, young master." Ryuu looked around and asked.

"where." Raku walked annoyingly over Ryuu side "I told you in the bath."

"There is nothing." Ryuu pointed as he spoke while Raku was literally shocked and surprised while he thought was that a dream, as he forgot about Rito and practice point.

"Huh? that's odd! She was right therse." Raku waled inside as he looked at the ceiling and all while other member thought their might be a secret passage or something and started searching around.

Raku walking toward his room was thinking about that sensation and his nose started to bleed out as his face flushed as he thought ' how can I dream something like that. '

" Hmm, That's strange I know I didn't dream because I never had grabbed one of those type."

"I am sure, I saw her for real not any memories!"

"And if that was really my Imagination, something really wrong with me." Raku opened his door and looked at the room while a girl was standing there naked whille drying her hair.

"Hmm! what wait what!"Raku was shocked again as he looked at the girl again when she exclaimed " Ah! that was refreshing."

"Oh! right, I'm borrowing one of your towels."

On the other side

"Oh yeah my towel seemed to be missing.".

"You must have forgotten it somewhere go and search for it yourself since you are not getting new."


"Bastard's stop laughing."

"Wanna fight khorya! City boy Khorya!"

On Raku room.

"Wh-Wh-Who are you." Raku shutter as he looked at the beauty who had only towel wrapped around her and spoke.

"Me, I am Lala?" Lala speaked with an heart pleasing innocent smile while the atmosphere became enjoyable and calm.

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