
Chapter 16. Making Illegal into Legal (part2.)

Before the auction could start Raku walked over to the podium while he looked at the public down below and though ' This feeling to standing at the top isn't bad but it was his father effort he was able to stand at this position. '

"Before the auction start, I might eliminate the respective doubts and plan others must be thinking about.

for the first, if you guys are thinking of lowering the price then I may as well as that this auction is being broadcasted live and not just the whole continent but several continents must be watching this show currently.

for the second one if you guys are thinking of creating a similar website then I may tell that you guys are standing between Shue-gumi, while in this continent it is not a good idea to stand against us.

for the third everyone here will be willing given a spot as this webpage still in the development period and in the next 2-month same auction will be held after that it will be held once every year.

All the products will be tested by the Shue-gumi group of experts and if we found something wrong that the company will be blacklisted."

"Next we will be talking about the guys who had transportation and reselling business, because of your un relentless abuse over the price station margin, the government had the order to seal the transportation station, and Deviluke Royal guard Justin is responsible for making sure they will not be active for the time being.

Those who wish to sell their transportation service facility will be given a special slot on the website at a 10% discount rate which is very limited so please talk with Renka from Shue-gumi main head group."

"If you guys are thinking that you will make public against us, then think again because whatever we are doing is reducing the amount they need to pay for buying the same product.

Secondly, I think you guys had already leeched enough out of them, to begin with, and there are many protesting groups standing in between to overthrow your group if Shue- gumi yakuza were to join a group among them then it can very troublesome Ya know."

Hana was holding her best not to laugh as she keeps staring at Raku while Chitoge asked her mother "Mom why are you laughing."Adlet and Issei also looked at Chitoge with a smile, while Hana patted her little girl head and told: " You see that boy standing over there is very funny for a businessman like us and one if you become like me you will understand it in the future."

"Ohh! I see, then he is funny for you guys, hmph I can't understand at all." Chitoge puffed out as she looked around while Hana smiled and thought ' You are very lucky Chitoge since you can attend this moment. '

'Hmm! that boy threatened the other businessman by using the name of Shue-gumi and used, the benefits of the public idea to reduce the transportation service fees which won the favor of the public when it is broadcasted to the whole continent, which will force the company to pay higher bid for the sake of the company face and reputation increasing his earning.

While eliminating that small co-corporation who had been leeching public and government money he had gained favor from both the side and both of them will treat them better in the future even as Yakuza.

Using Shue gumi name to the fullest he had created a wide range of network of his own which even father couldn't do while the money required to set this project on track is simply negligible and was covered when they collected the entry fees from these 10 thousand of people he probably earned 500 millions of money.

Plus since his idea is unique and he has the status of Deviluke next heir who would have the guts to oppose him when he saw through the way the other can cause the problem and had announced in the Audi.

Really as if Illegal activity is a Legal Activity.'

Adlet thought as he looks at Raku on the podium while no word was enough to explain his emotion who is rolling down his head and he thought ' Shall I use Chitoge to, no I can't she is my daughter. ' when he saw Gento smiling at him and he got some goosebump while he thought ' is that bastard thinking of using Haruka to join this boy forces or what, if yes Shue- gumi and the Black hound will become a most prominent force of the southern continent in this manner and let's see if I can make my daughter fall in love with this kid.'

"It's alright let nature take it the course and see what will happen in the future because it is not very different then you are thinking." Hana suddenly kissed Adlet cheek as she spoke looking at Chitoge who had faint blush on her face as she was chatting with Lala.

"Yeah, Hana is right so let's see how the future unfolds for us." Adlet nodded as he looked at the Auction which was about to start, while Raku finally knew his work was over and sat at the seat next to Lala and Chitoge.

"Hey! my said you were being very funny over there from the businessman viewpoint, what were you referring to being funny and all." Chitoge suddenly asked Raku who looked at her in bewildered while he thought ' how was I even funny. '

'It's the worst thing I wish to hear was I not commanding and Domenaring enough or was I lacking in something during the speech or something else." Raku broke out in a sweat while Lala and Chitoge laughed as they looked at Raku antiques.

The auction finally finished and Raku become first youngest Millionaire in the history of Shue- gumi and even incontinent, while his Name became famous throughout the world but something was missing as no one really know his Identity as during broadcast several information was hidden by the cameraman and the news channel and of course it was Raku father's work to keep Raku life as simple as he can for the time being while .he couldn't do anything about those merchants and higher class people because of their network.

Raku finally laid on his bed while Lala was allocated the next room to Raku while, Raku finally entered into soul Point.

"Yo welcomes the youngest businessman," Naruto laughed as he called him while he continued " for today you had to learn fire type fire bloom technique Sasuke had mastered in his childhood while in between we will do hand to hand taijutsu with me alright."

"Okay anyway, where is Sasuke." Raku looked around at his soul point and finally looked at Rito and asked: " Any way Rito, I have been wanted to ask you, what is this soul point anyway, a world or what."

"Hmm, even I am not clear about it since when I got this I was killed but one thing for sure it is a separate dimensional world which opens a portal for the person who is his master like me, and the condition is that I cannot have a living body and I have to find a host to exist in one place." Rito thought as he told Raku and replied while he continued to fish toward the lakeside when Sasuke appears and they started their training, four days have passed in the soul point and he was still beaten up by Naruto in Tai-jutsu while he was only able to bloom a small fireball enough to burn a matchstick with its intensity.

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