
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 25: Say My Name

It's lunchtime. When the class was over, Sara hurriedly runs out of the class, stomping her feet as well. Roy just put his head down on his desk, seeing Sara mad makes him mad at himself.

"Hey, Abellona?", a feminine voice he heard.

Roy looks up to see the same girls who talk badly about Yua. Along with some boys in the group.

"Wanna come and eat with us?", one of the boys asked.

"No thanks...", Roy said as stood up.

"But are you ok with eating alone?", one of them asks.

"Excuse me, gents and ladies! Let me through. I wanna be with my best bud over there.", Alvin said as he moves through them and wraps his arm around Roy.

Alvin smiles at them. They're saddened by this but they don't object to this.

"Well ok then. But Abellona, you can eat with us whenever you're lonely, ok?", they reminded Roy.

"I'll keep that in mind...", Roy replied.

They all giggle and walk away. Roy looks at Alvin who is still smiling.

"Thanks...", Roy thanked Alvin.

"Hey, I've got your back man. Bros before hoes! And uh… best friends before boyfriends!... That sounded gay...", Alvin chanted.

"I'll ignore the last one and say that Varari would be mad at you when she hears you say that.", Roy replied.

"Luckily, she isn't! Speaking of which, let's go and find her.", Alvin said as he tries to find Varari.

"Yeah...", Roy follows.

Roy happily walks with Alvin but he remembers Sara... The way Sara acted the whole day towards Roy. However, Roy suddenly recalls something to which he suddenly sprints towards somewhere.

"Woah, wait! Hold on!", Alvin said as he started chasing Roy.

Remembering that Roy lost something important, he tries to find the place where he thinks it's held. After a few twists and turns here and there, Roy finds it.

"Lost and Found.", Roy read a sign that was hanging there.

Alvin puts his hand on Roy's shoulder while breathing in and out, tired of chasing Roy.

"Hold up, bro. You're tiring me out here.", Alvin tiredly said.

"Then I guess we'll be focusing on your stamina next time.", Roy replied.

"No, wait! It's because I was hungry! I didn't have any fuel in my belly...", Alvin whined.

Roy turns around, looking at him with disappointed eyes. Alvin feels as if that gaze of Roy is piercing right through him.

"Pathetic...", Roy said harshly.

"No no! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!", Alvin repeatedly said.

Alvin keeps apologizing to him but Roy ignores him and continues to walk towards it. When they got there, Roy sees a silver service bell there. Roy taps it.


A familiar man appears. Someone who looks prim and proper. As well as someone they see every day of school.

"Mr. Date?", both Roy and Alvin said in unison.

"Ah, Abellona-san and Johnson-san, what brings you here?", their homeroom teacher asked.

"Well, why are you here, sir?", Alvin answered with a question.

"I'm just here to see the students who lost their items. Items that are not allowed in this school per se. If they want it back, they have to get through detention. In which case, did you lose something that isn't allowed here?", Mr. Date asked seriously.

"No... No, I just wanted to find my lost watch.", Roy answered honestly.

"A watch I see. Well, those aren't something the school policy prohibited.

Hold on...", Mr. Date said as he heads somewhere.

Mr. Date leaves for a moment. A few moments pass by and Mr. Date comes back with a box and sets it down in front of Roy and Alvin. Inside is loads of watches, filled with different kinds and brands of watches. Roy scurries through it all, picking up watches after watches and setting them aside to no avail. Roy sighs.

"It's not here...", Roy said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I couldn't help.", Mr. Date gave his condolences.

"No, it's fine. I'll just be going now...", Roy said his goodbyes to him and left.

Alvin walks beside him. Sad that Roy is sad. Alvin doesn't want to see him sad. Alvin then comes up with an idea of something that he thinks would cheer Roy up.

"Heeeeyy, I think I know what would turn that frown upside down.", Alvin cheerfully said.

"What?", Roy asked.

"Maybe we could hang at a mall and buy another wa-"

"No!", Roy yelled at Alvin.

After that, Roy immediately stops and looks away. Roy forcibly stops himself from getting angry, realizing what he's about to do next. As well as trying not to let the volcano explode again. Hearing that, Alvin raises his hands in the air.

"Alright, seems like I hit a nerve.", Alvin commented.

"I'm sorry... I just... That watch is important to me. It was given to me a gift by someone I respect greatly.", Roy explained.

"I see... Well then, I'll try and help you find that watch.", Alvin replied as he wraps his arm around him again.

Roy smiles at this, appreciating Alvin's help. Then Roy remembers that Alvin doesn't even know his watch.

"You don't even know what kind or what brand it is.", Roy said.

"Well, what is it?", Alvin questioned.

"Its brand is Kazio. Pro-Trekt, 4-50BTRP. It's a watch specifically made for the outdoors. Hiking, Climbing, you name it. And I think that's why he chose it. It's because of all the jobs I did back when I was in that village. Despite it costing ¥20,000.", Roy describes his watch.

NOTE: ¥ or Yen is the currency in Japan. And yeah, ¥20,000 is a lot.

"¥20,000??!!? That's...a whole lot of money...", Alvin was shocked.

"Yeah, which is why I wanted to find it. Not only because I value it, but it's also because the bank value it as well.", Roy replied.

"How did you lose it anyway?", Alvin asked.

"Probably that time where I was feeling a bit exhausted from the draining of my magic to keep a dog alive in an unstable reality. I've got to admit, that was reckless but worth it as well. Sort of…", Roy answered.

"Oh, what's their name? And how are they doing?", Alvin asked.

"Doing ok actually. Seems like he was trained before, so he wasn't that much trouble to take care of. We've named him Samuel actually. Abellona Samuel. He'll be getting his shots this Saturday.", Roy said in response.

"Nice! Anyway, should we go ahead and find Kage-senpai?", Alvin set them back to course.

"Yeah... She's probably waiting for us.", Roy agreed.

"Yeah...", Alvin responded.

Both walks towards the area where they always meet. Upon going there, they see a bunch of boys surround someone. Lots and lots of males. Though, they are some females there.

"Bingo.", Roy said as he approached the crowd.

Roy coughs. Some of them turn around to meet an intimidating glare. They then immediately ran off. One by one they see the reason why those few people scurry off and sprint away themselves. Soon, the only person is left is Varari. Varari smiles and approaches both Roy and Alvin.

"You know, a lady doesn't want to wait.", Varari said.

"So does everyone else who doesn't have patience. Now come on, let's go.", Roy replied.

Roy starts walking and both Varari and Alvin follow him. Soon, Varari's smile disappears, and begins asking a difficult question.

"Ichika is not coming to eat with us, right?", Varari asked.

Roy stops. In turn, both Varari and Alvin stop as well. Roy looks down.

"No... She hates me too much to do that. You can even see her avoiding me...", Roy answered.

Varari holds Roy's right shoulder and looks at him.

"Are you going to do nothing about that?", Varari asked.

Roy looks away, feeling shameful to look into Varari's eyes. Roy still feels bad for hurting Varari in the past. There is still that lingering guilt on Roy's stomach despite being forgiven.

"The only thing I could probably do is apologize to Himara. I just hope she'll come later...", Roy hopes.

Varari grabs Roy's face and forces him to look at her, trying to make eye contact with each other. They lock eyes.

"You don't understand women as better as I do, Roy. She isn't only afraid of her classmates but you as well. I doubt that Himara will come later.", Varari said in response.

Roy removes her hand and begins thinking, thinking of a way to solve this predicament he's in. Alvin grabs Roy's left arm.

"How about you confront Sara?", Alvin said stupidly.

As stupid as that sounds, Roy couldn't agree more.

"You're right... Yua won't listen to me. She doesn't even respond to my texts but I know she'll listen to Ichika, her best friend... I just hope that Sara will give me a chance to listen to what I have to say...", Roy replied.

"Well then, there's only one way to know.", Varari said.

Roy nodded, then heads off… To find Sara.

Sara is writing something on paper. Organizing, planning activities, funding clubs, etc. After that, Sara put down her pen. Sara looks at the clock hanging on the wall. After seeing the time, Sara stands up, grabs some papers, and walks out of the room to deliver those papers to the principal. Sara opens the door. As soon as she closes it she sees Roy.

"Hi.", Roy said.

Sara let out a yelp due to being surprised by Roy. Her mood then changes drastically from neutral to anger in seconds. Sara starts speed walking away from Roy. Roy chases her.

"Hold on. I just want to talk.". Roy quickly said.

"There's nothing to talk about.", Sara refused.

Sara took a sharp right. Roy did as well and speeds up, trying to get by her side.

"Listen, I just want to make this right.", Roy tries to reason with her.

"Make this right by leaving us alone.", Sara refused again.

Sara starts running, leaving Roy in the dust. Sara takes a hard left, going upstairs, going through a crowd. Then she heads downstairs and heads out of the school using the back door of it. Sara looks behind and around to see nobody here. Nothing but grass and trees. Sara takes a breath of relief for a few moments.

Roy then lands in front of Sara. Sara jumps back in surprise. Then Sara's mood changes to rage again. Sara reaches the handle of the door she enters but a stream of water splashes on it and soon is frozen, by Roy. Seeing this, made Sara even mad at Roy. Sara starts walking away somewhere again but is stopped by a vine that is wrapped around her left arm. The vine is coming from Roy's right sleeve.

"Just give me a few minutes to talk to you. Please.", Roy begged.

Roy gives Sara a pleading look, which surprised Sara. Sara doesn't know that the stone-cold ninja has such pleading eyes. Sara looks away and stops herself from resisting furthermore. The vine then dissipates. Roy sighs before speaking.

"Look, I know that I'm some of the reason why she isn't here.", Roy started talking.

"Some of? You're most of the reason why she doesn't want to leave her bedroom!", Sara yelled angrily at him.

Sara then approaches Roy with seething anger.

"For years, people have bullied Yua because of her quirky personality! Hating her for not throwing away her childlike mind. And I get that, she sometimes can be annoying at times, but I don't care. Because she's my best friend, and to maintain one for the long term is to have the patience for them. Something that most people don't have. Do you have that?!", Sara asked as she punched him in the gut.

Roy doesn't flinch nor does anything to stop it from coming.

"Because from what I understand, you don't!!", Sara jabs his left arm.

"For years, I tried to make the hate against Yua down to a minimum, but you made it worse!!", Sara hits Roy's chest. She also started tearing up.

"Can you even feel empathy, Roy-san? Or do you have a cold heart like the rest of them?!", Sara exclaimed.

Sara tries to throw a punch to his face but Roy grabs it before it connects. Sara is shocked by this and looks up to see unexpected sorrow from Roy. Roy then lets go of Sara's arm.

"I do... That's why I came here to ask you something.", Roy said in response.

Sara looks away, still mad at Roy but is curious as to what he's going to ask her.

"What is it?", Sara asked.

"Can you tell Yua to come later when we're training?", Roy requested.

"Why?", Sara asked calmly.

"Because I do have a heart. I do have empathy. What I told her that time made me regret it greatly. The guilt in my chest should be proof enough that I do care. And I want to make things right between the both of us...but I need you to tell her.", Roy answered.

"Why me and not you?", Sara questions Roy.

"Himara wouldn't listen to someone who she is scared of the most at the moment but she'll listen to her dear best friend, who has been with her for years.", Roy explained.

"...", Sara said nothing because she got nothing.

Roy simply starts walking away but before he leaves, he says something first.

"Himara isn't the best person to be a friend in my opinion but just like you said, it would take many patients to be her companion for a long time. And my mother raised no quitter. So, I won't quit on her.", Roy lastly said.

Roy then touches the frozen handle and melts it with Flame. Then Roy opens it and heads inside, leaving Sara behind. Sara stands there, thinking about what he said. Sara then holds her papers tightly.

"Tch...fine...", Sara muttered.

Then Sara turns around and gets inside of school as well...


Roy leans his back on a tree, arms crossed, under the shadow of it, wearing his ninja outfit, and waiting for them. Both Varari, who is also wearing her ninja outfit as well, and Alvin, who is just wearing his gym uniform, are sitting on the same tree Roy's leaning upon.

"Do you think they'll come?", Varari asked.

"Yes, they will.", Roy answered.

"By the way, how did the conversation between you and Sara go?", Alvin questioned.

"It ended as I intended it to. Let's just hope they'll actually show up.", Roy hoped.

A couple of minutes passed by…

They still haven't shown up with each minute disappearing, their hope slowly fades as well. Roy is now sitting on the ground while using the tree as support on his back, eyes closed and trying to sense their power. While Roy concentrates, Alvin and Varari are now talking to each other.

"Are you serious? You fight both of them alone?", Varari asked.

"Yep! They were jerks who deserve a beating or two. And beating I did.", Alvin said while dangling upside down on the branch of it.

"But...those were just elementary days. Anyway, how about you. What's your moment where you feel like you could take on the world?", Alvin asked as he goes upright.

Varari puts her hand on her cheek and begins thinking.

"Hmm... This might sound strange, but I don't think I have any of those moments at all...", she shared.

Roy's ears perk up but decide to stay still. Roy wants to hear her explanation.

"Oh... Why's that, Kage-senpai?", Alvin asked.

"I don't know. Nothing pops up in my mind. I guess that it means I'm weak...", Varari answered while looking down.

"Hey, don't doubt yourself too much.", Alvin said as he holds her shoulder.

Varari looks at him, waiting for him to continue. Alvin then smiles brightly.

"From what I see, you're far from weak. In fact, you're the most powerful senpai I could ever have! So, remember that whenever you look down on yourself.", Alvin comforted her, saying all those words with a huge smile on his face.

Varari is touched by Alvin's words. Varari then looks to the ground and smiles even so.

"No one has ever told me that before. Saying that I'm the strongest in their eyes. You're the first...", Varari replied.

"Well, I'm honored to be the first.", Alvin responded with a salute.

Both of them chuckles. Roy smiles hearing such wholesomeness but then he senses something. 2 people approaching.


When the 2 people Roy senses are near, Roy stands up while his arms are crossed. Varari and Alvin see this and are curious about this.

"They're here...", Roy said without facing them.

Varari and Alvin get the gist of it and jump down from the tree.

There they are...walking towards them.

Sara is walking while Yua is behind her, using Sara as a shield. Sara looks at Roy. Those eyes still have some anger to them but not like before. Then they stop in the middle of the area. Roy sighs and walked towards them with each step heavier than the last...and now, Roy is 6ft apart from the both of them. Roy takes a deep breath before saying anything.

"Himara... I'm sorry...", Roy apologized.

Yua looks up. Seeing Roy's eyes filled with regret sort of makes her a bit comfortable. Roy continues.

"I know that I hurt your feelings. I never should have said those things to you. It's all my fault why I got mad at you.", Roy added.

Yua finally stops using Sara as a cover and walks toward him. They look eye to eye. Soon, Yua looks to the ground.

"Did you mean it? Those hurtful words you said to me, did you mean it?" Yua asked.

"I did...but not at this moment...", Roy answered.

"Then...did you think of me that way? Was I annoying to you? Was I obnoxious? Was I a bad friend to you? Be honest with me, please...", Yua asked Roy to be honest.

Roy looks away upon hearing this, not saying anything for a couple of seconds. Roy's thinking, then he sighs.

"Yes, you are annoying to me. Yes, you are obnoxious. And yes, I did consider you a bad friend.", Roy answered honestly.

Yua looks down, pained by his words again.

"I knew it...", Yua muttered.

"But...nobody is perfect.", Roy added.

Yua looks at him again, surprised. Roy looks at her with serious eyes.

"Nobody is perfect. Everyone has their faults and mistakes, like me. I killed many people. I don't know how many, but it could be already at the triple digits. And yet you accept me. You accept me for who I am. Both the good and bad sides of me. So, if you accept me, a murderer, then how couldn't I do the same thing towards you.", Roy added.

Roy approaches Yua. Soon holding Yua's shoulder.

"So... I'll say it once again, Himara. I'm sorry… Can you...forgive me for what I said to you that day?..", Roy said this while looking into her eyes.

Yua looks down again and then muttered something. Roy doesn't understand it since it's too quiet.

"Can you say it again?", Roy asked.

Yua looks at him with determination this time.

"Say my name.", Yua said.

"Your name?", Roy was confused.

"Yes, say my first name.", Yua replied.

Roy is shocked by this. He isn't expecting this.

"You can say Kage-senpai's first name, and even Alvin as well. Why couldn't you say mine?", Yua asked.

"Well, they allowed it...", Roy answered.

"How about me? I said your first name many times by now! And you didn't say I was allowed to.", Yua interrogates Roy.

"To be honest, I didn't mind that much... I'm even ok if you give me nicknames as well. As long as it wasn't making fun of me.", Roy said in response.

Yua is shocked by this revelation. Knowing this, Yua looks away for a moment, feeling embarrassed at the situation. Roy looks away as well.

"Then...could you say mine? Could you call me by my first name?", Yua asked, still looking away.

Roy looks at Yua. Seeing Yua still looking away, Roy closes his eyes and sighs.

"Alright, Yua... I'll call you by your first name if you could forgive me.", Roy said.

Yua smiles once more. Smiling brightly like the setting sun. Beautifully...

"I forgive you, Roy.", Yua forgives Roy.

"Thank you, Yua.", Roy thanked Yua.

Awwww... What a happy ending. :)

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