
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 20: Against A Country

Roy and Varari jump in front of the window. They're both wearing their Ninja Gears. Varari knocks. The principal opens it.

"Did the both of you ate dinner?", the principal asked.

Both of them nod seriously.

"Good...", Principal Daichi responded.

Then the principal moves aside to let them inside.

"So can you please tell us that you have a plan, sir?", Varari asked.

"Nope!", the principal answered.

"Ugh! Why do I even bother asking?...", Varari muttered.

"Well, I do.", Roy chimed in.

"You do?", both of them said in unison.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll use this smoke bomb. Then Varari, you carry him out of the battlefield, and I handle the rest of them.", Roy explained his plan.

"That's a terrible plan...", Varari commented.

"Do you have any better ideas?", Roy asked.

None of them speaks up.

"Good... Let's go now... We don't want to keep our guests waiting, do we?", Roy asked again.

"Fine...", Varari agreed.

Then Varari pulls out the mask that was in between her bosoms and she puts it on. The principal looks away in a moment. Roy looks at her in disappointment.

"What?", Varari asked.

"Nothing...", Roy answered and began walking away.

Varari realized what she has done and smiles seductively. Then Varari approaches Roy, about to do flirt with him again. Roy suddenly turns around and has a serious expression on his face.

"Not now. This is a serious matter, Varari.", Roy said seriously.

"Right. Sorry.", Varari apologizes.

Roy sighs and all of them start heading towards their meeting ground. Varari quickly holds Roy's arm and Roy looks at her while they walk. However, Roy looks away, letting Varari hold his arm. Roy doesn't like how carefree Varari is but at the same time, Roy doesn't mind Varari holding him like this. Roy sighs at this.

All of them are now behind the school but nobody is there. They're all there on time. Varari and Principal Daichi is confused by this. Roy, however, isn't.

"Come out already! I know you're there. I know that 7 of you are hiding.", Roy shouted.

Suddenly, they're people jumping out of the trees, bushes, etc. Then all of their lands in front of them. Exactly 7 ninjas are there. Crouching under the moonlight. Then they all stand at the same time. As well as revealing that all of them are wearing a mask. Wolf mask that is. Hiding their faces and true identity.

"They don't seem to be the same ninjas we've faced, Roy. I don't remember ninjas from the Violent Darkness Clan wearing a mask like that.", Varari whispered to Roy.

Roy nods in reply, keeping this in mind. Roy then crosses his arms and lets the meeting begin.

All of them wear the same white wolf mask except for one. That one is wearing a black wolf mask. The one who has a black wolf mask then walks towards the 3 of them.

"It seems, we have someone who can sense energy as well.", a deep and manly voice was heard from them.

Roy doesn't say anything. Sighing instead and staying quiet. Instead, Roy looks at the principal while his arms are still crossed. Mr. Daichi nods and starts communicating with them.

"Who are you?", the principal asked.

"We're...the Freedom Fangs. We're a resistance against the British. You can call me... Sharp Tooth.", Sharp Tooth replied.

"Why so? Is it because of The Cold Eclipse that happened centuries ago?", Principal Daichi asked.

"Yes, that is also a part of a reason on why we exist.", Sharp Tooth answered.

"Let me cut straight to the point… What do you want with me?", the principal asked seriously.

"... I think you already know why...", Sharp Tooth said.

'The prince of London...', Roy thought to himself.

"What do you want with one of my students, Prince Graysen Adams?", Principal Daichi interrogates Sharp Tooth.

"...Let me tell you something...", Sharp Tooth started walking around them.

"We have rumors from our allies that... This country is in danger.", Sharp Tooth added.

"Rumors like?", Mr. Daichi asked.

"Like the British are planning to take over the world again...", Sharp Tooth continued.

"Do you have definitive proof?", Principal Daichi questioned him.

"No... Not yet anyway...", Sharp Tooth answered.

"So, you're saying...that I should endanger one of the most important students in the lands of Japan?", the principal replied.

"Yes! Think about our people-"

"You're crazy. All of you are", the principal interrupted.

"Every single one of you is just paranoid that The Cold Eclipse might happen again. Not to mention, did you even think this through? Because if anything bad happened to the prince, the worst things will happen to us regardless if they were plotting something sinister behind our backs.

So, the answer will be no! I won't be helping you endanger this country. And that's final!", the principal firmly said.

Sharp Tooth seems to not like what he heard from Principal Daichi. Then, all of a sudden, Sharp Tooth pulls out a dagger that is attached to his side. Both Roy and Varari grab the handle of their weapons and draw it out, responding to Sharp Tooth pulling out his dagger. Sharp Tooth's subordinates did the same thing and show their weapons, readying to fight if necessary.

"You know, you're not the only one who called me a madman, and yes, I do admit that I can be impatient at times, but you should know, is that I do what's best for this land that I call home.", Sharp Tooth angrily said.

"Heh! Do your worse. I've got one of the most powerful ninjas right behind me.", the principal provoked.

Roy then walks forward while holding the unsheathed Demonic Saber and pointing at Sharp Tooth. As well as giving the Freedom Fangs a deadly glare, intimidating some of the wolves.

"Now he's right beside me.", Principal Daichi said in a joking manner.

"This person right here is the Ultimate Ninja.", the principal proudly boasts.

"So, our information was correct. The Ultimate Ninja is here. Unless you're bluffing. Are you bluffing?", Sharp Tooth asked.

Roy doesn't say anything. Instead, Roy decides to show them. Putting back the Demonic Saber in its scabbard, Roy puts his feet apart. Clenching his fists next. Roy then looks at Sharp Tooth and suddenly screams.

"HaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!!", Roy screamed.

A powerful aura surrounds Roy, even blowing some of the wolves back by it. Some of them are intimidated while one, in particular, seems like they're about to piss their pants. Sharp Tooth notices this.

"Mary, what's happening.", Sharp Tooth asked.

"This...this...this is unlike anything I felt! It feels like he has limitless power!!", Mary was shocked.

'So, she can sense energy as well...', Roy noted in his mind

Mary is so scared of Roy that she falls on her butt and starts crawling backward, trying to get away from the Ultimate Ninja as far as possible. The others see this and start slowly backing away as well. Suffice to say, they all fear Roy.

Roy thinks he has proven enough. Roy breathes and calms down, his powerful aura dissipates soon enough. Then Roy looks at the man with a black wolf mask with a deadly and scary glare.

"Think about your next moves, Sharp Tooth. Cause it might be your last.", Roy threatened.

Sharp Tooth doesn't say anything. He doesn't do anything as well. Sharp Tooth is thinking about his next moves. After a few more seconds, Sharp Tooth quickly put his dagger back to its scabbard. His lackeys do the same and let go of their own weapons and sheath them. Seeing this, Varari's spear soon disappears. Sharp Tooth then turns around and begins walking away.

"This isn't the last time you'll see of us.", Sharp Tooth said.

"Yes, that may be the case. However, the next time we meet might be your last.", Roy threatened one last time.

Sharp Tooth leaves with responding to what Roy said. Along with his team, Sharp Tooth disappears in the dark forest. The Freedom Fangs leave them all alone to discuss what just happened. Varari takes a deep breath after the wolves disappear from their sights, feeling relieved the tension of the situation is gone.

"So, what's the plan, sir?", Varari asked.

"...I don't know. Give me some time to think about it...", the principal said.

Varari's about to say something until she stopped herself. It's [robably another complaint. Roy sighs and looks direction where the wolves went through.

"One thing is for sure, Prince Graysen is in danger.", the principal responded.

"Yeah... I think I'm gonna go home now. The tension earlier was tiring, to say the least.", Varari replied.

Roy nods in response to this. The principal agreed as well. Soon enough, Varari jumps her way home but before that, Varari gives a flying kiss to Roy. Roy sighs and looks away. Varari giggles then jump all the way back home. After Varari leaves, Roy then turns to the principal.

"Remember what I said earlier, Mr. Daichi?", Roy reminded.

"Oh, yes! I remember. So, what do you want to discuss?", the principal asked.

"It's about... Ichika Sara...", Roy said.

What the dogs doing?

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