
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 10: A Night To Fight

It's 10:14 pm.

Roy knocks on the window. Someone opens it. It's Principal Daichi.

"You're 14 minutes late.", the principal said.

"I'm sorry, I had to help my little sister answer her homework.", Roy said as he heads inside.

"Is it another delivery?", Roy asked.

"Yes. It's from our usual customer.", Principal Daichi answered.

"Mr. Chiba. I see...", Roy muttered.

The principal hands Roy the package. Roy grabs it and goes towards the window. Roy puts his leg on the window and is about to leave.

"Wait. Roy, I've remembered something important.", the principal quickly said.

Until the principal stops him. Roy turns around to look at Principal Daichi. The principal has this worried expression on his face.

"Hm?", Principal Daichi got Roy's full attention.

"Earlier today, someone asked if there's a ninja who can sense energy.", the principal explained.

"What did you say?", Roy questions.

" 'I can neither confirm nor deny.' ", Principal Daichi said.

"A word from the wise, you shouldn't conceal your aura completely. It will make you stand out even more. Especially if someone can sense both magic and ki as you do.", the principal added.

"Are they a ninja as well?", Roy asked.

"I can neither confirm nor deny.", the principal repeated.

This makes Roy fall silent. Not knowing who knows his secret identity makes him scared. Then Roy shakes his head and focuses on the objective he's given.

"Noted.", Roy said before leaving.

Roy jumps far away from the school until he hears a branch being stepped on. He stops and looks around. He senses...nothing, but he knows somebody is there. Watching him from a distance while concealing their aura.

'Maybe it's the same person who asked Mr. Daichi.', Roy thought.

Although his 6th ability wouldn't work in this situation, he still has 5 more abilities. Roy closes his eyes, listens to his surroundings, sniffing out the anomaly, and feeling the ground for vibrations. Roy then hears heavy breathing on his left side. It's like they couldn't control it. Roy then charges at that area and…sees his little sister, Reika.

"Ah! Onii-chan (big brother)!", Reika was shocked.

"Rei, what are you doing here?", Roy asked.

"Well...", Reika responded.

Reika looks down. Embarrassed that she has been caught.

"When we were finished doing my math homework I went to bed afterward.", Reika explained.

"Yeah, I remember that, but how did you find out that I'm here Rei?", Roy questioned his little sister.

"Well, I was thirsty and decided to get a glass of water, but when I was in front of my window, I saw you jumping somewhere. So I decided to follow… After I drank a glass of water.", Reika added.

"Does anybody know about this?", Roy interrogated.

"Nope, everyone was asleep at that point. I silently jump out of my window after having my glass of water. I'm pretty sure nobody heard it and I was concealing my aura the whole time.", Reika answered truthfully.

"I see…", Roy responded.

Roy sighs in relief hearing that nobody other than Reika knows this. Roy then pats Reika on the head and kneels.

"Rei, can you keep a secret?", Roy asked a favor.

"Yes. Yes, I can onii-chan!", Reika answered.

"Your onii-chan is doing secret missions to help Mr. Daichi as thanks for the things he did for us.", Roy explained loosely to Reika.

"Oooh! So you were just doing this to repay a favor?", Reika replied.

"Yep.", Roy responded.

"I see. Well, that's nice of you, onii-chan!", Reika complimented her big brother.

"It is-!!!", Roy was interrupted.

Roy then senses several ninjas coming and heading towards the school. He feels terrible intentions from them. They all seem to have dark powers. Reika also feels it as well.

'It would be dangerous if Mr. Daichi encounters them. Guess I'll have to get their attention.', Roy made a plan.

"Rei, hide. Hide somewhere where no one finds you. Conceal your powers as well, got it?", Roy ordered.

"Oh uh ok!", Reika responded.

"Hurry!", Roy yelled.

"Alright!", Reika exclaimed and started hiding.

Roy creates a fireball on his hand and launches it into the air. It then explodes like a firework. The multiple ninjas stop on their track for a moment and start heading towards Roy.

'Good. Come at me.', Roy thought.

He unsheathes the Demonic Saber. Preparing for an attack at any moment. A few seconds pass by and one by one they start showing. Crouching on the trees. Standing at distances. They surround Roy. After sensing that all of them are here, Roy counts all of them.

"20...", Roy muttered.

Roy's about to attack until 2 of them jump down. One's an unfamiliar one, and the other...is the one who tried to assassinate Roy the other night. Both of them have a mask. Soon after, they both take off their mask. Both of them step into the moonlight. The unfamiliar ninja is wearing what it seems like heavy armor. His face seems like he's in his late 20s. The color of his hair is violet but it can be mistaken for the color black. He also has magenta-colored eyes. He then approaches Roy while the Assassin stands back.

"Greetings, Ultimate Ninja. I am Vansu Kage. It's a wonderful night, isn't it.", Vansu greeted.

Roy looks up at the moon. He doesn't feel the difference between this night and the rest in the past.

"It doesn't feel like it.", Roy said.

The mysterious man ignores this and carries on.

"Well, you seem to have met my failure of a little sister.", Vansu said.

He moves aside showing the assassin. She just looks away angrily while gritting her teeth and holding tightly her spear. Roy notices this.

"Failure, huh? I'm guessing, that the both of you hate each other.", Roy commented.

"Well, she has been quite a failure, and well, I hate failures. I mean, she didn't even finish the job she was given.", Vansu said.

"You gave her a hard mission with no help whatsoever.", Roy replied.

"Yes! And that's why they should have given it to me!", Vansu scowled in response.

Roy's surprised by this side of him but keeps his cool. Vansu then coughs and regains their composure. Adjusting his hair while he takes a deep breath.

"Well then, let's cut to the chase.", Vansu said in a cool manner.

Vansu claps twice and all of the ninjas surrounding him start revealing their weapons. Seeing this, Roy quickly knows that they're readying to attack him.

"I see. You haven't thought of another solution to solve this dilemma.", Roy chuckled.

"Indeed. You knew that from the start when you made that video, didn't you? Though it wouldn't matter since our village chief doesn't believe a single word from you in that recorded video you made.", Vansu explained.

"I had hope that this goes all well...but I was wrong.", Roy answered.

Roy then gets into position. Getting ready for the attack of all 20 ninjas at once. Firmly clenching the Demonic Saber in his hands.

"I don't want to die just yet. The people I care about need me.", Roy added.

"Well I'm an impatient one and frankly I probably won't live that long. Especially the old village chief. So...", Varari said in response.

Vansu snaps his fingers, signaling the start of a battle. All of them throw their shuriken, kunais, etc at Roy. Roy jumps back and dodges it all. Roy then jumps up again and grabs one of their own allies and uses them as a meat shield. Surprised by this, they stop attacking. They don't want to hurt their ally.

"What are you all doing? Somebody, tackle him!", Vansu ordered.

Roy quickly puts the Demonic Saber on their victim's neck, making sure nobody gets close to them. None of them respond and even hesitate, but Roy uses this moment to gather the air around using his left hand. The air starts to wrap around Roy's fist, and soon enough he blasts it off in the center of the area and burst everyone off the trees. As well as even pushing everyone that was on the ground as well. Making everyone fall down to the ground.

Using this opportunity, Roy knocks the meat shield down and starts attacking the nearest ninja at him. Instead of using the Demonic Saber's sharpness, he puts on its scabbard and starts bashing it on their heads. Knocking them down in an instant. A few of them use Dark Magic at Roy by making shadows as portals. Most of them jump behind them but none of them surprise Roy, and soon enough, they're unconscious. Laying on the dirt in the middle of a forest.

"Dark blast!", one of them yelled.

They then throw a dark energy ball at Roy but using the covered Demonic Saber, he swings it like a bat and hits the dark energy ball. It goes back to them and an explosion happens, causing multiple of their comrades to get injured. Including the one who made it.

Then 5 of them start charging at Roy with swords, spears, a bow and arrows, and a staff. They keep on swinging their weapons but Roy's too fast for them. Moving side to side and blocking the incoming arrows. Roy then had enough and stomps on the ground. The 4 of them who were doing melee attacks get swallowed by the earth, but not completely. Their heads are still above the ground. Then the one who wields a bow and arrows starts shooting while walking back, trying to get some distance between them and Roy. Soon enough, 3 ninjas wielding swords charges at Roy in the direction where the archer was falling back. Lighting then started showing on Roy's legs and...


Roy goes past the 3 sword wielders and he's now behind the archer. Before the archer could react, Roy grabs their neck and throws them onto a tree. The archer slams on the tree and soon is dazed. Suddenly vines appeared and wrapped themselves tightly on the unconscious archer.

The 3 sword wielders then run towards Roy but as soon as Roy is in their range, they all fall over by a swift kick on their feet. They're soon laying on the ground. Still stunned at what happened, but by the time they got their focus back, they're already frozen to the ground. Their heads are the only part that isn't covered. Trapped and feeling cold.

A feminine scream is heard above and behind Roy. Roy turns around fast to see a ninja with her sword. They leaped into the air and tries to pierce Roy. Roy quickly raises his arm and using the armor on it, blocks the attack. Roy then grabs the dull side of the sword and pulls it. Making them go closer to him. Roy then lets go of the sword and grabs her head then kneed her on the face. Knocking her out. As well as kicking her teeth in.

"Wow. The Ultimate Ninja has no regard for gender.", familiar voice can be heard behind Roy.

Roy turns around to see Vansu standing with his spear in his hand. Seemingly wanting to fight.

"I've overcome the hesitation of attacking my enemy whatever their gender may be. The only thing I haven't overcome is age. I'm still hesitating on hitting an elderly person or a child.", Roy explained.

Roy then points to the sheathed Demonic Saber at Vansu. Grinning at his next opponent.

"Luckily, you're neither of them.", Roy said confidently.

Using his free hand, Roy pulls the cover of it and reveals it. Showing the blade of the Demonic Saber to Vansu as the moonlight shines on it.

"Ahh... It's beautiful. I wonder if it will look good if I wield it.", Vansu complimented the Demonic Saber.

"And here I thought you look more amazing with a spear than a plain sword. Guess there is one to find out.", Roy replied.

Roy gets in a fighting stance, but so does Vansu...

Kazuma would be proud of Roy.

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