
New Heroes

Aaron's POV:

It all started back when I still lived in the kingdom of Storms, rightfully named since it was always stormy. But that day was... different. It was bright and sunny. I was playing Video games as I normally did, trynna brat my sister's high score. After playing for a while, I heard a scream. My sister's scream. I jumped up and ran outside. When I got there I saw my sister knocked out, being carried away by a pitch black figure, with tentacles. I grabbed my bat and ran at it.

"LET HER GO!" I yelled, in anger.

The creature turned to me with a wicked smile.

"There he is. The One in Green."

I was confused about what he meant, but at the moment that didn't matter, I needed to get Emera back. I kept trying to hit it but it countered with its tentacles. After a very bad miss on my part, a tentacle flung me into a wall. I winced in pain and almost passed out. I tried to stand up, buti couldn't, I watched as it walked away with the only family I had left...

"GET BACK HERE COWARD!" I screamed, but it didn't listen and vanished into the shadows.

I laid there in shock, crying, when a man approached me. He looked quite old, and wise, dressed in white.

"Hello young man." He said, kindly.

"Can I help you?" I say shakily

He pours us tea and sits down. "I am here looking for strong warriors to become Ninja." He started. "I heard you were quite good at it, and I saw how you held up against the demon Epiales." He said.

"... If I do this, will you help me get my sister back?" I asked. He nodded.

"If you are to come, pack only the Necessities and follow me." He starts walking.

I walk inside and grab some clothes and other Necessities I own, then run to catch up with the old man.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I am Cavo, but you shall call me Sensei." He said. I nodded.

"And you are Aaron, Correct?" I nodded, slightly shocked at him knowing.

A few hours pass and we arrived at an old Mansion. I looked in awe and enter.

"You can go out back and train, I shall prepare food." Sensei walked off and I headed outside.

"A whole training area just for me? THIS IS SICK!" I yelled, and began training.

A few hours pass, and the lights start to flicker. I looked around and swear I saw movement. I tried to see it, and see a dark figure. 'Epiales!' I thought. I heard movement behind me, so I turned around and punched the demon.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL!" That sounded very human... I looked at the person I punched. A Black hooded boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I asked, loudly.


"Will you stop yelling Nathan!" Another voice yelled. Two more hooded guys appeared from the shadows. One of which had pure white hair and toxic green eyes, the other had black hair and yellow-brown eyes.

"Great! You're all here." Sensei said.

"Nathan, Zyke, Dominik. This is Aaron, he is the new Ninja. Now be nice and introduce yourselves."

The first boy I met put his hand out to me. "Yo! Names Nathan, I'm the White Ninja." His smile was bright. He pulled his hand back after a minute and shrugged at the other two.

"I'm Dominik," The black haired boy said. "The Yellow Ninja. And this us Zyke, he's the Purple Ninja."

"What do the colours mean?" I asked, curiously.

"White represents the element of Frost. Snow and Ice." Zyke said. "Yellow represents the elements of Electricity. And Purple represents Poison and Acid."

"Oh." I said.

"And Aaron here is the green Ninja, representing the element of nature." We all looked at sensei confused.

"I thought you said that the green Ninja would be a girl." Nathan said.

"I was wrong." Sensei said and walked inside. The other Ninja started training and I watched. Their teams chemistry was incredible, especially Dominik's and Zyke's, And here I am, intruding on it... I don't know if I'll be able to reach their standards. Nathan walked up to me and handed me a bow and arrow.

"Train with me!" Nathan said, I nodded and we trained for the rest of the day together.

When we finished we came inside to a feast, made by Sensei Cavo. We all started eating and it was... kinda fun.

"Can I do it please sensei?" Nathan asked. Sensei nodded and Nathan exited the room. When he returned he was holding a forest green Ninja suit. He held it out to me, and said.

"Welcome to the team." I couldn't help but smile, I took the suit and Dominik pat my back and smiled. Zyke nodded his head at me, which I think is good.

After food we headed up to bed, it was nice and cozy, but quite small. 2 sets of bunk beds were in the room and 1 wardrobe. The others all took turns in the shower and got dressed, and so did I. After that we went to sleep. The next day, I woke up to an Alarm, the others were already gone. I put on my suit and ran to the main Area.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Shadows have been spotted in North Kokoma." Zyke said plainly.

"This is no good." Sensei started. "That's the home of one of the Celestial weapons..." We all looked confused. "You four must go to Mount Koko and locate the Master Bolt before the Shadows do." We nodded, nd started to head out.

"Be safe, Young Ninja" Sensei said under his breath as we left.